hair length among male metal-heads

How long is your hair?

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Growing long hair takes some perseverance since there is about a one-year period where you'll look like a total douche (moreso than usual depending on what you look like and also depending somewhat on your hair type).

Tell me about it.
I have a skinhead short hair, mostly because I cut it myself and it's no maintenance.

But the long hair =metalhead stereotype proved bullshit, I have met dozen of guys with long hair that do not like metal.
Long and curly as hell, about halfway down my back when I get right of the shower.

I haven't cut or trimmed it for about two years, and don't plan to for another 4-5 years or so.
Mine is just beyond my shoulders for the time being, I'm probably getting a haircut soon though. It won't be short (as in 1/2 inch long and nothing over the ears, but it'll simply be more managable and - probably - presentable.
I have short hair. I've thought about growing it long but I always give in and cut it when it gets to the length that it's constantly in my eyes.
Just get it (Japanese) straightened Krig, I did when I was growing mine. By the time the straightening wore off (approx 4-6 months) it had grown to a decent length, and the weight helped it to go wavy.

BAH, Im not doing that crap. My hair is curly, so it will stay that way.

also, if I dont let it dry a certain way, it looks like complete shit. super puffy
Does anyone else here get mistaken for a girl once in a while? Usually by people doing menial work who aren't paying attention, like cashiers, waitresses, etc.

I once saw what I thought was a hot girl at a gig headbanging at the side of the stage. I was planning on hitting on her, but later realized it was a dude.
Does anyone else here get mistaken for a girl once in a while? Usually by people doing menial work who aren't paying attention, like cashiers, waitresses, etc.

I've gotten mistaken for a woman from behind a couple times by waitresses, I usually feel sorry for them after they hear me talk. I can see how that would make someone feel bad.
3.5 feet and growing for me.

Mistaken for a girl once, but my entire body was covered. Usually the beard and the height are giant giveaways though.