How do you act...

I don't really prefer either.

Sometimes I like to be alone.

Say, if the only company around is the person that is causing the depression, I want the away, i want them out, and I'll snap their head off if they try and intrude, which they often do. And People wonder why I have a hot temper.

Othertimes I love company.

I sometimes use people as either an outlet, or a method of escapism. Say my friends, which I can bitch to and whinge to can also help me escape, because they are so goddamned funny. Just listen to some of my bands music. We are insane. But I often like company just for the affection or compassion a friend will give and the help they try and provide.
When im depressed i like being alone...and to listen to depressing stuff like Katatonia and such.

Sometimes being with friends makes you forget about the bad things for a while, but i will usually reject the idea of going out with friends when im depressed, for some reason.
Originally posted by Soulreaper
When im depressed i like being alone...and to listen to depressing stuff like Katatonia and such.

Sometimes being with friends makes you forget about the bad things for a while, but i will usually reject the idea of going out with friends when im depressed, for some reason.

Ani mevin! ;)
i don't get depressed. so many people use this word if they are in a sad mood or are fucked up with life in general. well, this is a bad day, but no depression. depression is an illness.
but if i have had a bad day, i relieve myself with playing drums. skins are faces sometimes.
Originally posted by VultureCulture
i don't get depressed. so many people use this word if they are in a sad mood or are fucked up with life in general. well, this is a bad day, but no depression. depression is an illness.
but if i have had a bad day, i relieve myself with playing drums. skins are faces sometimes.

I often thought I was depressed. But I was just sad. And then I actually got clinically depressed. There is a huge difference.

People who haven't been clinically depressed are lucky. But everyones pain is painful at their own level.

I love contradiocting myself.
i'd compare it with headache and migraine. people often complain about stenches in their head, but in relation to migraine they should better be dancing around. i had this trouble nearly 10 years and often were angered by those saying "well don't get pissed by this tiny headache, everyone has had them..."
yes sure, but without light burning in the eyes, vomiting all day long and pain which sometimes left no place for thoughts.
well i didn't want to get whiny (didn't have migraine since 4-5 years) nor did i want to state "i have had the most painful disease", but i'm sure "real" depressed people will get as angered as i were then when others think they had the same experience and often come along with some crappy advice ("well why don't you just take a pill?")
urm.. yes.
I feel the same. But I don't really get angry at people. As I said everyones level of pain is painful for them.. actually, that's not a very good way of puitting it..

Bleh.. i can't think right now...

Probably because I have Dimmu Borgir - iNdoctrinatio blaring very loudly into my ears at the moment...

maybe I'll think up a shnazzy analogy to make my point.. but not today.... =P
Well it depends...Usually I want to be alone, I can't stand anyone near me. I want to be in a peaceful place where I can think. And it has to be dark, light makes me feel uncomfortable. Or, I want to be alone in dark and listen to music very loud. Other reason why I want to be alone is that I don't want to show people that I'm not feeling so well, I don't want them to get worried about me. Then again, sometimes I feel I have to talk to somebody, I HAVE to. It doesn't matter who it was, someone who just could listen to my worries and stuff. I've tried few times to go and have fun with my friends when I've been depressed but it didn't work out, I didn't want to have any fun. So it's better that I'm alone, I don't wanna ruin others fun.
I have never been depressed in the clinical sense - only varying moods as others have said.

When I'm in a down mood - I generally like to isolate. The less around me, the better. I will always do something in that isolation - sit at the computer, watch TV, listen to music. I never just sit in silence - that just isn't healthy. When down, isolated and alone - the mind starts thinking about things - and thinking too much in that state is usually what makes things worse.
i try to keep up with my life but i tend to stop doing anything that is not eating/sleeping. Is like getting a cold to me im all out of energy ( phisically speaking ) i cannot think fast at all it takes me forever to understand what people tells me cause i react so slowly everything is like that, i eventually either cry for no reason and stay like that for a couple of hours/days or talk about it and stay like that for hours/days. There are certain things that made it go away but i do not think is possible anymore.
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
Then again, sometimes I feel I have to talk to somebody, I HAVE to. It doesn't matter who it was, someone who just could listen to my worries and stuff. I've tried few times to go and have fun with my friends when I've been depressed but it didn't work out, I didn't want to have any fun. So it's better that I'm alone, I don't wanna ruin others fun.

I can see myself in what you are saying! hehe
When i am depressed i feel i have to talk with
someone who cares and listens to you. And i agree
that you don't want to bother your friends or ruin
their fun because you are sad yourself, but sometimes i think it's very important to do so.
I love to help my friends if/when they have a problem!

Lately when i am sad and depressed i feel i can
talk with my mum about my problems! Not every
problem of course, because everyone wants some
privacy, but she listens and explain and talks.
It is a bit geeky to talk with your mum about
such stuff, i know, but sometimes i feel i have too.
It makes me feel a bit better at least.

It's also good to talk here i have noticed! :)
It's cool to know everyone's opinions and so on.
When I'm depressed I loose all of my energy, and I only have enough to stay awake and feel miserable. I sometimes get this wierd sensation in the pit of my stomache. It sort of feels like I'm ill. It doesn't hurt in a physical sence, but somehow it's a source of great emotional pain. Sometimes I wish for someone to talk to (wish for, because I'm not allowed to talk to anyone in my family about negative things), and sometimes I like to be along and grieve while listening to music. I find spewing my emotions into my journal is thereputic too.

One thing I can't stand is when people who've never been depressed (clinically) before start telling me to "snap out of it" or tell me it's easy to get over and deal with. My older bro even had the audacity to claim that clinical depression is fun! :eek:

I wouldn't wish depression on anyone, but sometimes I think, if only they knew how much it hurts they wouldn't be so stupid about it. My family is usually the cause of my depression, and I've last felt that "illness" in my stomache a couple months ago. I hate it when it happens, it makes me feel like I want to die.

Anyway, I've bitched enough.
More often than not, I prefer dark isolation. It just depends on the severity of my state of "depression". I love to listen to sad, melodic music as well. It makes it feel as if I am physically sinking deeper into my mind and thoughts. It's really cool. <wink wink!>
Recently, I get in these very thoughtful moods (more than usual :D ) but they are not in any way "happy". It's a very depressing feeling and it actually causes me a bit of physical pain. Even though it may sound extremely strange, I really like how it feels. I never feel that I need to talk to anyone about what's upsetting me. If I didn't have the couple of people that care enough about me to actually ask what is on my mind, I would be perfectly content with keeping everything inside. I've done it for so long that I've gotten used to (and actually started to like) the feelings that I get from doing such things.