Heathen Crusade II Update! Band Announcements!

General Zod said:
I have no problem with the "cheese" factor present in Bal-Sagoth's music. My problem is with the quality of the songwriting.

I'm not familiar enough with the majority of their releases, but based on what I heard from "Battle Magic", I agree with Greg and since you place that as possibly their best release J., I can't imagine feeling differently upon listening to them. That said, my opinion is certainly incomplete.
It is commonly agreed that their best is Starfire Burning. My personal fave is Battle Magic.

By songwriting quality, if you mean the lack of verse/chorus..ad nauseam, then I agree.

No worries, I'll still buy y'all a beer, or red wine, if that's your fancy.
J. said:
It is commonly agreed that their best is Starfire Burning.

Will try to check it out.

J. said:
By songwriting quality, if you mean the lack of verse/chorus..ad nauseam, then I agree.

I suppose that's part of it, as the structures of the songs just seemed so monotonous and happy sounding. (Though based on what you said before, perhaps they're not trying to be a "take us serioiusly" type band).

J. said:
No worries, I'll still buy y'all a beer, or red wine, if that's your fancy.

And vice versa. :kickass:

I'm definitely a beer man - and I'm sure with enough of them, I could see B.S. being pretty entertaining.
Giving Balls Sagoth another chance at the moment. Holy fuck is this bad.

Checking out something from Starfire Burning Upon My Nads, let's see if this is any better.
It's like listening to the soundtrack to the movie "Return to Oz"


Haha in all fairness these tracks from Starfire... are decent enough.
J. said:
By songwriting quality, if you mean the lack of verse/chorus..ad nauseam, then I agree.
I could care less that the songs don't follow a set pattern. Hell, the new Zero Hour will probably be my disc of the year, and Bal-Sagoth isn't 1/1,000th as progressive. I just don't find the songs at all interesting.

J. said:
No worries, I'll still buy y'all a beer, or red wine, if that's your fancy.
Grey Goose & Red Bull, thanks. And I'll buy your next 12 rounds of beer, to catch for what it cost you for the Goose & Bull.

ct_thrash said:
i am MOST pleased about bal-sagoth headlining. they were my #1 pick for heathen crusade! :kickass: that's one down! now...how about root, please, thank you :)

and just for kicks, see if sean connery will do guest vocals for bal-sagoth.

ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT RULES! I just got an email from them not too long ago.
what's funnier is that J used to call Bal Sagoth gay.

when they were announced at some festival a couple years back, he went on and on and on about how gay they were.

yeah, this has nothing to do with liking prog metal or whatever, this is totally to do with the fact that Bal Sagoth don't write interesting music. And that yorkshire-accented narrative is horrible, god I will laugh if they do that live. Especially Byron and his backturned baseball cap, looking like Fred Durst or some other nu-Metal pie eater.