Have you found it difficult to meet people who enjoy extreme metal?

MetalNoob said:
Watch it man.

Hail Bon Jovi and Bruce

I can't stand Bruce or Bon Jovi. fuck them both.

I heard that Henry Rollins wanted to kill Bruce Springsteen.
(M)aggoT said:
I've met only one guy who enjoys extreme metal but... he talks like an idiot. There are many people in my school with Nirvana t-shirts. I rank them as a fucking emos. I guess I am the exception, I wear SlipknoT t-shirts but I hardly listen to them now. I am a black/death metal fan. Only one guy wears Deicide "Legion" album cover on his t-shirt but he looks like a faggot.

dont wear slipknot shirts.
ThePhilosopher said:
I see people wearing all sorts of metal shirts at the college I go to. During one day of walking on the main drag here, I saw two different Bathory shirts. I saw a girl in an Emperor t-shirt a few days ago. I was washing my hands in the bathroom, some dude walked up to me and was like "Is that an Agalloch shirt O_O?" There are two people in my logic class who have worn Kreator, Bathory, Burzum, and Suffocation shirts. My girlfriend likes metal. My old bandmates who are also my best friends are into metal. My roommate from last year is a huge black metal fan. I formed a new old-school (Entombed, At the Gates, Suffocation, Dismember-styled) death metal band with people I met here. Needless to say, I know plenty of people who like the stuff I do.

What fucking part of NJ do you live in?
cookiecutter said:
A bad band that is popular. What else is new.

worse yet, my bitch of a sister likes them too. When I used to ride in her car when she picked me up from work (I don't drive), I'd have to listen to that godawful band. I hate my sister as much as I hate sand my pals and fried chicken.
ohiogrinder said:
speaking of meeting people into metal, I wore my Morbid Angel hoodie to Sheetz here in Canfield, last night, and some kid approached me and said "cool shirt, man". I struck up a convo with him and he told me he was into bands like Deicide and Cattle Decapitation (now I'm not a huge Cattle Decap fan, but this was a once in a blue moon opportunity). I guess I meet these people when I least expect it.
Which hoody? The one with Extreme Music For Extreme People on the back? Because that's the hoody I have. I wore my Emperor long sleeve Anthems shirt yesterday with not a single comment or question about it.
Necuratul said:
What fucking part of NJ do you live in?

Well, I'm originally from Rutherford which is in Bergen County. I'd say there's about 3 serious metal fans from there that I am friends with, and a good deal of the Lamb of God/Shadows Fall type. But I'm actually referring to where I go to school (Rutgers in New Brunswick). Additionally, one of my friends who goes here also saw someone wearing a Summoning hoodie, which is pretty cool. But yeah, there seems to be a decent congregation of metal fans here, but that's the case with most large public universities anyway.
bluewizard said:
Which hoody? The one with Extreme Music For Extreme People on the back? Because that's the hoody I have.

its a bootleg one from Warlord Clothing. the "Hungry Satan" one.
ThePhilosopher said:
Well, I'm originally from Rutherford which is in Bergen County. I'd say there's about 3 serious metal fans from there that I am friends with, and a good deal of the Lamb of God/Shadows Fall type. But I'm actually referring to where I go to school (Rutgers in New Brunswick). Additionally, one of my friends who goes here also saw someone wearing a Summoning hoodie, which is pretty cool. But yeah, there seems to be a decent congregation of metal fans here, but that's the case with most large public universities anyway.

That's where I go to school man, what campus do you live on? I commute. Oh yeah, I might be the one you've been in a Bathory shirt. I've seen two other people with Bathory shirts too actually. I've been trying to find people who listen to Metal. I found one guy that I talked to for a minute or two waiting for the bus. I'll probably run into him again at some point, because I've seen him before.
Authentic Metalhead said:
My friend started a metal club at school today (as it was official Club Day) and it's now infested with people whom I know for sure do not like good metal. This is my chance to educate them. :Smug:

be careful, you might get a grindcore fan or two like me in there....don't dis grind.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I wouldn't dare dis grind; I may not enjoy it much, but I don't look down on people for their tastes. :) Strangely enough, I have found myself starting to like some of it. :lol:

I feel the same way. Grind is like thrash to me, I only like a little of it, but I repsect it as a genre.
There are several big meathead dudes at my gym that I've seen wearing Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Slayer, Nile, etc. t-shirts, but I do not feel the urge to go up to them and talk metal. They are usually listening to their headphones, anyways (as am I), and probably don't even want to be bothered. One of them is always there with his girlfriend I wouldn't mind talking to, though (she's smoking hot).
Necuratul said:
That's where I go to school man, what campus do you live on? I commute. Oh yeah, I might be the one you've been in a Bathory shirt. I've seen two other people with Bathory shirts too actually. I've been trying to find people who listen to Metal. I found one guy that I talked to for a minute or two waiting for the bus. I'll probably run into him again at some point, because I've seen him before.

I'm on College Ave. I've actually seen a lot more metal fans here this year than last year, it's weird. It's pretty sweet though.
Yeah, I've seen an increase as opposed to last year. All I saw last year was a guy in a Darkthrone shirt and a fat chick in a bootleg as fuck Beherit shirt.
Necuratul said:
We don't take kindly to your type around these parts.

...Metal chicks?

I'm the only one I've seen other than one other person who wears extreme metal band shirts. There's one other guy I've seen where a Black metal band of some sort, but that was a year or so ago. Everyone else wears shirts mainly for Power and Metalcore.

Am wearing my Mayhem shirt right now. \m/\m/
Well i bet there are more metalheads out there, but just don't wear metal shirts or look metal. I know many people like this.