Guitar Player's Thread

a) Wat?
b) Bullshit, it doesn't help. Not even that, but long hair kinda helps me. If you want I'll explain you why.
c) Acording to the last pics you've posted, FALSE!

Yeah Jose is right, I think. But it really depends of what kind of girls you want to get. Personally, I think long haired guys usually look better than short haired guys, but if you want some kind of none-metal girlfriend then I guess you'd better cut your hair. It depends of what you want to get.

And cutting your hair won't make you look less bald if you're really baldening.
Here's a little trick for you people, took on Wikihow but it's a trick that most teacher knows and tells there student. Maybe some of you have noticed the FCGDAEB major and BEADGCF minor thingy, maybe not, maybe you don't know the fuck I'm talking about, anyway:


-If I wanted to find the key signature of D Major. First I find D on the sheet. Because we want to find D major, we will only use the major side, which is on the right. It is in the sharps section, because everything below C on the list has sharps (for major scales). C major has no sharps. G major has 1 sharp because it is 1 below C. D major has 2 sharps because it is 2 below C. So we know it has 2 sharps.

- To find out which 2 sharps, simply count down from the top of the list all major scales with sharps (any with flats you count from the bottom). It has 2 sharps so it has F sharp and C sharp. If the scale we were trying to find had one sharp it would be F sharp only. And if it had four sharps, it would have F, C, G and D sharp, because you count down from the top of the list.

- To find a minor scale (e.g. G minor). Find the note on the sheet, in this case it is G. We will use the right side of the sheet because the scale is minor. The scale A minor has no sharps or flats. The section above A concerns flats. D minor has 1 flat note, and G minor has 2 flat notes.

- To find the flat notes in a minor scale, count the notes from the bottom (to find sharps in a minor scale, count from the top). G minor has 2 flat notes, so we take the 2 notes counting up from the bottom. This would make the key signature B flat and E flat.

The FCGDAEB can be easily memorize with some random sentence like Father Christmas Gave David An Empty Box, doing the inverse for the Minor (Box Empty An David Gave Christmas Father ?)
No offense, but this scheme is not very apporpriate to explain the stuff you pasted below. Normally, every serious teacher uses the circle of fifths/fourths (depends on the direction you count).
1. It's well arranged
2. It's common knowledge -> better understanding between musicians if you learn it
3. Many, many other theoretical facts can be explained with and seen in the circle of 5ths/4ths

If you learn the theory, the circle is an absolute must and your scheme becomes obsolete.


I only know german memorize sentences, but I know that some teachers at the GIT use BEAD (forwards and backwards) to memorize most of the circle.
Its just matter of opinion, personally I find the column thing easier to learn at first. I mean, I don't recommend that trick for someone who's planning to become some professional musician, but just a trick for those who don't really care about theory but still think that it might be helpful.
There's a way how you can memorize all the notes on guitar in very short time. You have a short story which tells you which note is for example on A string in the 11th fret. If someone is interested or too bored to find it on google I'll explain it.
^Man, when I see that stuff is when I start to think: when the fuck am I going to start to learn theory? Because that pics posted for me have no sense atm. I don't understand anything of them.

Yeah Jose is right, I think. But it really depends of what kind of girls you want to get. Personally, I think long haired guys usually look better than short haired guys, but if you want some kind of none-metal girlfriend then I guess you'd better cut your hair. It depends of what you want to get.

And cutting your hair won't make you look less bald if you're really baldening.

Nope. The last girl I got is the less metal thing I've seen in this earth, and my hair is one of the things she likes more about me.

Then once she got pissed because she said that I had prettier hair than her, :lol: She was like ''you're the first guy that I'm with that has better hair than I do, fuck you!''. :lol:
There's a way how you can memorize all the notes on guitar in very short time. You have a short story which tells you which note is for example on A string in the 11th fret. If someone is interested or too bored to find it on google I'll explain it.

If you could do that, I'd be indebted to you forever, as I'm too lazy to Google it...!!!:kickass:

^Man, when I see that stuff is when I start to think: when the fuck am I going to start to learn theory? Because that pics posted for me have no sense atm. I don't understand anything of them.

Nope. The last girl I got is the less metal thing I've seen in this earth, and my hair is one of the things she likes more about me.

Then once she got pissed because she said that I had prettier hair than her, :lol: She was like ''you're the first guy that I'm with that has better hair than I do, fuck you!''. :lol:

lol, same with me, though I only have semi-long hair (a bit past my shoulders) but my last gf loved them aswell :lol:
Okay I will try to translate it:
This method is based on the same method for example mind/memory world champions use. You invent a story which consists some hidden information.
Think of 7 persons:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
B.B. King
Danny Devito
Fidel Castro
Gary Linneker
As you may have noticed the bold letters belong to a music note.
You have to know these person by heart (like A > Schwarzenegger).

Now you need to know the notes on the E-String by heart. Really by heart when I say 7 th fret you should say like a shot B.

Okay let's go back to the persons, they all interact in a role play. (I know the story is like shit ;)). The only sense in this role play is to contain/encode this sequence:
A D G C F A# D# G# C# F# B E A
You may see that the notes repeat in a pattern.
Take a minute at just look at them.


