The year was 2002 and I was a 19 year old in my second year of college. My brother who was 14 at the time and I were huge Metallica fans. One day my brother downloaded an In Flames cover of Metallica's "Eye of the Beholder". We both thought it was a pretty good cover, so we decided to download more In Flames.

We were both floored. It was our first taste of the Scandanavian metal scene and it was something I had definitely never heard before.
After constantly listening to In Flames for weeks on end, I was on Amazon looking to buy some of their CD's, and looked down at the related artists and saw Children of Bodom and Dark Tranquility and a few others. (Gates of Ishtar was in there and if you guys don't know who they are check them out because they kick major ass too). The first song I downloaded from COB was Silent Night Bodom Night and for some reason, I'll never understand why, I didn't really think it was that great, not enough for me to buy one of their CD's (It's one of my favorite songs of all time now). I downloaded another song "Hate Me" and was absolutely floored by the main riff. I had to buy that CD, even though I was sure there would only be one good song on it.
I went down to Best Buy and luckily they had Follow the Reaper. I popped it into my car's CD player in the parking lot and "Death be not proud" came up, so I decided to give the first song a listen. I was Awestruck. Every song, every riff, everything was absolutely perfect. Very quickly after that first listen COB became my favorite band of all time because their music was far better than anything else I had ever heard. I got SW and Hatebreeder from the local metal shop and the rest is history. Something Wild is my favorite album from any band ever.
I guess one regret I have with both In Flames and COB is that I didn't get into them earlier, because after those days, HCDR came out (Which isn't nearly as good as the first 3, still decent but just doesn't have the same magic) and In Flames came out with Reroute to Remain, which isn't nearly as good as all their albums before that. Both bands as far as I'm concerned went downhill after FTR and Clayman.
Anyway, COB fan for 8 years, a lot of those years spent frustrated that COB isn't doing more with what they have, but that is life, things change and you move on.
Thanks for listening.