horror movies


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
since bloodbath and horror movies share certain basic qualities, i figure there are a few horror movie fans around here...so let's have a thread about them.

i saw dario argento's "suspiria" last night, great movie, i highly recommend it :headbang:
it's about an american girl who goes to a ballet school in germany, and weird things start happening...you can take it from there! not really gory or "action-packed" but very suspenseful, and a great soundtrack by goblin.
Haven't managed to find a copy of Suspiria (to rent or buy) yet. Favourites at the moment are Zombie (aka Zombie Flesh Eaters,) Dead Alive, and Audition, a fuckin' twisted Japanese gore movie. Anyone seen it?
we've talked about it probably, but i'm a big horror fan.
my faves are: (all the original movies)
nightmare on elm street
texas chainsaw massacre
evil dead
friday the 13th

i also just got back from seeing 'the devil's rejects.' it was pretty damn good. some parts are fucking brutal. his first movie, house of 1000 corpses, i also enjoyed a lot, though many ragged it. 'rejects' is a sequel to it, and i'd say definetly worth seeing, if you liked '1000 corpses.'
I'm not really into horror movies, but I thought I'd post here and say that I just saw 28 Days Later (well most of it anyway) and I thought it was pretty good. It's funny when I saw the previews for it I thought it was just another shitty horror movie.
One Winged Angel said:
I'm not really into horror movies, but I thought I'd post here and say that I just saw 28 Days Later (well most of it anyway) and I thought it was pretty good. It's funny when I saw the previews for it I thought it was just another shitty horror movie.
i definitely enjoyed that one, thumbs up from me
cthulufhtagn said:
i definitely enjoyed that one, thumbs up from me
There's just something about the atmosphere of the movie. Especially where the main guy has to kill that dude in front of his girlfriend; excellent scene. The soundtrack definately had a lot to do with it too.
ive been a long time fan of horrors, though i lean towards the more B-Grade flicks with a tinge of humour to them, always make for a great movie, and being a NZ'er ive chcked out Peter Jackson's earlier movies, "Braindead" is hilarious and gory, a great movie night-in. I love the part where he kills all the people with a lawnmower, that image is forever in my mind :tickled:
ahha shit, i dont remember that part, you could be right, i think i was pretty boozed the last time i saw it!, i believe its called Dead Alive in US?? and some other countries, just incase people know it as that
I dont remember that happening either, but i watched it a while ago. I watched the descent the other night with my girlfriend, its fucking intense. I thought it was ace, pretty violent too :)
Although i have to say the most fucked up movie i have ever seen is visitor Q, fucking hell that is twisted, not violent at all just fucking sick. A lot of the asia extreme titles are ace, itchi the killer, the audition, dead or alive etc.
my brother just burned Land of the Dead for me, but I haven't sat down to watch it yet. Always have been a big zombie movie fan ever since Return of the Living Dead traumatized me. Something about the possibilities of zombies in our everyday life that just gets to me. Creepy.............
TrailofDeath said:
Braindead? Is that the movie that he has to kill that old woman who inflates and you can see her tits?
That'd be the one, also known as Dead Alive. It's the final scene, where his "zombie mom" inflates and tries to eat them... or something. And that lawnmower scene is class! I don't think I've ever seen so much blood in a film.

I'm really hyped about seeing Land of the Dead! I'm trying (er, forced) to be as patient as possible 'til it's released here. Been a Romero fan since I was about 11 when I first rented Night of the Living and Dawn of the Dead before that Halloween.
cyberfella said:
A lot of the asia extreme titles are ace, itchi the killer, the audition, dead or alive etc.
battle royale! everyone who's seen that knows what i'm talking about, that movie is brutal.

land of the dead was ok, i found it a little disappointing but worth seeing.
Oh, Creepshow was scary when I was younger. Especially that story about the monster in the crate. Anyone seen Creepshow 2? Any Good?
Suspiria is a great movie. The colors in that movie just sort of jump off the screen.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Old and new, more fond of the old though)
28 Days Later
Basically ALL Romero movies
Audition (One of the sickest movies ever made. SADISM \m/)

And I must agree with Luz and her signature. Very nice.
cthulufhtagn said:
battle royale! everyone who's seen that knows what i'm talking about, that movie is brutal.

land of the dead was ok, i found it a little disappointing but worth seeing.

Battle Royale is fucking disturbing as hell.

Heh, I actually scared my two friends I was watching it with that night. They almost ran out to their vechicle bare foot think I was going to kill them. Funny thing is, that I didnt try to scare them... :erk: