Heathen Crusade ... go attend it or die ...

Midnyte said:
As much as I would LOVE to attend, especially since it's the weekend before I turn 30, what a way to celebrate.... I am currently saving every penny I make for Inferno.

I can't afford to shell out for two metal fests that close together unfortunately. But, if this one does well, hopefully I can make it the following year.

I hate to say it, but the chance to see Emperor wins this time, as does the chance for me to finally travel outside the US.

Might want to re-think that one. Emperor will be doing a handful of shows in the U.S. Google it for info.

As for this fest, got my airfare & ticket already. :headbang:
So far I've seen two dates mentioned, New York and Los Angeles.

And well, it's too late now, I've already purchased my 3 day festival pass.

This is also vacation for me. A week in Oslo, then a week in Stockholm visiting a couple friends there.
Midnyte said:
As much as I would LOVE to attend, especially since it's the weekend before I turn 30, what a way to celebrate.... I am currently saving every penny I make for Inferno.

I can't afford to shell out for two metal fests that close together unfortunately. But, if this one does well, hopefully I can make it the following year.

I hate to say it, but the chance to see Emperor wins this time, as does the chance for me to finally travel outside the US.

Hey, I see another from the inferno forum:wave: I am actually going to make it to both festivals so I am excited.:headbang:
47 Days and counting!

And just as a reminder...


Featuring, in their FIRST North American performances:

MOONSORROW from Finland
PRIMORDIAL from Ireland
THYRFING from Sweden


Saturday, January 21, 2006
Star Central
4005 Central Avenue NE
Columbia Heights, MN 55421 (Minneapolis)

$25 in advance, $30 day of show

For general info contact: info@heathencrusade.com

For more info, go to: www.heathencrusade.com or www.myspace.com/heathencrusade
its all in basicly plain text... i dont know what your problem is, maybe you need school? maybe thyrfing is in cursive.... whats that... 3rd grade?
dont mind me, just being an asshole.

i dont think ill be able to make it. id love to go but my financial situation is the lame... how much was your plane ticket belgar? i goat to see thyrfing. i am excited in the pants over the fact they will be in the states. but yeah, you should buy them a ticket so they can come over here and jam in my garage or some shit. and we can party and play darts and stuff. not a bad idea.... lets sponser that!
I would love to go to this show. Too bad this lineup would fail as a tour, and of course the fest would be held nowhere near me :( .

Todesbonden will be playing a show here in Jan, and I've seen The Chasm, but that's about it for around here. Novembers Doom came here with The Gathering in 04, but I couldn't drive and NO ONE ELSE WOULD GO :( :(. Same thing happened with Amon Amarth/Kreator/Nile in 03.

Primordial and Moonsorrow wouldn't be caught dead on this side of the states, unless they were the 5th slot on one of those monster Extreme Metal tour lineups. Thyrfing would however be the highlight of the show for me. I would hope for them to get at least an hour set, but who knows. Wheres the sword logo?? Vikings don't like butterflies... or do they? Haha!

For those of you who are able to make it to this show I hope it is everything it truly should be. And do what you can to help it SUCCEED! For some reason everyone with their love for Extreme Metal don't want to do anything but just type about it, and these tours and festivals fail miserably because of it. I KNOW there is more than 100 of us here in the States! The good bands, if they come around, end up having to open for the crappy ones (Just saw trivium play a longer set than Amon Amarth... nuff said). In any event, it shall be a fucking great show. Cheers!
The problem in the US is that fans are not as dedicated as us Euros.
One just has to witness festivals suchs as Wacken or Graspop to see that people aren't afraid to drive sometimes over 1000 miles to go to the festival.
In the US people expect bands to cater to their need and stop by every hamlet where 4-5 fans live. It reflects a society that is used to having everything come to them when they need/want it. Metal does NOT work that way.
People get a fucking job save 200-300$ to fly and another $100 for ticket and food and yes they can make it. The whole I have no gas money, no car,... is just pure excuse. I am not saying we should all flock to a venue, but those who trully want to attend a fest have no excuse.
Same for the Sodom/Finntrol tour, why in the hell would Sodom do a full US tour to end up in the same shitty places that did no tour promotion, with the same 50 local rednecks who will show up,... in the end you get good bands that will come and do only 4-5 dates.
You also have troopers like Kupshi who try to get a fest organised and I damn hope people will go and attend this heathen fest.
Belgar said:
The problem in the US is that fans are not as dedicated as us Euros.
One just has to witness festivals suchs as Wacken or Graspop to see that people aren't afraid to drive sometimes over 1000 miles to go to the festival.
In the US people expect bands to cater to their need and stop by every hamlet where 4-5 fans live. It reflects a society that is used to having everything come to them when they need/want it. Metal does NOT work that way.
People get a fucking job save 200-300$ to fly and another $100 for ticket and food and yes they can make it. The whole I have no gas money, no car,... is just pure excuse. I am not saying we should all flock to a venue, but those who trully want to attend a fest have no excuse.
Same for the Sodom/Finntrol tour, why in the hell would Sodom do a full US tour to end up in the same shitty places that did no tour promotion, with the same 50 local rednecks who will show up,... in the end you get good bands that will come and do only 4-5 dates.
You also have troopers like Kupshi who try to get a fest organised and I damn hope people will go and attend this heathen fest.

the problem with shelling out about 500$ for a show is A)taking time off work and B)gotta pay bills. life isnt just handed to some people ya know. shit if there were a show for the southeast or some shit like in ga id go no problem.
ya that'd be fucking great. got about half a year to go though (augest)... but thats cool, Taya (the girl i was with) and I shared a bottle of captain morgan silver before the show so that worked out pretty good anyway.

im gonna see if i can gather some dough for MN though. i realy doubt it will happen but who knows, maybe ill hit the lotto or some shit... in which case ill sponser to have the show held in my garage and there will be heavy metal up your ass.... in the street!!!
The organizers of the Heathen Crusade Metalfest and the members of THYRFING are happy to announce that Toni Kocmut will be performing several songs with THYRFING during their set at the Heathen Crusade. For those of you who do not recognize the name, Toni performs the “clean” vocals on THYRFING’S releases. What makes this performance special is that this will be the first time that Toni has EVER performed live with THYRFING.