How to get used to Black Metal?

Avenged Grace

New Metal Member
Sep 8, 2013
Hi, I'm not too new to these forums, I mainly lurk around from time to time.(little back story before real question) Lately I have been trying to venture off into other metal genres. Death Metal a year ago was noise pollution to my ears, now I think it's really good, still getting used to it though. I found Opeth about the beginning of this year (one of my favorite bands now) and ever since then I have become more open to other bands. To get an idea what kind of listener I am, my favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold (probably always will be since I have been for almost 10 years) I am well aware most of you probably despise that band, but I just want to let you know what I usually listen to.

So..the real question. Lately I have been listening to, or trying to listen to black metal. Mainly the bands Darkthrone and Windir. It's extremely different from bands I am used to listening to. Usually I'm listening to bands with high quality sound, and maybe a cool music video thrown in there too. It's really different and dark. The atmosphere it creates is pretty great too.

Unfortunately, maybe I'm not being as opened minded as I want. I showed my friend (Asking Alexandria fan lol) and thinks it's trash. It's normally not something I listen to, or my family would even consider listening to, which is fine. But, I'm being too immature about this. I like it, I know I do because I keep going back to it.

This might be the stupidest question/thread today, but I am being completely honest. How can I get into it more? How can I get past the huge stereotype people put on this kind of music? I don't believe in those stereotypes at all, but obviously deep down I'm not allowing myself to like something I actually enjoy.

A Blaze In The Northern Sky by Darkthrone is pretty great.

Windir- 1184 is incredible. I think that's Black Metal..

Anyways, any comments and criticism is appreciated! Thank you for reading! Or skimming....

EDIT: So far I'm really liking Immortal. I'll give Wolves in the Throne room a try afterwards. But, really liking that Immortal album!
---So far I really like all the suggestions. Dark Funeral may be my favorite so far.
EDIT 2: Thank you everyone for the great responses, even the sarcastic ones (kind of funny haha).
I'm liking it a lot so far.
I'm not sure if you are having trouble with black metal yourself or are simply afraid of how your peers judge you because of it. Thankfully, the solution to both problems is to simply surround yourself with people that think black metal actually is worthwhile (lol it's not btw).
Step by step. Windir is a good accessible BM band. Give Immortal and Wolves in the Throne Room a try. These two are pretty easy to digest IMO.

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Draw pentagrams, inverted crosses, and other occult symbols about your house and places you visit.
Wear leather and spikes (also corpse paint your face so you aren't mistaken for a village people impersonator or rob halford)
Replace all instances of the letter u with v.
Pvrchase extensive collection of cassettes.
Stab your ex friend that was trying to kill you in the head.
Make necklaces from any deceased friend's bones.

like all other genres, a lot of it is great and a lot of it is trash. its all opinion, but i cant really stand a lot of the lower quality stuff myself. i find a lot of black metal bands to be humorous when they are not supposed to be. but a lot of it is great! anyways heres some black metal bands you might enjoy

and some black thrash just because
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If you care about what an Asking Alexandria fan tells you about music you listen to then black metal is not for you and you can fvck off. You're a K I K E you can't LIstne to BR UZUM!!!111
Sleep during the day, and stay up all night. Never turn on lights, as the only light in the room should be the computer screen. Don't talk to people. Cut yourself while you masturbate, and use the blood as lube.
Not sure how old you are, but I assume you are young. I would advise you to like what you like and just don't worry about trying to convince anyone else to like it. Most people do not like metal, much less black and death metal. But I would also advise to not let any kind of music define your life. Don't let it dictate your friends or your beliefs.
Unfortunately, maybe I'm not being as opened minded as I want. I showed my friend (Asking Alexandria fan lol) and thinks it's trash. It's normally not something I listen to, or my family would even consider listening to, which is fine. But, I'm being too immature about this. I like it, I know I do because I keep going back to it.

I don't see why that matters at all. They just have a different aesthetic than you. Don't worry about it.

This might be the stupidest question/thread today, but I am being completely honest. How can I get into it more? How can I get past the huge stereotype people put on this kind of music? I don't believe in those stereotypes at all, but obviously deep down I'm not allowing myself to like something I actually enjoy.

Read/ watch interviews from when 2nd wave black metal was happening and get a sense of what the genre is all about ideologically and aesthetically. It will probably help you appreciate what the bands are trying to achieve.

Some documentary suggestions would be Until the Light Takes Us (Darkthrone, Burzum), One Man Metal (Xasthur, Leviathan and someone else I can't remember), and True Norwegian Black Metal (Gaahl from Gorgoroth). I actually think the last one is best. To me Gaahl captures the essence of black metal in that documentary- the only thing is the guys in that are interviewing him are fucking retarded. It's almost like some dark comedy with the joke being on the directors.
Repeat the music until you like it
Do like me. Bedtime, go to bed put your headphones on and repeat any Black Metal album ("accidentally") fall asleep with the album still going. Wake up the day after and for some strange reason you'll probably love that album or the whole genre if you're lucky. Have no freaking idea how that works but it does at least for me o_O
If Opeth was your "gateway" into death metal, you may want to try Enslaved, Vreid, and Borknagar. Enslaved (later material anyway) is progressive black metal that's more accessible than most. I highly recommend the albums Isa and Ruun. Vreid was started by the surviving members of Windir after Valfar died, and is sort of a proggy black 'n roll style. Borknagar is another band that combines black metal with progressive influences and clear production. None of these bands are purely black metal, and they won't appeal to a lot of the "kvlt" guys on here, but they are very good bands and they may help you to appreciate the black metal aesthetic.

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