hair length among male metal-heads

How long is your hair?

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I have long hair, and I've been growing it for about a year and a half now. My dad's always on my ass about my hair, and he's always telling me to gte a haircut.
I had long hair for 10 years! Had it cut last year in March, and it's been short ever since. Although I was very attached to my long hair (literally LOLZOBVLEO!!@!), it had to go. And I much prefer it this way. Shit loads easier to maintain, don't have to brush it etc. And not that I care what other people think about the way I look but the general consensus is it looks much better this way. I've considered growing it back... but it gets to this stage at the 2-3 month mark and looks massively gay so I end up getting it cut again. =/
The "always in my face" stage is really hard to get through and quite discouraging. When I was first growing my hair, I felt like giving up every now and then.

I was in that phase before the last time I cut it (sports obligation) and now I'm a few weeks into that phase again, but this time I'm going to be patient.
I've been in a perpetual state of growing it out then cutting it. I always give up when its about chin level, then it starts curling upwards and looks really lame.
Growing long hair takes some perseverance since there is about a one-year period where you'll look like a total douche (moreso than usual depending on what you look like and also depending somewhat on your hair type).
Just get it (Japanese) straightened Krig, I did when I was growing mine. By the time the straightening wore off (approx 4-6 months) it had grown to a decent length, and the weight helped it to go wavy.

What is this magical straightening of which you speak?

My hair is long, though I'm stuck in the futile delusion that it's actually an acceptable style just like average/short hair on most men(!)

(How could I ever think that? Long haired men never wash and have hygiene problems, obviously.)

'K, subtle sarcasm there. I wash my hair every other day, and condition too. Brushing ain't so bad, and it's long enough for me to just tie it back most of the time. I like my hair. It's soft. And, I actually think I look somewhat better in long hair than with short.
Its chemical straightening, and this particular type is developed in Japan. It doesn't hammer your hair like the other kinds of chemical straightening do, and lasts about 4-6 months depending on your hair. Its fucking great, so easy to manage. Im actually thinking of doing it again I loved it that much. It looks super fucking clean as well.
Growing long hair takes some perseverance since there is about a one-year period where you'll look like a total douche (moreso than usual depending on what you look like and also depending somewhat on your hair type).

I'm up to the challenge.
Just get it (Japanese) straightened Krig, I did when I was growing mine. By the time the straightening wore off (approx 4-6 months) it had grown to a decent length, and the weight helped it to go wavy.

Hmm, all the faggot emo kids at my school were getting their hair straightened to.
Yes but they style their hair like fucking idiots dude. When you're growing your hair out anyway, its going to look shit no matter what, so why not make it easier to deal with while you do?
Wow, quite a change in the poll from 1 v. 10 when I went to bed last night. Looks like the stereotype has some validity to it. ;)
I have long hair, and I've never really had problems with my hair because it is perfectly straight. I often wonder what the perception among women generally is about long hair. I sometimes think that my hair makes a bad impression on females and people in general. But my lack of success in this area might just be due to the fact that I am a weirdo.
Short because I like how it looks and it feels good. I begin to be really uncomfortable after its been growing for ~2-3 months so I always get it cut then.

As a side note, did anyone see Jeopardy last night? The guy who won has wicked metal hair.