Hardcore...yay or nay?

When narrow minds meet they will combine,and bound by fear they will divide.But separation can only destroy what's left.Ensuring the end of what's true to me.In spite of myslef i will seclude myself.In spite of what's right i will exclude you.

Hard Fucking CORE.
Originally posted by nergal_S
I could not agree more Shokrok.. that "music" is horrible, to bad it is associated with metal

actually, i have been informed by many a hardcore fan that hardcore is NOT metal. they do not want to be associated with metal. even though they play metal shows and chill in the metal community. its an interesting bit of irony. they dont want to be apart of the metal scene yet they do
The only form of hardcore that I tolerate is Swedish crust (a.k.a. kang punk a.k.a. d-takt) - it fucking shreds, I won't let anyone say a single bad word about it. As for the rest of hardcore, it might as well not exist at all, it wouldn't make any difference for me.
I love hardcore, however I hate alot of the assholes in the scene right now who go around judging each other and trying to prove how tough they are at a show by throwing kicks and punches into the crowd and starting fights. It's not what hc is about, hardcore is about unity and respect. As for this whole hardcore v. metal thing that is going right now; it's realli stupid we should be supporting each other rather than tearing each other down, hardcore kid, metal head. It doesn't matter were all one scene.
Whoever says hardcore sucks or that it takes no talent are obviously to busy building their egos by listening to over-rated outfits like Novembre or Opeth and getting a case of 'instant dumb-ass'.

I am new to the post-hardcore movement with bands like Converge, Today is the Day, Isis and Cave In. I can honestly say that these bands (especially Converge and TitD) create masterpieces above and beyond anything Opeth have even conceived. All of you pseudo-intellectual listeners should try Today is the Day. Try getting your fat egos around that album. I bet you come back with shit like "It was just noise and it sucked". Lame-brain fucks.

Anyone here like The Great Deceiver? You know the band that features Tomas Lindberg (At the Gates). Well, they are a hardcore band.

@nergal and genocide roach- what did you two do? Listen to one song and say "DUUURRR, THis takes no talent, one song sucks so it all must suck, time to listen to some more Opeth cuz I like listening to the same album over and over again."
Acctualy i knew nothing of the hard core scene until one of my freinds who listins to hard core invited me to a show. The show was Bleeding Throught and 4 other bands. After watching the 12 years old kids with X's marked all over the bodies enter the show i had a feeling somthing was wrong. When the first band went on my feeling was true. The singer was rolling around on the ground screaming random things while the guitar player played the same power chords muted for the whole song, the drumer was playing very simple snare hit hat snare bass patterns and the people listing to the show were all kicking each other in the face. After this i went back to the end on the concert for fear of getting injured. Next band i saw was 3 black dudes and 1 white guy on drums. The singer was not as active in the band because he was well over 400 pounds how ever his singing was just random screams. The guitar player in this band even made me more sick for he kept messing up his simple power chords mutes. And the weird thing is the 3 members would go of the stage and start hitting little kids or as the call it dancing?? The last band was the worst, the singer was wearing a straight edge t shirt and im not shure what this movment means but i can tell you it has somthing to do with violence. Because he lifted his shirt up and people started punching each other?? Kids were climbing up on the P.A. systems and jumping feet first onto other kids heads. This was so much blood every were that i came to the conclusion that its not about the music its about the violence. The audiance were some of the most strange people i have ever seen. And they all looked at me strange because i had long hair and was wearing a Mayhem shirt with 2 inverted crosses. It turns out a majority of the fans and the bands are christians. After this bad experince i wanted nothing more to do with hard core, and i hope the scene dies soon.
It's stupid how some hardcore kids throw punches and kicks to each other to hit people who don't they even know. Fucking idiots.
the kicking and punching is a thing called "hardcore dancing" and it is "k00l". fags. straight edgers are a bunch of people who take the idea of being sober (not drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and orignial no pre marital sex) and take it to the asshole level. meaning they think everyone who isnt SxE are scum and should die. gay
Originally posted by genocide roach
the kicking and punching is a thing called "hardcore dancing" and it is "k00l". fags. straight edgers are a bunch of people who take the idea of being sober (not drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and orignial no pre marital sex) and take it to the asshole level. meaning they think everyone who isnt SxE are scum and should die. gay

The kicking and punching is a thing called "moshing".Well that's what it used to be called until it all got trendy and people now refer to moshing as "jumping".If someone hits you.Hit them back.If you don't like it.Leave.