B]A[/B]rnold Schwarzenegger tries to be cool and hits Danny Devito. Devito is angry because he was trying to steel Gary Linnekers Footballand couldn't go on due to his pain. Gary Linneker didn't notice it because he was watching Cher who strips for Fidel Castro.
To be honest Fidel didn't watch her because he is gay and stared at Arnold Schwarzeneggers ass. Schwarzenegger is sad because everyone hates him because he hit Danny Devito. Danny is totally angry and finds Gary Linnekerl to be a good victim to release his anger. Gary Linneker asks Cher to defend him. Cher doesn't want because she is pissed off too because Fidel doesn't care about her big boobs. Fidel rather tries to destroy B.B. Kings guitar. B.B King snatches his guitar from him and plays a sad blues song. The blues disturbs Einstein who is explaining the theory of relativity to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Read this story a few times that you can retell the story. Now look a the bold letters.

B]A[/B]rnold Schwarzenegger tries to be cool and hits Danny Devito. Devito is angry because he was trying to steel Gary Linnekers Footballand couldn't go on due to his pain. Gary Linneker didn't notice it because he was watching Cher who strips for Fidel Castro.
To be honest Fidel didn't watch her because he is gay and stared at A sharprnold Schwarzeneggers ass. A sharprnold's Schwarzenegger is sad because everyone hates him because he hit D sharpanny Devito. D sharpanny is totally angry and finds G sharpary Linneker to be a good victim to release his anger. G[ sharp/B]ary Linneker asks C sharpher to defend him. C sharpher doesn't want because she is pissed off too because F sharpidel doesn't care about her big boobs. F sharpidel rather tries to destroy B.B. Kings guitar. B.B King snatches his guitar from him and plays a sad blues song. The blues disturbs Einstein who is explaining the theory of relativity to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A D G C F A# D# G# C# F# B E A
The only purpose of this story is that you remember which note/character comes after the first.

You want to know: 7th fret d-string.
So you need to know one note which is on a 7th fret on a random string by heart. I think everyone knows the notes on the low E string so: We know:
B=BB King. The Story: King disturbs Einstein (E=7th fret a string) who talks to Arnie (A=7th fret d string).

This system works everywhere. The only problem is smaller difference between g and b string. So you'll need to go one semitone lower. instead of D sharp a D.
(the same example as before). Kind>Einstein>Arnie>Danny>Fidel sharp(instead of Gary)
low E string: B
A string: E
D string: A
G string: D
B string: F sharp (instead of G)

As a test you will reach the high E string so you can compare low and high e string.
There's a way how you can memorize all the notes on guitar in very short time. You have a short story which tells you which note is for example on A string in the 11th fret. If someone is interested or too bored to find it on google I'll explain it.

i used a method called the telephone method. Reason being that when you start getting people's numbers, the more yu dial, the more you remember them. So pretty much just learn all the notes on the E and A string, the rely on the octaves to get the notes for the rest of the strings (3rd fret e string G = 5th fret d string G) Eventually it will become second nature.
I recorded something with my borrowed Line 6 UX1Today. Turned out pretty well. It's my first recording ever with something of a sound interface. Ive tried one before but i sucked at it so :lol:

I covered Parkway Drive's "Smoke em' if you got em". Only thing missing is hte vocals which my friend will do but for now his throat hurt like a motherfucker so he couldnt get started :lol:

FIRST! The original song:

So here it is:

Please listen to me and give feedback/tips on my tone,playing,mixing etc(I didn't actually do anything special with it. Recorded parts separately in audacity,mastered the panning and volumes,cut out volume knob sounds and shit like that)
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Sounds quite good, though the tone could have a tone could be a bit sharper/more distorted on the opening riff, it sounds a bit too smooth for my taste, but that's just me.
Thank you, man! :D
Yeah that could be :) It's actually pretty hard finding good recording tones...the first ones i had were worthless fucking shit. :lol: THe ones i had on that were decent. I also double play many rhytm places on that with another kind of tone. Was kind of fucked to get some of them totally synced.

Also i got to say...I LOVE MY TAPPING PART ON THAT!:lol: It sounds so cool!
I recorded something with my borrowed Line 6 UX1Today. Turned out pretty well. It's my first recording ever with something of a sound interface. Ive tried one before but i sucked at it so :lol:

I covered Parkway Drive's "Smoke em' if you got em". Only thing missing is hte vocals which my friend will do but for now his throat hurt like a motherfucker so he couldnt get started :lol:

FIRST! The original song:

So here it is:

Please listen to me and give feedback/tips on my tone,playing,mixing etc(I didn't actually do anything special with it. Recorded parts separately in audacity,mastered the panning and volumes,cut out volume knob sounds and shit like that)

that's pretty good!
that story thing is too much effort. for me, memorizing the notes, or doing what earth breather said is much easier. For example, for all the notes on the 7th fret of each string just remember BEAD for the e, a, d, and g strings. and then F# for the b string, and then back to the B for the high e string. also, if you just learn the notes from frets 1-12 then you'll automatically know the notes past the 12th fret cuz it just repeats.
Do you people really memorize them like vocabulary? That must be a pain in the ass... I like learning by doing. I suggest: take the notes of a standard with a lot of notes (Donna Lee), transfer it on guitar with all the possibilities to play (one of the advantages of notes over tabs: more freedom)... BINGO you just learned many notes AND a cool standard.