How do you think the world will end?

The world itself will not end (until the Sun expands). The human race will make eventually make the environment no longer capable of sustaining human life. Our race will go extinct, after which the world will recover from bearing our destructive existence.

That would sound about right only I've heard that the Sun is actually slowly shrinking in size & power.

I think some sort of meteor will either hit us or another distant planet will collide with us. It's not far fetched. Give it a few billion years though.
That said, you can keep your perverse society, and I will stay out here in the mountains.

You know why you are a hermit ?

... because you live in the fucking mountains!!!. I'm guessing it takes you 15 minutes to get into town just to look at some tits and ass if there is even decent ass in the mountains you live in. I would imagine living in the mountains during winter is really depressing.
Actually, having lived in Switzerland for 6 years, the winter rox when you're in the mountains, cos its easy to go skiing and whatever. Generally it makes you really popular for 3 months of the year cos everyone wants to stay with you rather than rent an apartment or travel for a couple of hours just for a bit of skiin'.
Including chicks.

No, its the summer thats dull as fuck.
You don't understand the life cycle of a star. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out until you learn astronomy, n00b.

Go suck a dick you ignorant, childish little asshole. I never claimed to know every thing about astronomy, I'm only repeating what I've heard numerous times. I don't know shit about astronomy & neither do some other people posting in this thread. You may very well be right that the Sun is growing in size. Either way I really wouldn't be surprised.
^lol serious business.

Yeah but you guys would probably be fine, though. It'd just bounce of your skin.

True. One of the benefits of having no ozone layer is that we've adapted & formed thick, leathery, radiation proof armour.

That would sound about right only I've heard that the Sun is actually slowly shrinking in size & power.

I think some sort of meteor will either hit us or another distant planet will collide with us. It's not far fetched. Give it a few billion years though.

The last stage of the Sun's life will result in it being a white dwarf. Before that, it expands in size because of all of the energy it will be losing.
Go suck a dick you ignorant, childish little asshole. I never claimed to know every thing about astronomy, I'm only repeating what I've heard numerous times. I don't know shit about astronomy & neither do some other people posting in this thread. You may very well be right that the Sun is growing in size. Either way I really wouldn't be surprised.

Rabid is correct. The sun is a small, main sequence star and the next stage in it's life will see it expanding to the point where it will envelope the planets closest to it. It will shrink evenetually but first it gets bigger.
It technically doesn't shrink after it expands. It keeps expanding until the outer shell of gas cools and dissipates into nothing as it continues outward from the core, forming a planetary nebula.


What remains is the white dwarf, which is actually just the core of the Sun that is dense enough that it retains its form while the less dense layers on top of it are shed. The white dwarf eventually uses up all its energy and burns out as a black dwarf, a dead star.
The last stage of the Sun's life will result in it being a white dwarf. Before that, it expands in size because of all of the energy it will be losing.

Rabid is correct. The sun is a small, main sequence star and the next stage in it's life will see it expanding to the point where it will envelope the planets closest to it. It will shrink evenetually but first it gets bigger.

I would imagine living in the mountains during winter is really depressing.

Nah; I find myself to feel more "isolated" in a crowd than out in the wilderness. There used to be exceptions to that rule, but not so much these days. I guess the events of this thread is a testament to that; hehe. Besides, I can listen to music as loud as I want, scream whenever I please, there is no lawn to mow, very little housekeeping to do, etc, etc.

There is nothing like blaring Burzum or Darkthrone during a blizzard outside in winter.
So then how to you contribute to a "more advanced race" sitting on your ass in the mountains listening to 15 year old music?
You read nothing I posted...

If you want to argue, please refute each of my points in logical fashion. Otherwise why provoke? I let it go already...Why should I repeat myself time and again so you can yet again ask questions not meant for answers, but punchlines?

I have no quarrel with you or anyone else; I don't get you people.
I read everything you posted. Armchair philosophers amuse me. You extol the virtues of a "more advanced race" (though what that means I'm loath to unravel), and yet you certainly are doing nothing to help that along, making you on par with the lazy and stagnant group that you shun.
Assumptions noted; along with all the rest in this thread completely lacking argumentation.

ad hominem

Seriously though, forget it. It is of no consequence to me. I am tired of this anyhow.
:lol: Adorable. Note how you didn't respond to most of what I've said in this thread and then attempted to take the "higher" road by saying silly things such as "It is disturbing that I seem to be the only one here who hates decadence. To each his own." and "you can keep your perverse society, and I will stay out here in the mountains" as if unless we all agree with you, then we are all hedonistic monsters romping about in our giant fecal orgy of degenerative slothfulness.