How Many Of You Are Buying Their New CD?


Nefarious Angel
Nov 19, 2002
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Iced Earth has a new CD, title set as "The Glorious Burden" set for release sometime this spring. Below is a news excerpt...

"What I've been doing right now is writing for Iced Earth and Demons & Wizards [side project with Blind Guardian's Hansi Kursch] simultaneously," Iced Earth mastermind Jon Schaffer told Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles. "I've got 14 songs at the moment that I'm playing with, that I've already programmed drums for, for the demos, for the guys to listen to. So I'm just building upon all those basic ideas. I guess that's the biggest news, that we're getting prepared for the next record. I would like to be starting the recording in January. We were talking late December/January, [but] that could change. I've still not decided on a record company. We're getting down to the wire here if we do want to record then. The decision is close to being made, but I don't have anything final I can tell you on that yet. I would say that within the next month or so, the deal will be done and then we'll lay out a 'for sure' schedule."

When asked whether he would record Iced Earth first, or Demons & Wizards, Jon answers unequivocally, "Iced Earth. Actually, a bit of both, because Richard Christy will be playing drums on the Demons & Wizards album. So if Hansi and I say, 'OK, these are done arrangements, OK, go ahead,' we'll knock out the drum tracks at the same time, you know what I mean? For some of those songs, not for the entire record. We may end up having Richard record 15, 16 tunes and 11 of them will be Iced Earth or whatever. We'll have to see how the writing goes between now and then."

"The Iced Earth album is going to be called 'The Glorious Burden'," explained Jon. "That will be the title of it. It's not going to be a concept album. It's going to be a lot of songs not really related to each other. But it's going to be a lot of personal stuff, a lot of heavy stuff, emotion, with a lot of depth. I think it's going to be the kind of Iced Earth album that will have the staying power of 'Stormrider' or 'Something Wicked' did, one of the ones that ends up being a fan favorite. That's always my goal, but I can kind of tell that, by the time 'Horror Show' was finished, that… it's a good record and I'm certainly not disappointed, but it doesn't have the personal attachment that a lot of stuff on 'Wicked' or 'Stormrider' does. Those are albums that stayed in the reader's charts for a couple years, dominating in the big magazines and stuff in Europe. That wasn't the case with 'Horror Show' and I knew it. I knew it was going to be that way. And I think it has something to do with the theme, you know what I mean? That's one of the things that makes Iced Earth fans I think pretty rabid, is that there's usually something lyrically that they can personally connect with. And obviously, the lyrical and musical connection all become one thing. When the fans can actually feel personal emotion, it makes it different. And that's what I think is missing in 'Horror Show', and that's what we're going for on this album. And with a lot of the stuff that has happened in the world lately, that's affected us. So there's going to be more of our patriotism certainly showing through on these tunes. I would say it's going to be a roller coaster of emotion, in that sense like 'Something Wicked' is, where you have a wide range of emotions from really heavy raging stuff to downright sad, depressing you'll have all that. But I would say that the extremes are going to be even more. I mean, the stuff that's really heavy is really ****ing heavy, really intense. And the stuff that is a little more ballad-oriented or personal, the touching stuff, is really going to hit home with a lot of people. I'm excited about it."

