How do you act...

My bad moods come when other people piss me off. :mad: When I'm at home I go to my room. If it's at college I just totally blank them out and don't even hear what they're saying, so I suppose it's like being alone.
I usually like to be alone for a while, not bothered, but I usually always go to someone to talk to about it. I just feel like getting it out of my mind. I don't think I have ever been "depressed", I agree, that is a disease, not just feeling shitty. Music always makes me feel at peace, but not good about my situation. Still Life is always a first I listen to when I am feeling sad.
Originally posted by Eclipse
i cannot understand why people get depressed. Why, what ? I never get depressed. Though sometimes I really undergo serious stress. That ain't funny either. Only alcohol and women help to that.

I can't speak for everyone, but my doctor said my depression is most likely due to a chemical imbalance. In other words, I'm physiologically more prone to sadness than a normal person.
When I am feeling down, which is a lot, I usually isolate myself from people in my room and listen to sad music. It just helps me realize that there are people with worse problems. I also tend to type to 1 or 2 long distance friends online and tell them how I am feeling. It feels really good to have someone to confide in and let all those bad things out. I don't have anyone immediately around me that I could talk to and let everything out so I talk to my friends online. I guess I could talk to my older brother more since he has been in my place somewhat, and he also majored in psychology. I just hate having things balled up inside me because I am afraid that one day I might do something I regret.
When I feel really bad, I listen to BAD music. I always have lots of new mp3s on my comp to sort through, and when I believe something is likely to be shit, I keep it for a bad day, then delete it, except when turns out to be good.

I never listen to Opeth, Katatonia or any of my favourite musics for that matter, when I feel bad. Why reduce them to comforting music ?

D Mullholand
I usually wander off if I'm somewhere, or lock myself in my room with something primitive like White Zombie playing..

I'd like to have company I can lean upon, but none of the people I know around here are.. civilised.. so primitive in their ways..

I don't know..
I just need to import some people I've met on the net.
Originally posted by Brutalizer
I can see myself in what you are saying! hehe
When i am depressed i feel i have to talk with
someone who cares and listens to you. And i agree
that you don't want to bother your friends or ruin
their fun because you are sad yourself, but sometimes i think it's very important to do so.
I love to help my friends if/when they have a problem!
Yeah, me too :) I care a lot about other people, I don't want anyone around me be sad or anything. Hmm...I don't know why but I've never talked about my problems,worries to my closest friends, those, who I see every day. I always to talk to someone else, for instance to my friends who doesn't live here. Or some of to my friends who I know from internet.

Originally posted by Brutalizer
Lately when i am sad and depressed i feel i can
talk with my mum about my problems! Not every
problem of course, because everyone wants some
privacy, but she listens and explain and talks.
It is a bit geeky to talk with your mum about
such stuff, i know, but sometimes i feel i have too.
It makes me feel a bit better at least.
I don't know if it's geeky, it's your mum.. :) Hmm...I never talk to my mum about anything...I don't know, we don't get along so well :s We always fight and stuff. I prefer my friends.

Originally posted by Brutalizer
It's also good to talk here i have noticed! :)
It's cool to know everyone's opinions and so on.
Yep :)