Guitar Player's Thread

Me and my friends were bored today and decided to write a song about a pirate who lost his leg to the Squonge.

The Squonge is a fierce monster that is half-squid and half-sponge.
It was discovered on the backside of Symphony X's album cover, and can clearly be seen in the background here


So please listen our true pirate song and enjoy this tale of heroism and saving the rum.

These are the lyrics:

Upon this fateful night, I sail across the sea.
The crew all shakes with fright, The beast looks back at me.
And through it's piercing eye, I see what must be done.
I give a mighty cry, "This battle must be won!"

No place to hide, no place to run.
Fight through the night if you wish to see the sun.
All hands on deck, we face the Squonge.
We will never let it take our rum!

Tentacles surrounding me, they wrap around my neck.
We sink into the sea, my fucking ship is wrecked.
Then I cut it's arms, The beast It lets me go.
If the rum is harmed, "We will slay our foe!"

One arm has my foot, the other my rum.
I only have one bullet in my gun.
Make a decision, I can only save one.
I have two legs but one bottle of rum.

Me and my friends were bored today and decided to write a song about a pirate who lost his leg to the Squonge.

The Squonge is a fierce monster that is half-squid and half-sponge.
It was discovered on the backside of Symphony X's album cover, and can clearly be seen in the background here


So please listen our true pirate song and enjoy this tale of heroism and saving the rum.

These are the lyrics:

Upon this fateful night, I sail across the sea.
The crew all shakes with fright, The beast looks back at me.
And through it's piercing eye, I see what must be done.
I give a mighty cry, "This battle must be won!"

No place to hide, no place to run.
Fight through the night if you wish to see the sun.
All hands on deck, we face the Squonge.
We will never let it take our rum!

Tentacles surrounding me, they wrap around my neck.
We sink into the sea, my fucking ship is wrecked.
Then I cut it's arms, The beast It lets me go.
If the rum is harmed, "We will slay our foe!"

One arm has my foot, the other my rum.
I only have one bullet in my gun.
Make a decision, I can only save one.
I have two legs but one bottle of rum.


Holy shit
its really good lol.
The death metal vocals sound like Nathan Explosion's.
Hahahaha, that fucking rocks :lol: . The beginning made me lol. I've saved it now, it's actually really good!.
Have you tried to tighten the whole nut with the screws at the back of the neck

Like these?


My RR doesn't have the ones at the back of the neck, I think it has 2 screws when you remove the tightening nut tho. I'll try to tighten them a bit more.

Have you stretched the strings properly (you probably did)

I don't stretch my new strings, I usually just play them till they get stretched.

But when I found out I had this problem, I loosened the nut and stretched. I also did really heavy bends on all strings, including heavy dives and screams.

So I don't think it's that.

Have you taken the thing out, taken a pic of the knife edges and posted it in a forum like project-guitar

No, I haven't. Why is this?

Keep in mind that knife edges can be purchased seperately afaik. Nazgul sold a pair some time ago.

Hm, so someone (online stores?) sells new knife edges for the Schaller FR?

And how do I know if it's the knife edges that's the problem?

I'm asking a lot of questions, I'm like this by nature, love getting all the knowledge I can get.

Or maybe it's just the Schaller licensed FR that's shite perhaps?:p
I know that Nazgul bought brand new knife edges for one of his Schallers, but this was a very old one. Couldn't find them via Google though.

I mentioned the other forum because there are experienced players/builders who could tell if the knife edges are a problem.

I doubt it, Schaller has a good reputation when it comes to quality.

EDIT: And don't forget the famous Ibanez rules website. I know that you have a problem with the RR, but it gives general tips:
I know that Nazgul bought brand new knife edges for one of his Schallers, but this was a very old one. Couldn't find them via Google though.

I mentioned the other forum because there are experienced players/builders who could tell if the knife edges are a problem.

I doubt it, Schaller has a good reputation when it comes to quality.

EDIT: And don't forget the famous Ibanez rules website. I know that you have a problem with the RR, but it gives general tips:

Big thanks dude!

Reading the Ibanezrule forum right now. Looks like they really know what they're talking about.
I got something!