Iced Earth is one of my favorite bands ever. They have always had a dynamic style, ranging from slower, emotional songs, power metal songs and some thrash. Although they are always switching around bands members they tend to keep their excellent sound. Their drumming is very good, always feels like it has beats in the places you would put them. Good example of this is the Stormrider CD. For their third release, not including their demo, they had a new member; a singer by the name of Matt Barlow. He's got an excellent voice, more dynamic than Schaffer or Greely's. Good examples of their new singers talent can be found in the songs Melancholy, Off Something Wicked This Way Comes and Dracula, off of Horror Show and available for download here. This band has always had a good blend of accoustic guitar and the classic metal guitar. Schaffer, their founder, usually writes all of the lyrics and music, thinking up guitar parts, programming drum beats and fitting in his excellent lyrics.I have respect for Schaffer and his dedication to his music. Each CD always has had a story behind it, usually a distinct sound is present from their last album while still retaining their style. Burnt Offerings concludes with an epic 15 minute song through the 7 plains of Hell. The Night of The Stormrider "traces the path of a man who is betrayed by religion and turns away from it in anger. The dark forces of nature reach out to this enraged man and use him as their vessel to bring death and destruction to Earth. Through it all, he feels no remorse for his deeds, and upon reaching the end, numbly accepts his fate of eternity in Hell." Horror Show is a compilation of many horror figures such as Jack The Ripper, The Mummy, Phantom of The Opera and Frankenstein. Often times, such as their CD Something Wicked This Way Comes, you can tell through the lyrics, voices and music that it all was written with intent, thought and emotion.

Below are some examples of their lyrics...


Walking in the subway
Alone late at night
New York City gangs
Everywhere in sight
Your fell their anger upon you
You feel their hateful eyes
Walk a little faster now
You're fighting for your life
As they walk on closer
Their eyes burn down your back
You feel a thousand cries
Not prepared for their attack
A mission bell sent sign
A sign that you board soon
You've come this far, no turning back
We hope you make it too
Don't expect, sympathy
We don't know, the word
Your walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die
Your life is wasted
Your blood is tasted
As it drips down the blade
You didn't make it
You couldn't take it
You walked the subway you paid
Your money's gone
Your clothes they're torn
You're lying in a pool of blood
You know you're leaving
We watch you grieving
But in this place you die
Don't expect sympathy
We don't know the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die

[Angels Holocaust/Stormrider]

As I walk through the blackened forest
Thoughts of hate and anger fill my soul
The charred remains of the holy rollers
Scream repentance though it's far too late

I fight back the laughter at what I see
The suffering healers false destined prophecy

He didn't think yesterday of the end of his life
The brainwashed fools born again of a thousand lies

Hate filled screams break the silence
Terrifying dreams filling up your head
Blasphemy thrusting out, in the masses it reigns
The mask of hypocrisy is slowly unveiled

Fear the angels holocaust, they're screaming
Dreams of pain forever entering your head
Death and hatred loathing, on mankind it feeds
Earth is dead and gone now, we've brought it to an end

For the last time I've been betrayed
Never again will I subject myself to this hypocrisy
Something is drawing me to the other side
Only time will tell my true destiny

As I travel through the astral plains
I see the break ahead
As though the sky has burst in flames
Before the storm I dread
Lightning breaks across the sky
Blackish blue at night
Riders ride on dismal clouds
I scream at heavens light

Storming demons travel through the night
The time is almost here
I lay in a jacket of steel
My scream no one hears

I can feel the storm approaching
The pain is its' reality
The death I breathe is in the air
I feel no more, no longer care

The trumpets sound as I break free
This vision I see just can't be me
What is this that I have done
Why am I the chosen one

Fight on, grab on

Now the rider rides through the night
The time is almost here
As I lay wrapped in steel
My scream no one hears

Help me, through this hell inside
My life's my own, it's my pride
Carry on my solid dream
Save me from this horrid scream

Fight on, grab on

[Dante's Inferno]

Through the fiery caverns we sail
Virgil at my side my guide and master
Questing through the nine plains of hell
Infernal wisdom shall fill my soul
Slowly now the days departing
The darkened air releases me
Frightening visions of my journey
Entrance me to limbo I'm not

Abandon all hope who enter here
Enter the gates, Charon awaits

Abandon all hope who enter here
For this is where all things are left behind
Every doubt and every cowardice must die
Souls of rage and anger whipping in despair

The souls that wail on this plain pray for death
Denial is the reason for their suffering
Forever being stung by wasps and demons breath
The blood and tears that fall serve the maggots need

Descention, thrusting to the second plain
Minos judges as his tail twines
Lustful thoughts and greed whip these wretched souls
A hurricane of hate mocks their helpless pleas

