How long is your hair?

Oct 8, 2005
Mine used to be down almost to my elbows, then I cut it, but now I'm letting it grow again and its almost to my chin. Damn, its gonna take a while to get it back to how it was.

Shoulder length, but had six inches cut off becuase they were all split ends. Look after your hair people or you may end up in a flood of tears when it gets hacked off! lol, joking!
Not the least bit related to Opeth, but my hair is curly so it's a lot longer if I straighten it out. If I straighten my hair is a little past the shoulders.
I had mine to my shoulders, but in order for myself to get a promotion at work, I had to clean cut it just to impress the shit out of my boss. It worked... however, I have short hair now;_;

It grows fast at least.
5 inches below shoulders. More guys shold have long hair for sure, Don't ya agree my fellow lady friends? I'm always trying to convince my boyfriend to grow his out...but to no avail.
About at my shoulders. It's going to get trimmed though. It has to be between certain lengths to look right.
Deoxy said:
5 inches below shoulders. More guys shold have long hair for sure, Don't ya agree my fellow lady friends? I'm always trying to convince my boyfriend to grow his out...but to no avail.
woooo yeah. i'm still growing mine.