"Hi I'm new here" Introduce Yourself

old white strappy metallica top. i was in the press pit watching the gig and ZP decided it was a good idea to pour a bottle of water down me, and for some reason i wasn't wearing a bra and the top went see-through

Goddamn.. that had everything... Metallica and tits.
please don't start spamming

Well, I'm into Metal, I play guitar for Lycanthia - a band that contributes to the same genre that UM forums are dedicated to.

I don't consider it spam as I'm not trying to sell you any lotions and potions that you aren't interested in. We're all here to talk about Metal right?

Feel free to ask any questions, I'm always up for a good convo.

If this isn't a forum for open discussion you can drop by the Lycanthia forum and say hello, we're open to hear about any Metal bands you guys play in, thoughts (Metal related or not) and we won't label you a spammer for sharing.

Goddamn.. that had everything... Metallica and tits.

hahaha well i'm glad my dream pleased you :p
although last nights dream was decidedly less epic, it was something to do with me and Emy shopping in leeds, befriending two Ainsleys bakers who gave us free food, then Emy went home and the Ainsleys bakers (who were the two maids from Mary Poppins) got all moody so I cheered them up and they gave me ham and pea soup.... i fear my brain sometimes...

Well, I'm into Metal, I play guitar for Lycanthia - a band that contributes to the same genre that UM forums are dedicated to.

I don't consider it spam as I'm not trying to sell you any lotions and potions that you aren't interested in. We're all here to talk about Metal right?

Feel free to ask any questions, I'm always up for a good convo.

If this isn't a forum for open discussion you can drop by the Lycanthia forum and say hello, we're open to hear about any Metal bands you guys play in, thoughts (Metal related or not) and we won't label you a spammer for sharing.


feel free to join in and chat then... my comment was simply based on the fact that you've joined the forum, and all you put in your one and only post was your name, your country and your band... and in fact you haven't told us anything more in your second post that isn't related to your band...

believe me, we love new people and want to chat and get to know you, but you have to see that your post did just seem like you're trying to promote your band. so come on, join in with the rest of the forum, tell us some of your favourite songs by firewind, have you seen them live, who's your favourite member? etc.etc. we're a friendly bunch honestly if you get to know us...
Goddamn.. that had everything... Metallica and tits.

Anything like:


you're determined to start an argument here aren't you?

Nah, I did put lol after the post to show it was all in jest.

I wasn't being facetious but making comedy of the irony.

To explain, porn advertising is renowned the world over as annoying spam - unwarranted.

This is a Metal forum so anything metal related is regarded as warranted as everyone in all of these forums has Metal in common.

I'm a laugher not a fighter.

Nah, I did put lol after the post to show it was all in jest.

I wasn't being facetious but making comedy of the irony.

To explain, porn advertising is renowned the world over as annoying spam - unwarranted.

This is a Metal forum so anything metal related is regarded as warranted as everyone in all of these forums has Metal in common.

I'm a laugher not a fighter.


ah, see this is what happens when you skim read posts because your at work...

but as choptza said, the priorities of this forum go:
other metal stuff...

hehe :p

so come on, get posting on the other threads, we wanna know what you think of our mighty firewind! :D
From what I have heard - brilliant.

I love Power Metal, I spent 4 years of my life playing for Dungeon - regarded by many as Australia's greatest Power Metal band.

The Lycanthia samples aren't Power Metal but what did you think anyway?


what have you heard?

huge power metal fan myself... obssessed some may say but hey, it's happy metal, the world needs more happy metal :p

can't listen to your band i'm afraid, not got net at home and somehow don't think my boss would appreciate it...
Some stuff on their myspace, thought I'd check out Breaking the Silence to see if it was the Queensryche song.

I've got slow internet and I don't have the patience.

What CD would you recommend getting if you had to choose one?


definately the Premonition! It's their latest album but certainly the best they've ever done!
Forged by Fire is a very good album too, and Alliegence has some absolutely brilliant songs on, but i'd definately say start off with Premonition
Hey All,

My name is Bianca.
Yes i'm new here.:p
And completely head over heals in love with Firewind since i've seen them in April this year where they supported Kamelot.
Seen them 3 times now.
Last friday at GMM for the 3d time.