Drifting now down deeper, into eternal flames
Awake at the third circle, the cold and filthy rain
Punished for their gluttony, languid for all time
The earth it stinks of corpses, damned for all time
The vicious beast Cerebus, three heads, blooded eyes
Tears his talons through the air, all the skinners cry

Down, be still thy cursed wolf
The master scorns its name
Dive to the next plain
The sullen and the vain
Suffer for greed
The prodigal they bleed
For all eternity
Plutus holds the key

Damned, the wrathful and the vain
Suffer the fifth plain
Cross the river Styx
Heed your crucifix
The mudded corpses cry
Howling to the sky
Reach the other side
Open wide the gate

Enter the sixth circle of barren land and flames
Passing through the gate of dis the furies scream her name
Belching forth in agony invoking her to rise
The spirit's rage consuming us the evil in their cries
Queen of vipers, queen of serpents
Cast their souls to stone
Spread to wealth of Gorgon's power
Medusa's inner soul

We're drawing ever closer to the seventh hell
They violate their neighbors, their god and themselves
We're sailing slowly through the boiling river of blood
Immersed in the depths below souls scream in agony
The twisted beast he laughs, he draws his arrow back
His sights on anyone exposing of their flesh
He impales their hearts with ease
And shrugs their piercing screams
Pity is they'll never die
They'll suffer here eternally

Imagine a place where every horror comes to life
Where every torture is real and time stands still
Eight fiery steps and we're closer to the end

In a cold and timeless grave buried head first in ****
Praying all the while for a quick & painless death
Scratching furiously at scabbed and oozing wounds

Lucifer ... angel of light
Cast below god of ice
Ruling hell unholy trinity
The traitors freeze for all eternity
Lucifer ... betrayer of god
Tormentor ruthless and cold
Judas' screaming here in agony
The traitors freeze for all eternity

Their music is always dark, complex and good. Stormrider, my favorite CD by them, is a good example of their layering technique barrowed from other artists. One basic chorus riff will play while a high pitched solo goes into work, coupled by the driving double bass canons. Elements such as piano (Big pianoa solo in the Something Wicked CD) and choirs, (Damien and Angels Holocaust are good examples of this) and while some things they do have been done before, they pull it off with such style and such a good mix of different elements that I cannot see how someone with a liking for this type of music could fail to appreciate Iced Earth.

If anyone is interested int his band after hearing their MP3's, Days of Purgatory would be a good CD to get if you do not want to wait for The Glorious Burden. It is a compilation of many of their older songs, mostly thrash.
Originally posted by Immortality
Iced Earth, for the most part, are boring generic shit.

Eh, I'll agree they aren't the most unique sounding but I thinkt hey are far from generic, especially vocally, not to mention their accoustic parts. As for boring, I don't understand that, they aren't boring at all to me. Oh well, if you can, download the Night of The Stormrider CD and tell me if you like anything from it.
Originally posted by Draxx
Eh, I'll agree they aren't the most unique sounding but I thinkt hey are far from generic, especially vocally, not to mention their accoustic parts. As for boring, I don't understand that, they aren't boring at all to me. Oh well, if you can, download the Night of The Stormrider CD and tell me if you like anything from it.
I'll admit, Matt Barlow has got a fine fucking voice, but Jon's riffs are the same galloping triplets in just about every song. Burnt Offerings is the only IE album that I have liked.
it is amusing sometimes when someone comes on here throughing tons of info on a band as if no one has ever heard of this band. I could see if it was a new band but Iced earth has been around for a while and most people know them and have decided if they like or hate them.
I, myself, am an Iced earth fan but am holding my breath about seeing them live as Jon has said that he might consider touring with a nu rock style band if it means getting played in front of more kids.
Well, I'm not gonna get it! I downloaded a song a guy here said was the best he'd ever heard, but it was pretty horrible! It sounded way too crappy 80's and operatic in a corny way.