I hate grunge.

Gene Simmons: quite possibly the least musical talent AND biggest piece of shit in the entire music industry...you’re really showing me...
I hate mtv, if it wasn't for def leppard, warrant, bon jovi, ratt, quiet riot, white snake, ozzy, kiss, and even Micheal Jackson mtv would have never made it, so what does mtv do to all those bands, they shit on all of them, mtv sucks What bothers me about a channel like MTV is that when something is popular they regard it as being 'good,' but then they'll marginalize that same stuff they made a fortune off of when its no longer considered cool. Hypocrisy and unfairness in the mainstream media bothers me more than the music I don't like. I think a lot of us rockers and metal heads would be far more tolerant of mainstream music if the rock and metal were at least being given fair treatment. Instead...they've basically pretend like our music doesn't exist and make it difficult for it to be heard.
Since when have metalheads wanted to be mainstream alongside pop music??...again, “hair” metal is the only demographic of metal that cares about mainstream notoriety because ...it IS POP MUSIC!!
I like Grunge more than this thread

Even Dave Grohl the drummer of Nirvana dumped grunge the second he could. The guy's an established rocker now. The thing about Hair Metal enduring is that it sounds good. Grunge music does not.
Hair metal still sounds good, and that hasn't changed, nor will it. I'm not interested in listening to some boring downtempo guitar and and a guy complaining about his life. Crying about how depressed they are?
Has anyone forgotten that AIC actually began as a heavy metal band? They switched to grunge via request of Columbia/Sony Music. Fyi, current AIC bassist Mike Inez played for Ozzy before joining his current band.
Nirvana's music is so negative and so deep down depressing that it's not even possible to enjoy. Gave them a try I don't know how many times but couldn't. Their music is just plain awful. Ditto with Bush - not to mention the fact that singer Gavin Rossdale (who had a fan tossed out of a Bush show in Toronto a couple decades ago - for wearing a Rush, not Bush, tee) is a huge douchebag. I can understand if some people don't like this kind of music but I think it is kind of bullshit when people choose to hate this form of music just because of the way the bands dressed. If you hate a form of music simply because of the way the bands looked you are obviously not comfortable with your own sexuality. The Glam metal scene was more manly than any other form of metal. They partied, played music about good times, and they fucked shit tons of hot chicks, and did plenty of drugs. What is more manly than that? Alice in Chains were a glam band they just changed their image once their comrades in Seattle we're getting noticed. Vince Neil said it best. Not other people's fault you can't score women or have a good time. What are you mad at living in the suburbs? Your parents grounding you because you wouldn't take out the trash? People in the slums who are products of their environment and have no control of institutional racism, redlining, and neglect, laugh at you guys. Try being depressed when there's no jobs in the community, no education, run down houses, rows of brick project buildings, flooding of crack/heroin, prostitution, blackouts, and being ecstatic to receive free lunches at the local YMCA. You understand where I'm getting at? That's what Hip Hop was born off. REAL struggle and people never made any whiney/emo music. Metal would still be popular today. But the industry wanted the talentless Grunge bands to make some money. So they Pushed the urban white kid into thinking it was cool music. Man were they misled.
the best music comes from pain and depression tbh

almost no good music comes from having a good time (pop music aside)
The Glam metal scene was more manly than any other form of metal. They partied, played music about good times, and they fucked shit tons of hot chicks, and did plenty of drugs. What is more manly than that?

certainly not bitching about how some people just dont 'get' music like you do
hair metal still sounds good to you, but not Grunge?

what the fuck is wrong with you?
I was 17 year old in 1992 grunge broke big and can remember listening to it on the radio and seeing the videos on mtv and thinking "why do so many of these people only want to talk about being depressed and hating life?", then I remember the day kurt cobain committed suicide and the massive overreaction it got as if it was somehow this unexpected event despite the fact he'd tried to off himself two or three times in the previous year or so (all of which had been widely reported on) yet my peers all expected me to care as if it mattered to me in the slightest regardless of the fact I hated his music and didn't care for the grunge fad at alll. All those queer "alternative / Grunge Bands" also copied each other & a lot of my friends were even selling out to them. Im like WOW you guys were putting down Poison & Slaughter & THEN talk highly of Nirvana & Pearl Jam!? WTF? That's how I felt about the 90's. Just a bunch of bands cloning each other and a majority having boring, annoying whiny vocalists. Glam metal bands still had plenty of fans, but the industry embraced the whole alternative/grunge scene at that time, and milked that dry too. What annoys me is how people don't take 80s Heavy Metal seriously because of how the bands looked. If you go back and look, there was some KILLER hard rock/metal that came out in the early to mid 90's that largely went unnoticed. Skid Row's "Slave to The Grind" was amazing! The Coverdale/Page album, I still play to this day! Brother Kane put out some amazing stuff! Badlands was great! Even Poison put out a criminally underrated album in "Native Tongue." Warrant was doing great stuff. Winger was great! I could go on and on. The 90's" bands didn't last that long. After 1995 "grunge" died faster than hair metal. Think about it. During grunge Aerosmith, Def Leppard,The Scorpions, Bon Jovi just name a few had massive hits and sold a ton of records.
I hate mtv, if it wasn't for def leppard, warrant, bon jovi, ratt, quiet riot, white snake, ozzy, kiss, and even Micheal Jackson mtv would have never made it, so what does mtv do to all those bands, they shit on all of them, mtv sucks What bothers me about a channel like MTV is that when something is popular they regard it as being 'good,' but then they'll marginalize that same stuff they made a fortune off of when its no longer considered cool. Hypocrisy and unfairness in the mainstream media bothers me more than the music I don't like. I think a lot of us rockers and metal heads would be far more tolerant of mainstream music if the rock and metal were at least being given fair treatment. Instead...they've basically pretend like our music doesn't exist and make it difficult for it to be heard.

Yeah, we owe every bit of our modern existence to MTV.

I'm thinking of going the @CASSETTEISGOD route and resigning from here. There is really no point in bitching about music like this...
Even Dave Grohl the drummer of Nirvana dumped grunge the second he could. The guy's an established rocker now.
The Foo Fighters are the epitome of bland, pedestrian, radio-friendly rock. Is that supposed to further your argument somehow?

I was 17 year old in 1992 grunge broke big and can remember listening to it on the radio and seeing the videos on mtv and thinking "why do so many of these people only want to talk about being depressed and hating life?"
I was 17 in 1991 and I remember seeing the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit for the first time and thinking ‘holy shit, these guys are onto something and this is going to be fucking massive’. At the time I was listening to thrash & death metal pretty much exclusively and I fucking hated glam/hair metal so I was overjoyed that a new legit wave of music that had actual substance and artistic merit would end up being the death knell for the hairspray and makeup wearing poser crowd.