How do you think the world will end?

The Canadians will be nice to the zombies and give them a nice patch of Saskatchewan as their own private land. The zombies will remain passively until discovering a Celine Dion CD. Enraged, the zombies kill everyone except me. I become leader of the zombies and subsequently conquer the world, becoming Emperor of the World, thereby fulfilling my life goal of having a wikipedia article written about me.
But I will command you!
I never said I despised either. I used them as one example out of many. Yes I personally never watch TV or play games, but I have no quarrel with the use of them sparingly; it is the mentality which I speak of.

We have more free thinkers perhaps because we have 6 billion people on earth at the moment; not really a fair comparison when you take into account the majority are not.

You say we are more highly educated, but who is we? Are you merely refering to knowledge of the advancement of science and the like? A man can memorize a million things, but yet not comprehend a single one of them. Perhaps you refer to education systems in comparison to the past? In answer to that I only say that I was never arguing to go back in time, but to cut the population.

Stagnation is inevitable when you do not exercise your abilities. If you do not move around, your body gets bogged down with waste and poisons; it is the same for the mind. I suppose this is where we will probably differ, but again my original point was convenience as an example.

Why read when you can watch TV? Why cook when you can go to Mcdonalds? Why walk when you can drive? Why think when you can follow? This society is built around those things, and capitalism in particular is hell bent on making people stupid, not educating them. Educating people does not make them rich. How can one not be in awe over the lack of importance of the true self in a world of pointless endeavors? How are we ever to become a more advanced race if all we do is chase money?

That is exactly what I am doing. Society is this way as a result of these people; but I see that you are leading into:

Of course, and so would I. Again, I never proposed we throw everyone into the woods and say "okay survive" (Though that would be funny as hell), I was speaking of a population reduction, and I really do believe that those people would wake up if they were allowed to get in touch with their instincts for a bit; or were let alone from the incessant chanting all about them that they are subjected to from birth.

You say you want people to be strong by choice; well first they have to be aware that they actually have one. People are educated in everything but the wisdom to know themselves. Why are they so miserable? They usually assume it is a lack of money, or it's "God's fault".

Sorry, but I cannot praise a world that rolls around in money and would take all the natural rights of those that follow in the wake of their greed. I cannot support destroying the minds of our youth with the lies of society; and I certainly don't see the collective benefit of a few strong people who do not care about the future of our species. Hell, I haven't spoken to anyone in months, and I am cool with that, but even so I still care about the actual mental advancement of humanity.

If a man cannot do the most simple and natural things in life, then how is he to have a better understanding of himself? What a tragedy for a person to never have gone hungry for a few days; to never have seen a proper sunrise, to never have been brought to the brink of death and lived to tell of it, to never have walked for weeks and spent the night under the stars; to never have even looked up at the stars. You compare strength, but how can a man know strength if he does not know the natural world, or even himself?
I never said I despised either. I used them as one example out of many. Yes I personally never watch TV or play games, but I have no quarrel with the use of them sparingly; it is the mentality which I speak of.

We have more free thinkers perhaps because we have 6 billion people on earth at the moment; not really a fair comparison when you take into account the majority are not.

You say we are more highly educated, but who is we? Are you merely refering to knowledge of the advancement of science and the like? A man can memorize a million things, but yet not comprehend a single one of them. Perhaps you refer to education systems in comparison to the past? In answer to that I only say that I was never arguing to go back in time, but to cut the population.

Stagnation is inevitable when you do not exercise your abilities. If you do not move around, your body gets bogged down with waste and poisons; it is the same for the mind. I suppose this is where we will probably differ, but again my original point was convenience as an example.

Why read when you can watch TV? Why cook when you can go to Mcdonalds? Why walk when you can drive? Why think when you can follow? This society is built around those things, and capitalism in particular is hell bent on making people stupid, not educating them. Educating people does not make them rich. How can one not be in awe over the lack of importance of the true self in a world of pointless endeavors? How are we ever to become a more advanced race if all we do is chase money?

That is exactly what I am doing. Society is this way as a result of these people; but I see that you are leading into:

Of course, and so would I. Again, I never proposed we throw everyone into the woods and say "okay survive" (Though that would be funny as hell), I was speaking of a population reduction, and I really do believe that those people would wake up if they were allowed to get in touch with their instincts for a bit; or were let alone from the incessant chanting all about them that they are subjected to from birth.

You say you want people to be strong by choice; well first they have to be aware that they actually have one. People are educated in everything but the wisdom to know themselves. Why are they so miserable? They usually assume it is a lack of money, or it's "God's fault".

Sorry, but I cannot praise a world that rolls around in money and would take all the natural rights of those that follow in the wake of their greed. I cannot support destroying the minds of our youth with the lies of society; and I certainly don't see the collective benefit of a few strong people who do not care about the future of our species. Hell, I haven't spoken to anyone in months, and I am cool with that, but even so I still care about the actual mental advancement of humanity.

If a man cannot do the most simple and natural things in life, then how is he to have a better understanding of himself? What a tragedy for a person to never have gone hungry for a few days; to never have seen a proper sunrise, to never have been brought to the brink of death and lived to tell of it, to never have walked for weeks and spent the night under the stars; to never have even looked up at the stars. You compare strength, but how can a man know strength if he does not know the natural world, or even himself?
I'm sorry, I thought your post was a joke, so I responded in a similarly joking matter, but you apparently actually believe what you're saying.

And if you talk of "a world that...would take all the natural rights" of people away and then go on to suggest that we partake in "population reduction", well, frankly, you lose a hell of a lot of credibility in terms of "making sense."

My first post was an expression of the population problem; not once did I pose a solution. The next time I mentioned it was only to restate the problem; obviously the population needs to go down. Again I never proposed we kill everyone or make any laws against having children. Hell, I never even said this world of mine was possible; I merely stated my ideals. If you will look, you will see this. It is disturbing that I seem to be the only one here who hates decadence. To each his own.

That said, you can keep your perverse society, and I will stay out here in the mountains.
It is disturbing that I seem to be the only one here who hates decadence. To each his own.

That said, you can keep your perverse society, and I will stay out here in the mountains.

Actually I'm willing to bet there are plenty of people here who hate decadence and other "perverse" traits of our society nowadays (I would be one of them). That doesn't mean we all have to agree with your barely coherent thoughts that have little if anything to do with the topic that this thread was actually about.
My first post was an expression of the population problem; not once did I pose a solution. The next time I mentioned it was only to restate the problem; obviously the population needs to go down. Again I never proposed we kill everyone or make any laws against having children. Hell, I never even said this world of mine was possible; I merely stated my ideals. If you will look, you will see this. It is disturbing that I seem to be the only one here who hates decadence. To each his own.

That said, you can keep your perverse society, and I will stay out here in the mountains.

:lol: SOMEONE just got done reading The Anti-Christ and Also Sprach Zarathustra and decided to brag about it in the most tangential and irrelevant way possible!

By the way, philosopher-san, it's "décadence."
The concept of having free time to do other things has been around since the fertile cresent was firt settled. Get over yourself.
Yeah, when we started raising crops and animals. We didn't have to hunt and gather shit and worry about our next meal so we used it for other things. Like setting up a government. I learned about this in History.