Hey anyone living in the USA get this man!

perfecterror said:

DVDA's kick butt....

Bunch of fascists.
I mean, what's so wrong about being socialist? You want the weak to have some food too?!?!?!

Damn, Thomas, you're allowed to blow up their car and spraypaint "Nazi-bastards, get out!" on the sidewalk. But that's my humble opinion.
No, seriously...go your own way....if they can't learn to accept and respect your decisons and thoughts, i say fuck em. Really. Move away and send them a Christmas card every year.
thomas i know how u feel and shit. i moved out of my house last year on my dads birthday and moved into my gf's parents house. and the thing is my mom expects me to call her every week and see whats going on and shit and i never got along at all with her so i havent spoke with her in alomst a month and id like to keep it that way. if i had to choose where i live id say somewere in scandanavia. in major wars or whatever they keep to them selves. as selfish as it may seem its a good plan cause u wont hear about how bush is fucking everyone over.
i dunno i think of parents as a facist government and they want to have control over you until they cant squeeze our balls anymore. i might sound crazy or whatever but leaving my house was the best thing for me. period!