The locking washer against the wood will give alot as the "propellers" dig themselves into the wood. There are times, especially when using very heavy strings [but I've often seen this on 7 strings strung with 10's] when no matter how tight you tighten the nut the nut still wants to walk. Dive the trem and it walks toward the head, pull up and it reseats itself against the end of the fretboard. This produces an effect where when you dive the trem it comes back sharp, when you pull up it comes back flat. To stop the walking usually nothing short of gluing the nut in place with wood glue will work.

Ffuckk:erk: I don't wanna put fucking glue on my fucking guitar every fucking time I want to fucking play the fucking guitar.:(

Worst case scenario is that I have fucked up the neck. And It's not replacable due to neckthru.
Ensi, not stretching the strings properly is one of the most common reasons for a trem which doesn't stay in tune. Normal bendings usually are not enough. I copied the guide from Ibanez Rules for you:

Stretching Strings

There's a good reason this is the first section in Tech, and that's because this is the most common user error when it comes to floating trem systems. Strings of course stretch when you play them, everybody should be familiar with the concept. With a hardtail or fixed bridge, if you don't stretch the strings and do some bending you just have to retune the stretched strings back to pitch. The strings that stretched also didn't affect the pitch of the other strings. This is not the case with a floating system. Floating trems are simply, a pain in the ass! You really have to *want* to enjoy the benefits of a great double locking system to put up with all the technicalities and *rules* you must follow to get the most out of it, while causing you the least amount of distress. If you've never had one before you will have a steep learning curve before you will feel confident with the system, but that's why this Tech section exists. There is alot to know, so get started reading, but don't just *read*, *comprehend*. ;o}

In a double locking system where the strings are locked at the nut and bridge, what affects one string will affect them all. If your low E stretches just a little and goes flat the rest of the bridge will compensate and the other strings will go sharp. You've decreased the overall tension of the strings without decreasing the overall tension the springs are applying to the bridge [the springs are still pulling just as hard so they will pull the rest of the strings sharp]. There's a reason when a suspension bridge is built the cables are pre-stretched before they are ever hung, otherwise when you finished the bridge you might be driving on water. Steel [or any other wire] will stretch when put under tension, and will stretch ALOT. This will be amplified because a floating system can be pulled up to raise the pitch, which is pulling harder than a typical string bend will. I cannot stress enough how important it is to fully stretch new strings until they will not stretch any more, before you ever lock the nut the first time. There's also a funny thing about stretched wire. You can put new strings on your guitar today, fully stretch the strings until it's perfect. Put that guitar away for 2 weeks and pull it out. Give the low E a good pull and watch how far it drops in pitch. The metal will realign at the molecular level and will need to be stretched again after it does. This *re-stretch* is very quick as it will only take one good stretch to fully stretch this string again, unlike a new string which you might stretch for 5 minutes straight to get all the stretch out of it. [I absolutely HATE 7 strings because the low B just takes forever to stretch in fully]

How To Stretch Your Strings

Of course you will need a tuner and the full guitar should be tuned to pitch, or pretty close, before you begin [perfect pitch of the whole bridge will be lost in the stretching anyway, but you want it close]. I always start with the high E because I save the hardest work for last. The smaller the string diameter the less it will stretch, and the easier it is to break! Care should be taken when stretching the high E [sometimes the B] and the D string as the inner core of a D is actually about a .010 gauge string.

Grab the string mid scale and pull it back and forth simulating the hardest bend and vibrato you would ever put on a high E string. As I'm stretching I'll slide up and down the string to about the 1/3 to 2/3 point to get a more even stretch along it's length than just pulling in one spot. Stop, check the pitch and retune. Stretch again. Repeat until you can stretch it twice in a row with no drop in pitch. Move to the next string and repeat. The bigger the gauge the harder you should be pulling it to get all the stretch out of it. When I'm stretching wound strings I'm more worried about pulling a saddle forward than anything else, I pull them that hard when stretching them out. It will take me 10 minutes to fully stretch in a 6 string, and I do this for a living. Expect it to take you longer as you might not feel comfortable exerting the forces on the strings that I do, after all I have 30 or 40 spare packs of strings and singles lying around, it's no biggie if I break one, and I do break them fairly often. The whole point is that if your strings are not **fully** stretched you can expect them to go out of tune after you start playing the guitar, or especially, start wanking around on the whammy. When the strings are **fully** stretched you can be as violent as you want with the whammy bar and always expect it to return to perfect pitch [given that there are no other bugs keeping your system from a correct return, covered in other sections here]
Me and my friends were bored today and decided to write a song about a pirate who lost his leg to the Squonge.