Good Friendly Violent Fun.
I went to an In Flames show after they released the lackluster 'Clayman' and people were doing this "hardcore dancing". Interesting.....
I'd never heard of the "straight-edge" thing before.. If it's really how you say it is... well it all sounds kind of backwards to me. If they're so "straight-edge" and for the majority they're christian, aren't they taught not to judge others? I wonder if people actually think about things like that.
straight edge sounds like somthing created by the church. LOL. Infact i know they have hard core concerts at church gatherings. I have seen them advertised. To me hard core seems like a water down death metal for the masses. There is no tech guitars or drums, no brutal lyrics. And the songs are all made to be easy listing.
REaly is not create by the church far from that............I have a lot of stright edge frineds and they all are black metal fans and....totaly agins the institution of god!!!! as me........

the only diferrence is that they dont eat meat.......and dont take drugs.........

about hard core.....I like some hard core bands like discharge, chaos uk ( more curst but still )
lova hard core crossover bands like, DxRxIx , S.O.D., M.O.D., nuclear assault, suicidal tendenciesthe nwe hard core.....is infect or by rap music or by emo music.....there is no true pure hard core anymore.......sad.............but true........
Straight edge=no drugs, achool, smoking, pre martial sex(alot of edge kids don't follow that one anymore). Straight edge has nothing to do with god, religion, most edge kids I know aren't into god, religion etc... no offense to anybody but before you start dissing hardcore/straight edge you should do your homework, and stop dissing an entire scene/lifestyle based on the actions of the minority.
Originally posted by union9
The kicking and punching is a thing called "moshing".Well that's what it used to be called until it all got trendy and people now refer to moshing as "jumping".If someone hits you.Hit them back.If you don't like it.Leave.

Good Friendly Violent Fun.

uh, no. quit being ignorant. i have never heard of this "jumping" you speak of. moshing came from the good ole circle pit. it is my personal belief that hardcore dancing came from a guy in a mosh pit suddenly having a siezure and everyone thought it was cool.
Originally posted by killthisday
no offense to anybody but before you start dissing hardcore/straight edge you should do your homework, and stop dissing an entire scene/lifestyle based on the actions of the minority.

i am just stating what i have seen within my scene. and alot of the SxE kids are assholes and elitist about it
A lot of so-called hardcore bands these days sound more like metal than some metal bands. Five years ago they were all aping Slayer, now they sound like Swedish metal...

I agree with whomever said that when they think of hardcore they think of Bad Brains, Minor Threat, etc. Without that stuff cross-pollinating with metal we would all still be listening to Judas Priest. Wait, some of us still do.

As far as current hardcore goes, I listen to a lot of hardcore from other scenes like Japan, Finland and Brazil, they seem to base their music more off the play as fast as you can raw punk, rather than the straight-edge metalcore that seems so predominant in the US scene.

However, there are a lot of really interesting "screamo" bands in the US that I don't even know if I would call hardcore, just really fast, spazzy screaming no-wave noise. I like a lot of this stuff but most of it just flies over everyone's heads. Bands in this idiom to check out would be Honeywell, Angel Hair, Vida Blue (now Ten Grand), City of Caterpillar, A Trillion Barnacle lapse, etc. etc. etc.

Check out these labels to see where the US "screamo" hardcore scene is going: Level Plane, Electric Human Project, Clean Plate (also grind!).