Guitar Player's Thread

Really?thanks.Well I cannot seem to find steel wool in the supermarkets and even hardware stores over here which is pretty sad.Ill try harder then,all ive been using to clean the fretboard is a toothbrush and the dunlop spirit cleaner.
I had a great day today!! And this night I will (try to) play Metallica's "The Four Horsemen" "Battery" and Guns N Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine", I'm gonna sound like shit playing with a Guitar Pro backing track for the drums in The 4 Horsemen :lol: Luckily I found the actual drums, vocals, and bass for Battery :D BUT this is what I'm going to play with :


:lol: BTW it's going to be a christmas "party", here they are called "Posadas" I don't know in english, I should play a christmas song but naaah I'll play what I like and know :lol:

Wish me luck guys!!
I had a great day today!! And this night I will (try to) play Metallica's "The Four Horsemen" "Battery" and Guns N Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine", I'm gonna sound like shit playing with a Guitar Pro backing track for the drums in The 4 Horsemen :lol: Luckily I found the actual drums, vocals, and bass for Battery :D BUT this is what I'm going to play with :


Awesome, I think:D

:lol: BTW it's going to be a christmas "party", here they are called "Posadas" I don't know in english, I should play a christmas song but naaah I'll play what I like and know :lol:

Wish me luck guys!!

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Fellow players, I think we can all quit after this :lol::

BTW, in case someone goes ''oh but you can't see him play there, he's fake'', there you go, here you can see the guy play. If he has half composing skills as chops I want to hear stuff from this kid.

I swapped it last night, so much more clear then a blackout dude. :worship:

Better have a killer bass tone though. :lol:

Thanks dude, I'll swap it asap :kickass:

Yeah, the GP1000 is a very easy preamp to copy. Even i could do that ^^
But only 1 problem ... i dont have a gp1000.

Mm, i should calculate the estimated costs for a GP1000 copy, shouldnt be more then 250 euro or something.

If you ever decide to make them, me wants one :)

Ahh interesting, we both have the Transitional model but some of the resistors and stuff look different (I guess use whatcha got?)
I emailed Lee Jackson about the trim pot earlier, so I'll let you know his official reason for it once he gets back to me.

I also tried a shot of Tequila for the first time tonight, absolutely the most vile and disgusting thing I have ever tasted
It tastes like the way moldy trash smells. I don't recommend it to anyone lol

Tequila bad? No dude! Tequila is great! Actually the taste is not that great, but tequila itself is great to keep you up when the night gets long :lol:

I guess we just have to wait about a month until January NAMM
I doubt Jackson will have much new stuff, we haven't seen yet, they are probably going to do the whole "Oh we put some new models last year and now we aren't going do anything new or update our site for another 3 years" :lol:

It really annoys me with that whole ESP rhoads shape copyright thing.
If I'm right, the true ESP "Alexi" shape is on oversized Rhoads with the cutaway and the comfort curves on the back, You'd think that would be enough differences to get away with it.

I mean they could probably make the US Alexi closer to a Rhoads shape and get away with it. But hell I don't really know jack shit about how that guitar shape copyright shit works.

I don't know shit about copyrights, but I just wish they could have the same shape as Alexi's actual guitars in the signature series. The ones they have now are ridiculously large.

The new jacksonsite didn't list the white rr24, also, they put on ivoiroid binding or something, guess that's new(?)


so i auditioned on thursday for my talent show and i played inferno by symphony x and i got in! the real thing is on wed. im excited as hell

Congrats dude!
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so I'm trying to correct the intonation, and I'm not sure if this requires me to unlock the locking nuts first? I'm thinking if I do that, then when I put them back on, won't it effect the length of strings again? by putting pressure on the strings by locking them again? I never really messed with the screws of the saddles before either, so I'm kinda hesitant to start this before knowing exactly what to do. I read a few articles about how to do it, but none mentioned anything about the locking nuts. help?
ok, so I just spent about the last hour trying it out, yes I took out the locking nuts before anyone calls me stupid :p. and I snapped 2 strings in the process :lol: they came out of the saddle, but I managed to put them back in and retune everything. However the intonation isn't perfect on my low E string...and this is because every time I try adjusting the "saddle screw" aka this thingy

it will loosen so much that the string completely comes out. I'm guessing the edge III is just set up differently from other floating bridges like the floyd rose. So how the hell am I supposed to move the saddle back (cuz when I fret the 12 fret it is slightly sharper than the 12th fret harmonic) if I can't even adjust that screw that I just pointed out? Does anybody have an idea as to what I should do?

And that little screw that I circled in red, well, I tried loosening that as well cuz from what I read it said I have to first loosen that to loosen the saddle (which isn't even necessary) and then I ended up loosening it so much that the whole metal thing that holds the string came out....
The only screw you have to mess with is the red one. The green one keeps the string in the saddle so if you unscrew it, the string will pop out.

1. Check the intonation at the 12th fret. If the note is flat then you have to shorten the length of the string. If it's sharp you have to lengthen the length of the string.
2. Take the locking nut out.
3. Unwind the tuning peg of the string you want to intonate right. (3 complete turns should be enough)
4. Unscrew the red screw but not completely. This way you can move the entire saddle towards the fretboard or away from it. Move it a little bit.
5. Screw the saddle down and wind the tuning peg.
6. Tune the open string.
7. Check the tuning on the 12th fret. Is it OK? If it is, then intonate the other strings. If it's not, should it be a bit more sharp / flat? Start again at the 3rd step!
8. Don't forget to put the locking nut back.

Note: If you want to move a saddle towards the fretboard but you can't because of the red screw, unscrew this one and screw it in a hole which is nearer to the fretboard.
when I first tried it for the low E string, I loosened the red one so much, that the whole saddle came out like I said. So when I put the saddle back, I pushed it away from the body and screwed in teh red screw at the 2nd hole (as you can see in the pic). Now this is the problem...cuz there's only 2 holes you can put that screw in, and since I need to push the saddle back even further, what can I do now that I've put the screw in the furthest hole?

edit: Nevermind! I got it! I didn't think the saddle would actually stay if I couldn't move the red screw closer to the saddle itself, but it works. Thank you Steve!