The Squonge is a fierce monster that is half-squid and half-sponge.
It was discovered on the backside of Symphony X's album cover, and can clearly be seen in the background here


So please listen our true pirate song and enjoy this tale of heroism and saving the rum.

Lowberg, this RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ensi, not stretching the strings properly is one of the most common reasons for a trem which doesn't stay in tune. Normal bendings usually are not enough. I copied the guide from Ibanez Rules for you:

Ok thanks man, going to try it right now!

I read the guide while at my course, i'm gonna read it again and do it.
Me and my friends were bored today and decided to write a song about a pirate who lost his leg to the Squonge.

The Squonge is a fierce monster that is half-squid and half-sponge.
It was discovered on the backside of Symphony X's album cover, and can clearly be seen in the background here


So please listen our true pirate song and enjoy this tale of heroism and saving the rum.

These are the lyrics:

Upon this fateful night, I sail across the sea.
The crew all shakes with fright, The beast looks back at me.
And through it's piercing eye, I see what must be done.
I give a mighty cry, "This battle must be won!"

No place to hide, no place to run.
Fight through the night if you wish to see the sun.
All hands on deck, we face the Squonge.
We will never let it take our rum!

Tentacles surrounding me, they wrap around my neck.
We sink into the sea, my fucking ship is wrecked.
Then I cut it's arms, The beast It lets me go.
If the rum is harmed, "We will slay our foe!"

One arm has my foot, the other my rum.
I only have one bullet in my gun.
Make a decision, I can only save one.
I have two legs but one bottle of rum.


Masterpiece! :lol: That was both hilarious and great! And the lyrics rock too, nice job!
Me and my friends were bored today and decided to write a song about a pirate who lost his leg to the Squonge.

The Squonge is a fierce monster that is half-squid and half-sponge.
It was discovered on the backside of Symphony X's album cover, and can clearly be seen in the background here


So please listen our true pirate song and enjoy this tale of heroism and saving the rum.

These are the lyrics:

Upon this fateful night, I sail across the sea.
The crew all shakes with fright, The beast looks back at me.
And through it's piercing eye, I see what must be done.
I give a mighty cry, "This battle must be won!"

No place to hide, no place to run.
Fight through the night if you wish to see the sun.
All hands on deck, we face the Squonge.
We will never let it take our rum!

Tentacles surrounding me, they wrap around my neck.
We sink into the sea, my fucking ship is wrecked.
Then I cut it's arms, The beast It lets me go.
If the rum is harmed, "We will slay our foe!"

One arm has my foot, the other my rum.
I only have one bullet in my gun.
Make a decision, I can only save one.
I have two legs but one bottle of rum.


Well fucking done.

Sounds like Dethklok a lot. Except, you know... this is actually really good. :p

And it's about pirates, which are my favorite class of manly characters.
is someone good with drummachines? i have one new track but it doesn't have drums. doesn't need any crazy parts, just basics. let me know if someone wants to do that. kind of metalcore song. the breakdown sucks though :F
Me and my friends were bored today and decided to write a song about a pirate who lost his leg to the Squonge.

The Squonge is a fierce monster that is half-squid and half-sponge.
It was discovered on the backside of Symphony X's album cover, and can clearly be seen in the background here


So please listen our true pirate song and enjoy this tale of heroism and saving the rum.

These are the lyrics:

Upon this fateful night, I sail across the sea.
The crew all shakes with fright, The beast looks back at me.
And through it's piercing eye, I see what must be done.
I give a mighty cry, "This battle must be won!"

No place to hide, no place to run.
Fight through the night if you wish to see the sun.
All hands on deck, we face the Squonge.
We will never let it take our rum!

Tentacles surrounding me, they wrap around my neck.
We sink into the sea, my fucking ship is wrecked.
Then I cut it's arms, The beast It lets me go.
If the rum is harmed, "We will slay our foe!"

One arm has my foot, the other my rum.
I only have one bullet in my gun.
Make a decision, I can only save one.
I have two legs but one bottle of rum.


:lol: Fucking awesome!!

In case anyone has 2000+ euro to spend, this guitar is for sale:

More pictures:

It's a Custom Shop Jackson (not a RR24).

Cool guitar, pretty similar to the RR-J2SP.