How England will win the World Cup this year...

i don't know ... he did not wig out or anyhting when red carded ... he just headbutted the guy and kind off kept quiet afterwards ...
@Lurch - As I said, I dunno. Or maybe he just went "It's my last fucking game, I don't need this shit.... so fuck you mr.italian"

@Erik - But all you need is a ball (or some wasteland bandits severed head) and some space to play!!

haha. It's probably the only fun the starving diseased children will have in their lives!
lurch70 said:
France were playing at that time like they were down 3-0 and the game was over
I'm by no means a Soccer expert. That said, it looked to me that Italy was a dead man walking. They couldn't seem to get the ball out of their half for most second half and the overtime. Italy looked competely exhausted.

Both teams were indeed exhausted. However Italy couldn't do anything but strike far away each time they got the ball. France could still run a bit, they were sieging but the defenders and midfielders were so tired that 3 or 4 players had to go by themselves,to try infiltrating (not to mention that they were 10 goal included at that time) which is almost impossible against a defense of 10 at this stage.
The best part is that the Italian guy went down like a heap of bricks. If someone headbutted me in the chest, I'd have to start laughing. I'm no badass or anything, but I do know you do not go down with a headbutt to the chest. In fact, a swift uppercut to the face in retaliation would be the appropriate call.
Goddam soccer is a gay sport

edit: hahaha upon further examination, it looks like the guy took a dive, for which he gets points for not *literally* going down, but then again, minus points for taking a dive.
Goddam, soccer is a gay sport
Those punishments handed out to the Italian teams involved in the match fixing scandal were pretty crazy weren't they? Juve relegated and starting out with a 30 point deficit.
Ellestin said:
@Henrik Main: btw you didn't believe me when I put Materazzi in my Fantasy Football squad.

I love the bloke, but he wouldn't have played a lot if Nesta hadn't picked up that injury. Glad that he had a great World Cup, though.
bwahahahaha man i LOVE lance armstrong
it's even funnier when he rips on the french and their hatred of him for beating the fuck out of them in their own sport