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Yea it probably is normal, but if fucking sucks when I have long hair (and want to have long hair...) but look like an old fucking man WITH long hair.
^ Thought it was "but I'm old and gay" :rofl:
If you were gay, your hair should be in pretty good shape, if you get me :lol:

I take care of my hair quite well, its mostly due to genes.


But yea the shitty thing about my hair is that im only 18, but my hair looks like a 50 year olds cuz its so god damn thin. Going for blood tests on friday to see if im anemic or have a thyroid problem causing my hair loss. And then im probably going to cut it all off anyway -_- ill post pics so you can all lol @ me :p

I knew a guy who was almost completely bald at 14, first year of high-school.
His response to the situation was to shave his head constantly, and join the rowing team, where he got huge. Not very many people lol'd @ him.
Also he was getting beer at 15-16 because he was massive, and bald. (age is 19 here)

Get a skullet! :yow:

Fucking, yes!
panzer division is a sick cd! i have been listening to world funeral a lot lately though.

Panzer Division sucks,its just bunch of noise,then again maybe its just me,im not into that type of BM anymore,and im definitely not a Marduk fan.
Anyway,welcome to the board.
thanks man, im into it all though. some shit takes alot of effort to decipher what is going omn the song though like you said all lot of it sounds like noise. world funeral is amazing though.
I actually like some Marduk, I just think their whole "RAAARGH PANZER DIVISION ORROGOGOUGOIGH" shit is ridiculous.