"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Originally posted by rahvin
@thanatos: if you ever come to torino please introduce me to them, since i'd really like a place to stay on my own. :p

Everybody at Torino wants me to stay at their houses as I'd free them from that hideous red poisonous ants plague ;)
@Terria: Welcome back. Post here more if you can. :)

@VC: You came back... Welcome back here (We missed you). Good luck on your move, and I hope you find happiness.

As for me, I am not planning on moving anywhere else for many reasons... :cry: ... oh well... I may someday get married (not anytime soon, as I am still very single) and move to a foreign country... :D

If anyone wants to visit or move here I will be happy to show you around. Sorry, I can't offer any accommodations. Trust me, you would not want to live at my place... :lol:

Edited: for bad spelling.
i plan to travel almost anywhere, so it's really chupi to know all you ppl from around the world since i'm going to visit you all sooner or later. :)
let's see... the states, canada and mexico are covered. here in europe so far i've got spain, greece, germany and all of scandinavia.
oh, and there's malaysia, too. :) :)

rahvin. (packing his bags and backing his packs)
Er... did I mention that there are spanish frontiers to prohibit the entrance to the mexican ppl? It was about 10 years ago, when a Peponaki came back to Spain from Mexico. Since then, no more mexicans are accepted here. :D

(joke) And... oooohhhh! Finally Rahvin admited that he wanna know me. I knew his heart was mine. :cool: :lol: (/joke)

I've got an hotel here in Barcelona: the FatherVic's house. I'm sure he'll provide the necessary accomodations to the males, I'll do it with girls. (Er... I closed the "joking" tags, didn't I?)

@|ngenius: of course i wanna know you, i told you before you'd be my soulmate if you were a girl: now i'm curious as to exactly how much nature went wrong. ;)
and, well, it's doing it for girls, for the sake of decency, not with, tags or no tags :p

Decency? What a curious word... Anyway, can't I do whatever with anybody else? You, intimacy violator...

And you're quite right, nature went so wrong making plans to destroy the whole world. So, the evil Dr. Teddy Bear created me from a... a... pokemon toy... (what?!)... to annoy you.

|ngenius (don't try to be a bad child, italiancito, you know nature can't go wrong, even with you!)

|ngenius bis (who loves the paranoia)
that's why I want to move to Sweden, nobody wants me there....there's where the challenge is :p what the point going somewhere they already want you :loco:
as for coming to Barcelona, well I think I could offer an accidential acomodation for one or two nights if some Itlian/Greek/Mexican/German/Swede/Finn/Canadian/Watheverian needed too
Originally posted by FatherVic
that's why I want to move to Sweden, nobody wants me there....there's where the challenge is :p what the point going somewhere they already want you :loco:

:lol: that's the spirit FatherVic
Originally posted by FatherVic
if some Itlian/Greek/Mexican/German/Swede/Finn/Canadian/Watheverian needed too

speaking on the part of the whateverian embassy, i wish to thank you for accepting to your cares 50 orphaned children from the holy institution of st.bubu. :)

Yay!!! People are actually considering visiting me (who lives on the edges of civilization) and have offered me a place to stay. :D Sweet!

Hmm... speaking of Sweden. Where is phyre? He hasn't been here in quite a while...

As I´ve allready said... Make sure I know if ye are coming to Gothenburg...:D And well, since I looked at the world map and the weather yesterday...: Barca, here I come! :D

-phyros ( needs money and time... )
We could make plans to visit Phyros and stalk DT members altogether ;) and he has enough computers so everybody can post at the forums at the same time.

Thanatos' house is also available for a few days for anybody that'd like to visit, except whateverian hordes.

The guest room is available :)


P.S. @rahvin: you can sleep in the drawer ;)