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Thank you all :).
Alasdhair: David Gemmell (Troy trilogy), Paolo Coelho, Jules Verne, Bram Stoker, Elizabeth Kostova, Dan Brown...

Virtuoosi, etkö todellakaan ole kuullut ennen sanaa "kinner" :D? Ensinnäkin se on ruuminosa (löytyy monilta eläimiltä, esim. hevosen takajaloissa se "keskiosa"). Siipikinner taas on pöllitty Sormusten herrasta, sehän on nimi jonka Éomer antaa Aragornille... yleensä minut tunnetaan Fëanorelina, mutta menin sähläämään rekisteröinnissä --> piti ottaa joku toinen.
Nice list! Have you ever tried any Terry Brooks? Very good...

David Gemmel is very good aswell.

I found Gemmel's books when I was in England last summer. Lord of the Silver bow was so amazing that it became one of my favourite books (of course Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and all those are at the top...). I have also read "Shield of Thunder" which is very good, too. So, know I must get "Fall of Kings"...

Terry Brooks? I think no... And that means I must go to library! Thanks for recommending :).
I found Gemmel's books when I was in England last summer. Lord of the Silver bow was so amazing that it became one of my favourite books (of course Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and all those are at the top...). I have also read "Shield of Thunder" which is very good, too. So, know I must get "Fall of Kings"...

Terry Brooks? I think no... And that means I must go to library! Thanks for recommending :).

I'm hoping Fall of Kings won't be impacted too much by David Gemmel's death and his wife finishing the book off for him...

And as for Terry Brooks, I'd recomend reading the Sword of Shannara Trilogy first, as that is his best series. Let me know how it goes!
Virtuoosi, etkö todellakaan ole kuullut ennen sanaa "kinner" :D? Ensinnäkin se on ruuminosa (löytyy monilta eläimiltä, esim. hevosen takajaloissa se "keskiosa"). Siipikinner taas on pöllitty Sormusten herrasta, sehän on nimi jonka Éomer antaa Aragornille... yleensä minut tunnetaan Fëanorelina, mutta menin sähläämään rekisteröinnissä --> piti ottaa joku toinen.

En todellakaan ole kuullut...Ensimmäisen kerran nyt tuli vastaan :O