How big is Nu-Metal in Europe?


Arrogant Dickhead
Sep 5, 2002
St. Paul, MN
I'm an American, and have no idea how big Nu-Metal is in Europe, and I'm kinda curious.

To me, its a fucking terminal virus ready to ruin it for the rest of us here in the United States Of Arrogance (copyright Patrick aka The Wanderer), but I know that American music is completely trend driven (not just commercial metal either-extreme metal picks up trends too, just not always as blatant as something that is more in the forefront of the media), and from what I hear, Europe as a whole isnt as bad. They tend to be more true to what they like, instead of whats popular at the time. I've heard England can be a little trendy, but I doubt it's as bad as we are here. But regardless, I havent even been to fucking Canada (and I live about 400 miles from there), so I dunno what other countries/continents are like, musically.

I see Nu-Metal covered in mags like Terrorizer, so I know England has picked up on that crap, but to what extent, I dunno. I see Slipknot and AHC have toured there, and I'm sure shit like Korn has too, but what about the real garbage like Creed, Staind, Nickelcrap, Disturbed, Poopa Roach, Linkin Park, etc?

Please tell me you European teens arent falling for the same formula our kids are!!! :confused:
I'm from Australia and it's the same thing over here.Nu-metal has brainwashed all the young kids and the majority of the older,but i do happen to like a select few bands from this genre mainly Korn,Deftones,SOAD,Will Haven(Easily the best),Slipknot.But i've found that the bands that do Nu-Metal in Europe do it way better.They just have that extra something mixed into their style that lacks in the American scene.Bands such as Pulkas,Vacant Stare,Earthtone9 to name a answer to your question,i used to be a regular reader of the Metal Hammer rag(European publication) until it went way to commercial for my liking and they used to saturate the thing with Nu-Metal.So i guess it's running rife over there as much as our respected countries.
If you mention metal during a conversation with a "non-metaller" here in germany, chances are high that he/she will associate it with stuff like Limp Bizdick, Linkin Pork and stuff like that. It's really big here among those people who don't listen to real's mostly people who listened to hip hop before and stuff. Korn is very big too, but not as much as some 1 or 2 years ago. And alot of Korn fans consider themselves 'metal''s a pity. But there are only few who listen to both; real metal and that nu-crap. It's just that they swallow all the shit that's served by MTV & co., but they're too lazy to dig deeper and discover the real bands. I hope it's over soon...what annoys me most is that some real metal bands are starting to include nu-"metal" elements into their sound, to sell more albums (like Peter Tägtgren did it on the new Hypocrisy album - it's like lowering the quality of the music and forcing it to suck in order to make more money...).
In Germany "nu metal" *shudder* is pretty popular but I think what is bigger for kids here is rap and techno. I think it´s funny seeing German kids dressed like gangsters. I would love to toss them in The Bronx and see the residents there eat them for breakfast. Fucking wannabes.
In finland nu-metal hasn't had _that_ much of attention - our metal scene still focuses on harder riffs (Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus) and more 'classical' metal (like Nightwish), as well as Amorphis and that sort of stuff. Of course radiostations do cry all kind of shit from Ill Nino to Limp Bizkit and that, but as an example, I don't know any finnish nu-metal bands (other than KMA, maybe?), and would like to state that it's bad. Since I like parts of nu-metal (SOAD, for example), and would like to hear how finnish nu-metal band would sound, had it been made with style and talent.

Strange thing that suddenly we don't hear too much about "nu-metal"... For a while it was really boring, here in France, nu-metal was on all TVs and on several radios.
Sometimes I wonder if Nu-Metal is not just an invention from majors to make money. Limp Bizkit is not so bad.. but many (thousand !) of others bands are really better.

Nu-Metal is not really a "style" such Heavy, Trash, Death,... I'm not sure we will remember of it in some years :)

--Sorry for my bad english :p I'm French--
Canada is exactly like the States, sad to say.

Nu-metal as pathetic as it is, is the best thing to really be played on the radio since Metallica's Black album. Nu-metal is much better than Techno and Dance and cheese rap, which was all you can hear on the radio after the Black album up until Korn and Limp dick showed up. Lately these 2 bands haven't really been getting airplay, just band like Linkin and SOAD. Which is alright cause I like SOAD myself. Maybe Nu-metal is losing it's momentom (sp?).
I think SOAD is quite different...

I can't explain really why but when I listen to SOAD they are far far from Limp Bizkit.
At least, I hope SOAD will never make a "Reanimation" album... That was really pathetic...

What a pity that SOAD has been put in Nu-Metal... They're much better than that :)
england is awful especialy manchester where i live they are given the term moshers and all hang about in a HUGE group at parks and a place in the centre of the city called Urbis. What even worse is that scallies (trendies) beat up moshers for no good reason.
I like SOAD too. They aren't playing nu-metal, but they were a part of that scene and they are marketed towards the same audience as nu-metal bands, so that's why they're generally associated with it.
the "trend" i guess is more or less the same every where.
Down here in iNDIA also the nu-metal/alt/rap-rock/psuedo-metal etc etc is extremely popular....and ha shoud see the way these guys dress upp and show their metal-ness!!! wanna makes me puke all over 'em....
ralative younger kids swearing and trying to be a wannabe....there is lotsa fart in nu-metal..i guess...a lot of kids talk more and listen less..... so much for the teenage anst!!!!!
Originally posted by Nocturnal Emperor
england is awful especialy manchester where i live they are given the term moshers and all hang about in a HUGE group at parks and a place in the centre of the city called Urbis. What even worse is that scallies (trendies) beat up moshers for no good reason.

Yeah, it's the same where I live, but replace moshers with grungers, and scallies with townies.
up north in yorkshire all the kids are either into cult black metal and spend there time burning churches and butt fucking choir boys before there ritual cannibalistic sacrifice or there into funeral doom and stuff like esoteric and deinonychus, are in deep depression, go into taking hard drugs, kill and rape there cruel evil relatives before getting sent to high security mental hospitals.

well, that is a far fetched dream far me that ends, well in the end of the world but unfortunatly the kids are too stupid to get this so yeah, they listen to new metal? nu-metal?, illiterate marketing bull-shit, and get hate and self pitty in a muddle, fucking wankers

oh yeah and respect to the asian population of rotherham when a few of our highly respectable ethnic minoraties (shit, is that politically errect?) beat the shit out of the nu-metal wankers a few months back near the bus station, nice
Originally posted by Hatebreeder33
SOAD is one of the few nu-metal bands I like...but I think that "Toxicity" sucks.

yeah, same here. First album was alot better.

kinda funny, most people hadn't even heard of SOAD till toxicity came out and then they were like "OMFG< THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONGS OF ALL TIME!!"
Some kids just praise whatever the fuck is getting all the TV play and they dont know any music that's not on it. I'm not saying all mainstream bands are bad but alot of them suck these days.