Hey anyone living in the USA get this man!

man i wish i could go to brazil or anywhere out of the country really. hell i've barely made it out of the timezone. but at the same time i feel lucky to be in the states and have been able to cover some ground, but there's so much more here that i havent seen. yet i'm dying to go to scandinavia, except i don't have the money and i cant just drive there and live out of the car. i mean, how are you expected to decide what to do with the rest of your life when you've only seen a fraction of it?

i totally know what you mean about people telling and expecting you to do this and that, go to school, get a nice job, buy a house and get married and have 2.5 kids and get 2 cars and go on family vacation once a year, and get old, retire and waste away. it's bullshit and family and school has only taught me what i don't want to do or be like. you're supposed to just accept what you've been given or forced into, shut up and dont complain. and most people just swallow that or are too stupid to look around and see otherwise. this is not to say you shouldn't respect what you take for granted, but use it in relative terms to everything else. and to challenge that and say, hey there might be something better or worse out there but i won't know until i try it.

so for the people who want more, dont let anyone else drag you down. maybe you go to Finland and love it and stay there forever. maybe you get sick of it and decide to come back, the worst thing that can happen is your parents will say told you so. keep in mind it's their fear as well because it's something they wouldn't do, and they only want the best for you. you have no idea how many of my mom's phone messages i fast forward through. and at least you are actually making plans, all i have is a big ?, just hoping to save up so i can disappear for a while. but shoot if you know you have a job lined up why wouldn't you go? you can always say you're increasing your marketability to future employers, international experience is good, right?
America is crap their whole parlament is corrupt and george bush is a cunt!
Americans dont have much of a sense of humour either...its all laughing at people falling down and people walking into big glass doors thinking they are open doors but its glass so they smash there face..
Starspawn said:
America is crap their whole parlament is corrupt and george bush is a cunt!
Americans dont have much of a sense of humour either...its all laughing at people falling down and people walking into big glass doors thinking they are open doors but its glass so they smash there face..

a-fuckin-men :lol: