Heathen Crusade ... go attend it or die ...

Belgar said:
It's not outside, you'd be crazy to play outside in MN at end of January it's like way below 0 at that time of the year.
I am just hoping people won't be turn off by the cold and the state rules.

Some are turned off.
Belgar said:
It's not outside, you'd be crazy to play outside in MN at end of January it's like way below 0 at that time of the year.
I am just hoping people won't be turn off by the cold and the state rules.

The cold weather just leads to drunken snowball fights.
I agree about the comment about so many metalheads in the US or North America in general.

I also found it amusing how many of us on the western part of the US travelled to Milwaukee or any of the other various fests but alot of people from the east never dare thought about making it out to some of the fests out west.

Anyways, I look forward to freezing in january!
tattooedsean666 said:
I agree about the comment about so many metalheads in the US or North America in general.

I also found it amusing how many of us on the western part of the US travelled to Milwaukee or any of the other various fests but alot of people from the east never dare thought about making it out to some of the fests out west.

Anyways, I look forward to freezing in january!

you guys out there in the west make three times the amount of money us poor folks do in the east
What Thomasz states I can see being very true for America. Up in Canada The first most western provinces (B.C and Alberta) are very wealthy, then Saskatchewan and Manitoba, more centralized provinces are very poor. Then you have a extremely rich Ontario and Quebec. Then the Maritimes, which are probably one of the poorest parts of Canada (other than the Yukon, N.W.T and Nunavut; the grim and frostbitten territories up North).

Our dollar is slowly coming back, especially since Mother Nature decided to get involved yet again. Traveling to the States seems more and more possible every day. The board is sure becoming more and more of a bitch though....
Mork said:
I was planning this from the day I heard of it. Sadly....900 dollar plane ticket+accomadations just doesn't work when I don't work...

Nonstop from Calgary to Minneapolis on Northwest for $533. Still a ton of money, but better than $900.
DragonKeeper said:
haha i am going to try to make it...i am currently trying to arrange a bunch of us here to go all together.
by the way...those t-shirt designs are awesome :)

Thanks our artist is a GOD!!!!! :rock: