I hate grunge.

...yeah yeah, you like hair metal...we all like hair metal...we get it. Tell me -why isn’t Steel Panther packing stadiums? Makes sense you had to start a ‘I hate grunge’ thread to lure people into your makeup metal memoirs...if you could only get a working version of Uncle Rico’s time machine you’d be set!!DAE6B5DA-E97C-4AC3-A47A-EC6960575073.jpeg
My favorite Metallica song. The day the world ends I will be listening to this song while enjoying beer. James Hetfield: The Lion King of Metal.

One of the best live performances in the history of music, without a doubt Metallica brought an almost unparalleled energy onstage. They were absolutely insane during the 80s. Even Lars was badass in the 80s!! If Lars told the camera to point to the crowd in this day in age, all the people would be still like corpses with their fucking phones out not enjoying the show the way they should. I find funny how they "have" to watch the show thru their phones... the fucking show they are in, for fuck sake, enjoy the damn thing, it's even more stupid when the band states that they are releasing it on video, or just by looking at pro cameras around. And EVERY single moron is filming, all the way to the end. Why? There's like a hundred people filming besides you, there will be videos on youtube by tomorrow in better quality and probably from a better standing point too. It's even worse when they use some shitty camera that cant take the sound and they end up with useless footage. It's like just enjoy the fucking show for yourself in the moment. Sometimes mental pictures and memories are the best.
Motley Crue are so underrated. The first two albums and Dr Feelgood are classics.Theatre Of Pain and Girls, Girls, Girls have some very good songs as well. Special mention to the John Corabi era Motley Crue album, that is a gem but for me not really a 'crue' album. If I were to pick one thing about Motley that's underrated is Sixx's songwriting. There is a great pop element in the early stuff (i.e. hooks and melodies), but it still feels "dangerous." The first 2 records are just brimming with energy, great tunes, hooks, and arrangements. I think the reason so many non hair metal fans hate bands such as Motley Crue, Bon Jovi and Def Leppard is because they were such phenoms and have enjoyed HUGE success. They (non hair metal fans) didin't like the music to begin with, and then had to watch the aforemetioned bands sell 10 million albums (or more) each, and get non-stop play for a full decade on most radio stations and MTV. I'm sure it was frustrating.

Personally, I cannot stand Grunge and my life music life was hell for about 3 or 4 years in the early to mid 90's when that stuff was all over the place. 1993 through 1996 seemed like a three-year funeral to me. In my opinion, the beginings of the so-called "hair-metal" revolution began in 1981(ish) when Ozzy and Randy released those two perfect albums. "Kickstart My Heart" is a great single. The Crue are rock legends! Motley Crue had the songs, the image and the attitude, and certainly deserve consideration as a great hard rock band. Things like massive popularity and substantial extra-curricular activities work against them when being viewed by critics. I enjoy their comically off-base covers... "Anarchy," "Street Fighting Man," "White Punks on Dope" and "Helter Skelter."
The Crue definitely have the rights to the 80s rock throne, or at least share it. There were few bands as big or bigger than them at the time. Maybe Ozzy and both Van Halen lineups. Some people like Dee Snider talk about Twisted Sister like they were KI$$ and simply owned the 80s. After their two big hits on MTV, the band put out two more records that they were so embarassed by, there are no tracks from them on their greatest hits record. This is a band that had a grand total of 5 records and broke up by like 1987! Personally, bands like Hanoi Rocks and the New York Dolls influenced the genre almost on image alone. I have tried countless times to listen to Hanoi Rocks and just don't like them. Their bad production could be part of it. Gotta love the NY Dolls, but after seeing the Bob Gruen DVD, I've learned that they were a pretty horrible band live and for any older folks out there that crap on Crue and Poison and other bands that were inspired by the Dolls simply because they don't like the music or the image, at least the bands from the 80s could actually play.

People rip on Mick Mars, but I must say out of the entire 80s genre, he's one of the few players that had his own sound and style. While everyone else is trying to do third generation Eddie Van Halen warmed over (which I am not knocking), he really had his own thing going on likely because he was much older than most of them and had different influences. Saying he is bad is like saying the Ramones were bad because they weren't great musicians. I will give them credit for getting back with Vince in 1997 and making a big enough splash that people cared enough that they could do a decent arena tour. They were even one of the first bands that would post photos on their website from the concert that evening. This was in 1997 when most bands probably barely had websites and digital cameras were not easy to come by. Definitely ahead of their time in that regard.

One other interesting thing about them is that they are probably one of the few bands EVER that the drummer and bass player are the focal points. Unfortunately, mostly for extra curricular activities not involving music, but in most bands, there are people don't even know the rhythm section's names.
Blind Revolution Mad is legit great

Winger made 3 albums for Atlantic and have a best of comp through Rhino/Atlantic. I feel bad for Kip. Their 3rd album came out during the grunge era and MTV was actually playing the first single from it and sales were OK but then Beavis & Butthead came along and helped kill the album for them by having their nerd friend in a Winger shirt and making fun of their videos. Winger was all studio musicians that producer Beau Hill used to use as ringers when actual bands couldn't or wouldn't play. Love these guys and never understood the bashing they received back in the day. It was Beavis and Butthead that created the big hate for them. Never understood why people made fun of them so much. Kip and Reb are extremely talented. I saw them live back in the day--it was amazing to me that Kip could actually play and sing...I mean, play like THAT and sing like THAT. Shame Winger became the epitome of everything wrong with hair metal because of Metallica and beavis and butthead. They are all really very talented. The whole Beavis/Butthead thing or war with words with Metallica I could care less about but it made Winger a joke with most rock fans I know. Ya know, Winger catches a lot of heat and are the butt of a lot of jokes but one thing is for sure, Reb Beach can play. What do you think?
Blind Revolution Mad is legit great

Most underrated hard rock band ever. Kip, Reb and Rod were all killer musicians. They are a criminally under appreciated band . Musically I think they were among the most talented. Seventeen was a piece of shit though. I think they would have been much more popular without that track in their arsenal.

