How can you have Christian Death Metal?


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
I don't understand how you can have a Christian Death Metal band.

Death Metal is all based on Nihilism and Nihilism is the view that nothing is of any signifacance and is a rejection of all social and moral principles and is the view that life without pain would be empty.

All of that is what christianity doesn't believe and is against, so how can you have christian Death Metal?
Oh for fuck sake. Another thread for people to argue whether ideology defines a genre?

I really should go find some Britney Spears song that could be interpreted as nihilistic... ehhh, but I'm lazy.
Death metal isn't just about ideology. What defines death metal is really quite simple...blast beats, guitars tuned to B, and growling vocals. It's the structures of the songs, not the lyrical content. You can have a death metal song and sing about how much you love your mother and how pretty the flowers are in your back yard. As long as people have to look at the inlay card to figure out what you're saying, it's pretty much death metal.
Death Metal is fast and downtuned metal with growling and blastbeats and fast solos.
In my opinion people who want to limit a genre to a special ideology are morons who think they own the music... like that anus-idiots(though they write somewhat cool reviews)
Profånity said:
I don't understand how you can have a Christian Death Metal band.

Death Metal is all based on Nihilism and Nihilism is the view that nothing is of any signifacance and is a rejection of all social and moral principles and is the view that life without pain would be empty.

All of that is what christianity doesn't believe and is against, so how can you have christian Death Metal?
This argument is really getting old, besides the fact that it's completely futile.
My question is, what difference does it make. If you like a certain type of music, whatever label is attached to it should be completely irrelevant to you. I would think that those who listen to metal would be the last ones to allow labels to dictate their listening habits.

And death metal is based on Nihilism? That's a new one on me. :err:
The above link will take you to the last thread where this pointless debate was started.
Lycanthrope said:
And death metal is based on Nihilism? That's a new one on me. definition of Death Metal:
Total nihilism, or lack of belief in any preconceptions, in sound. Mostly rhythm music, this genre uses muffled and tremelo strummed power chords or single-string playing to hammer out a machine code of intricate riff textures and the geometries of convergent sound. Its structuralism matches its grim but self-empowering worldview. Distinguished by bass-end tuning and guttural chanting vocals, death metal exists underground by deliberately disrupting consonant aesthetic and programming the human mind at the lowest levels with natural, intuitive rhythms.
To see where I got that definition click the below link:

The Death Metal Institute definition of Death Metal:
death metal is loud music using distorted rock instrumentation and guttural, gritty, screaming vocals. its heritage includes industrial music, heavy metal, and experimental neoclassical music. the main mechanism of composition is rhythm. death metal bands structure riffing from the inherent directions present in relative motion of tone wrapped around persistent multiple rhythms embedded in double-picking technique.

most people will agree that slayer were the proto-death metal band who in 1983-85 launched bands like possessed, celtic frost, bathory, sepultura and morbid angel into the new genre. from there the music has developed in multiple directions, with minimalist grinding artists like blood on the same shelf as a progressive band like atheist or gorguts. however, somehow it has kept its integrity, in large part thanks to keeping "underground" by refusing to embrace mainstream media or the musical theory and aesthetic of music that would make it on the radio.

in the current time death metal is nearing two decades of existence. since the first death metal bands, the techniques and conceptual components to the music have improved quite a bit, yet the spirit remains the same in death and black metal bands worldwide. to improve the study of death metal for a metal fan or ethnomusicologist unconnected to the death or black metal movements alike, we have listed some useful pages and then classic bands below.
To see where I got that definition click the below link:

All Death Metal bands lyrics are Nihilistic-name 1(except christian death metal bands) which isn't?
ApocalypticOceansRising said:
Death metal is a sound. Not a lyric based genre.
Thank you.
btw, I wouldn't put any stock in information from a site called
Who appointed them the legitimate historians of metal?
Death metal institute!? What a joke. Sounds like a correspondence school for getting your degree in 'metalology' or something.
Doesn't Sally Struthers do ads for them?
Profånity said:
I don't understand how you can have a Christian Death Metal band.

Death Metal is all based on Nihilism and Nihilism is the view that nothing is of any signifacance and is a rejection of all social and moral principles and is the view that life without pain would be empty.

All of that is what christianity doesn't believe and is against, so how can you have christian Death Metal?

Well it's this plug a sound check..and play.
Last edited:
"They are the ones we despise. Day in day out their words compromise lifes. I WILL LOVE WATCHING YOU DIE! - Soon it will be and by your own demise.
Buried in hypocrisy!
Lacerate your faith in god
Morally diseased
On the cross of Calvary your body bashed defeated, stabbed!
Blessing as you hate
Loyal to your enemies
Monetary faith
As him you´ll pay for the lies of your prophecy!

Profånity said: definition of Death Metal:
Total nihilism, or lack of belief in any preconceptions, in sound. Mostly rhythm music, this genre uses muffled and tremelo strummed power chords or single-string playing to hammer out a machine code of intricate riff textures and the geometries of convergent sound. Its structuralism matches its grim but self-empowering worldview. Distinguished by bass-end tuning and guttural chanting vocals, death metal exists underground by deliberately disrupting consonant aesthetic and programming the human mind at the lowest levels with natural, intuitive rhythms.
To see where I got that definition click the below link:

The Death Metal Institute definition of Death Metal:
death metal is loud music using distorted rock instrumentation and guttural, gritty, screaming vocals. its heritage includes industrial music, heavy metal, and experimental neoclassical music. the main mechanism of composition is rhythm. death metal bands structure riffing from the inherent directions present in relative motion of tone wrapped around persistent multiple rhythms embedded in double-picking technique.

most people will agree that slayer were the proto-death metal band who in 1983-85 launched bands like possessed, celtic frost, bathory, sepultura and morbid angel into the new genre. from there the music has developed in multiple directions, with minimalist grinding artists like blood on the same shelf as a progressive band like atheist or gorguts. however, somehow it has kept its integrity, in large part thanks to keeping "underground" by refusing to embrace mainstream media or the musical theory and aesthetic of music that would make it on the radio.

in the current time death metal is nearing two decades of existence. since the first death metal bands, the techniques and conceptual components to the music have improved quite a bit, yet the spirit remains the same in death and black metal bands worldwide. to improve the study of death metal for a metal fan or ethnomusicologist unconnected to the death or black metal movements alike, we have listed some useful pages and then classic bands below.
To see where I got that definition click the below link:

All Death Metal bands lyrics are Nihilistic-name 1(except christian death metal bands) which isn't?

Instead of looking to other people to define the genre for you, why don't you listen and define it for yourself?

I may be that in your interpretation of death metal i.e. music based on an ideology, a confict with christianity does occur - fair enough, but also take into account that genres are subjective, and what you consider death metal someone else may well not.. So while christian death metal may seem an oxymoron to you, it doesn't necesarily follow that it should for others - their viewpoint is just as valid as yours..
