Guitar Player's Thread

^ awesome links. but the paul gilbert ones don't work, as in I can't click on I supposed to do something else?

btw, you've already started college?! that's pretty early for the west coast. May I ask what you're majoring in?
awesome links. but the paul gilbert ones don't work, as in I can't click on I supposed to do something else?

Click on the yellow "Paul Gilbert 2008 w/ booklet" link and it provides 4 parts/installments of rapidshare links. These are in PDF format, the Jeff Loomis links are actual video demos (can anyone get these to work, in WMP asks for an extension).

btw, you've already started college?! that's pretty early for the west coast. May I ask what you're majoring in?

I am doing the preliminary community college type courses. I will transfer to state university and major in Electrical Engineering :loco: In other words, lots of physics and mathematics :ill:
eeks, good luck with that. but doing the community college thing first is very smart. saves you money and you get all the GEs out of the way.

and yeah, I did click that Paul Gilbert 2008 w/booklet link and those 4 rapidshare links that it leads to are not clickable.
Sorry for the blatant stupidity of these questions; but I have always wondered - how does the american school system work?

When you talk about "college" that refers to our university right? For people aged 18-21 pursuing higher education or is that wrong?
College here, is for 16-18 year olds and is more commonly called sixth form, this in america I believe still counts for the final years of high school.

Better system TBH, as it forces all the delinquients to have an extra mandatory two years of schooling, where as in england, they can leave at 16 after finishing senior school.

ANYWAY-sorry for the diversion lol, was interested, much thanks to any american who answers this and to Mitch and Mick for the guitar related shizz :)
Sorry for the blatant stupidity of these questions; but I have always wondered - how does the american school system work?

When you talk about "college" that refers to our university right? For people aged 18-21 pursuing higher education or is that wrong?
College here, is for 16-18 year olds and is more commonly called sixth form, this in america I believe still counts for the final years of high school.

Better system TBH, as it forces all the delinquients to have an extra mandatory two years of schooling, where as in england, they can leave at 16 after finishing senior school.

ANYWAY-sorry for the diversion lol, was interested, much thanks to any american who answers this and to Mitch and Mick for the guitar related shizz :)

Yeah in America, college is 18+ "pursuing higher education" lol
I go back to "pursuing higher education" next Saturday, so that pretty much means working an easy job at the school a few days a week, being bored and writing alot of music, and getting completely drunk every weekend. And of course homework and studying :lol:
That Jeff Loomis video is AWESOME!!! I've been wanting Jeff to demonstrate that fucked up diminished/chromatic thing in THE RIVER DRAGON HAS COME. I can kinda play it now. The chorus lead of BORN is great too, but very difficult. It's a mind fuck, similar to the second half of the DOWNFALL intro riff.

And I recorded a short clip of some Yngwie riffs/leads since it was sunny again today. It's shit but I've wanted to do it since I restrung my Ibanez.

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I'm learning the "Tornado of Souls" solo. I've got the bends and vibrato down, I just need to get faster, which shouldn't really be a problem with practice. :tickled:.

You guys can expect a vid in a few months, When I get the Jackson :).
What the fuck Eli, that was fucking great how dare you :S!!!?


Seriously though, Mitch, that was awesome. I love videos that have daylight in them, I dno why :lol:. I just saw your "Scream, Aim, Fire" video too, it's great!
┼Victim of the Night┼;7529688 said:
Oh pleaaaase... and this would be good playing?

I can do better... :Smug:

HAHA pfft...sure, if you don't shush now, I'll sweep pick all over YOU!! :heh:
That Jeff Loomis video is AWESOME!!! I've been wanting Jeff to demonstrate that fucked up diminished/chromatic thing in THE RIVER DRAGON HAS COME. I can kinda play it now. The chorus lead of BORN is great too, but very difficult. It's a mind fuck, similar to the second half of the DOWNFALL intro riff.

And I recorded a short clip of some Yngwie riffs/leads since it was sunny again today. It's shit but I've wanted to do it since I restrung my Ibanez.

i just realized how similar Forever Is A Long Time and SA's 8th Commandment are.

Good playing though.