I remember Pull getting huge reviews and many rated it among the best releases of the year. Much different sound without the keyboards. Lyrics were awesome. They really were a great group of musicians. Anyone remember when Kip Winger and Lars Ulrich had their feud when Kip said that their music was so more technical that Metallica wouldn't be able to play it and challenged him to a jam off? All bullshit aside, 1992 I would show up to school wearing a Metallica or Megadeth shirt one day and a Winger or Warrant shirt the next. Didn't give a fuck. I've never understood why so many hate this band, there were many bands much worse than Winger; Reb Beach is an amazing guitarist and Kip Winger delivered good vocal performances.

"Pull" and "IV" are great albums. Kip's voice is natural and a great mix of 80s metal style, a slight rasp, and it's sultry as well in the "Headed For A Heartbreak" single, something only a handful of 80s glam metal bands had.

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...I can’t think of a worse mid-life crisis...
Grunge bands destroyed rock and metal, opened the gates for stupid people with no talent to pretend to make rock music. This is not what rock deserved to become, they have no technique, no talent, no guitar solos, no knowledges in making good sounds, their "alternative" music is the reason why nowadays we dont have good music, they destroyed all. Look what we have now. Rock is DEAD. There are no bands like in the 80s, there are no talented people in this style of music anymore. Stage is full of what you name nowadays "metal" and "rock". Back then this music had a soul, technique, you should have been really talented to get famous. There was a respect for this kind of music. But these fuckers closed the gates for real talents and opened them for dumbs and another pieces of shit. Heavy Metal and rock in the 80s had a soul, there was a balance in melody\drive, there were much more harmony, which your boys from grunge bands didn't have enough brains to understand, they just simply call it "glam". The fact that glam bands used to dress up like women and have stupid haircuts does not mean glam was worse or something like that. Those guys were much more talented, they knew their instruments better, they loved to make really good music, not just for people with no brain, no musical taste and soul. Thanks to Nirvana for Biebers, Kardashians and other pieces of shit. Good job grunge. It's all about what resulted from killing mainstream of the 80s. How ironic, they claimed to be the so-called "saviors" of rock music when actually they are the reason why we have all these whiny emo, screamo, & metalcore bands today.
They make it seem like once Nirvana's Nevermind was released it literally shattered the glam/sunset strip sound which is complete bullshit. Guns N Roses' Use your illusions were released around the same time as nevermind and they shitted on Nirvana. It wasn't until early in 1993 when it Grunge started to outrun the Glam L.A sound. Def Leppard released Adrenalize in 1992 that was arguably selling more than nirvana.

Grunge bands destroyed rock and metal, opened the gates for stupid people with no talent to pretend to make rock music. This is not what rock deserved to become, they have no technique, no talent, no guitar solos, no knowledges in making good sounds, their "alternative" music is the reason why nowadays we dont have good music, they destroyed all. Look what we have now. Rock is DEAD. There are no bands like in the 80s, there are no talented people in this style of music anymore. Stage is full of what you name nowadays "metal" and "rock". Back then this music had a soul, technique, you should have been really talented to get famous. There was a respect for this kind of music. But these fuckers closed the gates for real talents and opened them for dumbs and another pieces of shit. Heavy Metal and rock in the 80s had a soul, there was a balance in melody\drive, there were much more harmony, which your boys from grunge bands didn't have enough brains to understand, they just simply call it "glam". The fact that glam bands used to dress up like women and have stupid haircuts does not mean glam was worse or something like that. Those guys were much more talented, they knew their instruments better, they loved to make really good music, not just for people with no brain, no musical taste and soul. Thanks to Nirvana for Biebers, Kardashians and other pieces of shit. Good job grunge. It's all about what resulted from killing mainstream of the 80s. How ironic, they claimed to be the so-called "saviors" of rock music when actually they are the reason why we have all these whiny emo, screamo, & metalcore bands today.
They make it seem like once Nirvana's Nevermind was released it literally shattered the glam/sunset strip sound which is complete bullshit. Guns N Roses' Use your illusions were released around the same time as nevermind and they shitted on Nirvana. It wasn't until early in 1993 when it Grunge started to outrun the Glam L.A sound. Def Leppard released Adrenalize in 1992 that was arguably selling more than nirvana.

Nevermind sold more than Adrenalize in the early 1990s. That includes prior to Cobain's death, or even before 1992 was over. Please do even a tiny bit of research before posting your outlandish claims.
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Modern example of why hair metal is dead: Steel Panther is the last you pathetic types have anymore...much like most flammery of the late 80’s early 90’s -they’re complete low IQ idiots, their fans are low IQ idiots, they’re songwriting sucks...bad!...they look absolutely stupid, they treat women like shit...poor “chicks” are too drunk/drugged out/stupid to realize it or are of such low moral fiber they don’t care...classy!!...I don’t care about Satchels’ licks and leads...Imagine if Misha, Ola, and Petrucci acted like you...?...hair metal is dead because people like YOU ruined it for everyone else...even Kiss took the makeup off...(wait...they DIDN’T!!)...it’s called “growing up”
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