"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

That's odd, because I know many people (mostly +30 year old adults) who say that watching movies is a hobby. But now the absolute truth has been said by you and I realized that my life is a lie. Thank you for the enlightenment.

Those 30+ people are losers with no hobbies, thats why they talk to 17 year olds.

sup cody

what's with the new account?

Ha! :D
That would be cool if you knew who Codl was.

You're saying that you're not up for sexual intercourse with Alexi? ;]

Not all of us have the balding, midget-trap fetish :p

I must first acquire a vagina!

Truth bro, truth.

In all seriousness, welcome to the worst place on earth, but it's still somehow entertaining to be on while you're resting your head in your hand and tapping your desk and or table with your other hand waiting on something interesting to happen. Get leather skin, don't talk about Alexi's penis, and make sure you can spell and you'll be fine, because no one likes a second grader... Except the guy that just posted above me :) Not, Ipot, the candy man
because no one likes a second grader... Except the guy that just posted above me :) Not, Ipot, the candy man

In all seriousness, welcome to the worst place on earth, but it's still somehow entertaining to be on while you're resting your head in your hand and tapping your desk and or table with your other hand waiting on something interesting to happen. Get leather skin, don't talk about Alexi's penis, and make sure you can spell and you'll be fine, because no one likes a second grader... Except the guy that just posted above me :) Not, Ipot, the candy man

Well said sir.

Nah, it's just because my Three Wolf Moon Shirt brings all the boys to the yard. TRUTH!


Hey there sexy ;)