How do you think the world will end?

I bet even if the government had full knowledge of this (and knew it could potentially cause massive destruction), they'd probably keep the public in the dark so as not to cause a panic.
Head inland, more like. There's a greater percentage chance of the meteor hitting water (70%), which means there is a greater percentage chance the impact would affect coastlines more than the inland territories.
Head inland, more like. There's a greater percentage chance of the meteor hitting water (70%), which means there is a greater percentage chance the impact would affect coastlines more than the inland territories.

Seriously, after three months of darkness anything that isn't coast will be covered in six feet of snow.
ANd if it hit land it would propel thousands of particles into the air, blocking out the sun for a three month duration. Killing all the plants, and eventually covering the earth in a layer of thick frost.

THe only place to survive would be the coast.
ANd if it hit land it would propel thousands of particles into the air, blocking out the sun for a three month duration. Killing all the plants, and eventually covering the earth in a layer of thick frost.

THe only place to survive would be the coast.

...Unless the coast was flooded from the massive fucking tidal wave caused when the meteor hit the ocean, which is a fuck of a lot more likely than a meteor hitting land.

PS: None of you smart motherfuckers better come in here like "WELL IT WOULDN'T BE A METEOR THAT HIT EARTH BUT A METEORITE / METEROID / SPACE CHUNK/ WHATEVER THE FUCK". I don't know which is which is which and you know what I mean so go fuck yourself.
ANd if it hit land it would propel thousands of particles into the air, blocking out the sun for a three month duration. Killing all the plants, and eventually covering the earth in a layer of thick frost.

THe only place to survive would be the coast.

If everything is covered in a thick layer of frost, why would going to the coast have a greater chance of survival than just staying where you are?
PS: None of you smart motherfuckers better come in here like "WELL IT WOULDN'T BE A METEOR THAT HIT EARTH BUT A METEORITE / METEROID / SPACE CHUNK/ WHATEVER THE FUCK". I don't know which is which is which and you know what I mean so go fuck yourself.


I don't know the difference between them either. Might be the composition of the rock or whatever.
If everything is covered in a thick layer of frost, why would going to the coast have a greater chance of survival than just staying where you are?

Oceans don't freeze. what I meant by that stament is that tundra would extend past the tropics (Cancer and capricorn). As an additions, coastal cities are less prone to harsh winters because of thier location. THey get epic winters in calgary, not vancouver.