How England will win the World Cup this year...

going out to the Czech beer garden at 1pm for lunch and beers ... hopefully there will be chaos

i think the Czechs will take this one ...
I was afraid of this. They look like total shit. Lewis and Beasley have been especially craptacular. Zero service to McBride. When Onyewu took the early yellow I knew things would go downhill very fast.

Fucking crap announcers: "now that Koller is out, how will the US benefit from not having to mark him". Well, considering that they've scored two goals, and the US hasn't managed a single shot on goal, I don't think the CR is all that worried about their offense at this point.
Easily the least impressive team at the WC so far. Not a single shot on goal, no intensity, no ideas. Total shit. Even T&T blew them off the field, and they're total crap.
Yikes, that game is gonna kill my fantasy team for the day. I had McBride and Lewis, who did nothing, and Keller as captain. I figured he'd make a handful of saves even if he let one or two in.
Wtf is with the negative defense at all times. People are just waltzing in and taking shots on goal. So fucking gay. Sacrafice a foul if you have to you pansy as mother fuckers, sheesh.
Wow, the US in the second half made England (in their second half) look like Brazil.

Again, like England, I thought the US played well in the first half. They kept some of the possession, hit the post, played with some urgency. I figured they'd step this up and go on the attack in the 2nd half....

...but they fell asleep. It was like watching a deer in headlights.

Credit to Czech Republic, they played very well, like a contender for the world cup tbh.
Netherlands and Argentina have impressed me most. I didn't find Portugal all that impressive, but I only saw parts of the game.
hahaha ... what a fucking shame ( i am hamzereredse btw)

if the Czech's did not sit back and play D ... this would be easily a 6-0 game ...
the US team is sad ... really sad ... first round out for sure ...

oh yeah ... TRINIDAD & TOBAGO ... solid team based on Saturday's game

the Czech's are contenders for the Cup ...