How did you put up with strict christian parents?

More Murder

May 31, 2006
I am an atheist, but my parents are only Catholic to the point of being offended by "satan worship", anti christian things, and voting republican. Did anyone else have this problem? How do you live with this shit.

And by the way I am 18, but they are still over protective on some dumb shit...
I have christian parents, but they are not very strict. I can't listen to Gorgoroth very loud, but..
I grew up going to a Catholic church for some-time
But id pass out in the pews, (Cus of the hymns and shit were all making me sleepy)

I stopped going to church cus of people looking at me with my long hair and clothes n shit.

Im still a Christian though, my parents are what you say "nuetral" christians.
The type who accpet others for themselves no-matter if in a different religion and shit
I'm sikh by birth, a religion I acquited from my parents but I'm not a believer of limiting myself to a single set of beliefs. All religions have something you can get inspiration from... great 'guidebooks' for leading life properly. Its what they've turned into now, centring themselves around 'prayers' to 'gOD'. The chief reason I call myself an athiest.

My parents do have a problem with death and gore-based songs, death/black vocals but they know that the music is based on something 'beyond' their level of understanding. They don't bother too much and don't interfere, considering it as an 'out of bounds' territory for themselves personally. I stay in my own world when I have to, and I enjoy that specific freedom.
Montu Sekhmet said:
I have christian parents, but they are not very strict. I can't listen to Gorgoroth very loud, but..
my parents are strict as a mofo. jehovahs witnesses. but i dont give a shit. i listen to gorgoroth as loud as i want. but the the y come home and.....
My parents are catholics, but so am I, prolly explains my lovely relationship with them. If you cant put up with your christian parents its prolly because you are disrespecting the most spiritual and crucial thing of their lives, God.
My parents are Southern Baptists and there's been somne rough bumps in the road like last year when I was grounded for being interested in LaVeyan Satanism and being an atheist only because my slow ass computer didnt log me out of yahoo messenger when it was supposed to so nosy Dad went on my messenger and checked out the archives and I'm being interrogated the next day. I was careful before I turned 18 about getting on anti-christian websites such as, and The Church of Satan's website as well as their forum but now I get on sites like these everyday without worry or deleting my history, I have my own computer now. I also have lyrics of a few songs dealing with the occult in my drawer in my room, they better not rip them up or I'm gonna be pissed. I probably should bring them to college with me and I'm going to write some more occult songs. If I get any type of recording deal with a band I doubt my parents will support it because of the bacxlground of the music.
Intolerance said:
I am an atheist, but my parents are only Catholic to the point of being offended by "satan worship", anti christian things, and voting republican. Did anyone else have this problem? How do you live with this shit.

And by the way I am 18, but they are still over protective on some dumb shit...

do nothing... im almost 22 and still live at home, and my parents are weird about religion...

they still insist i go to church with them because "it's what our family has always done" yet i can blast deicide or something while getting ready.

oh well id rather htey insist i go sit in church for two hours instead of charging me rent; id love to move out butttt it's either finish school or get a full time job so i can afford to move out
I live at home too, however apartments are too expensive unless you have either a lot of roomates or a high paying job.....that's california for you (I'm 20 btw)

As for religion, my mom is an excommunicated catholic, she is sad sometimes about my thoughts on religion though. I'm an agnostic, but I prefer the athiests mentallity of morality, none of this pascal's wager bullshit.