"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

@phyre: so there you are, going all cool and happy to an extremely chupi fair while your hard drive crashes crying "phyre, my master, where are you now in my hour of need?"
*sniff* insensitive bastard! *sniff*

@rahvin: not everyone's hard drive is listening to power metal, you know, although i guess you got that from "hard" drive. :lol:

hyena (i love my computer)
Originally posted by phyre
Hi. I have returned from an absence of four or five days, due to a *drumroll* hard drive crash. Never, EVER buy an IBM Deskstar (now nicknamed "Deathstar" by the thousands of people who have had one fail on them) 40, 60 or 75GXP. They WILL fail eventually.

Welcome back. Hehe, Deathstar. :D
i am wondering if i really have to switch some directions. time will tell.

hyena (the bu at the end of the bubu is nothing but the bubu alarm)
Originally posted by red_beef
Can anybody tell me what happen to Misanthrope? I haven't see him on the board for a long time and I miss him... :cry:

you sure he's not posting on the opeth board? have you checked his profile for his last post? are you by chance an emissary of a dark power from the outer space bent on torching this planet?
*reads back*
sorry, wrong thread. :p

Opss sorry, I haven't been that active at Opeth board... :p Silly me.... :) Yeah his still around, just his not active in DT board...
Originally posted by rahvin

are you by chance an emissary of a dark power from the outer space bent on torching this planet?

if you keep on going on like this i will be forced to report you to OSA and tell them you're having an affair with Xenu :lol:

Originally posted by hyena

if you keep on going on like this i will be forced to report you to OSA and tell them you're having an affair with Xenu :lol:

actually, xenu is one of my 13 future lovers, and one of those i will fall in love with. now i just wonder: will i cheat on him too? is it going to be with someone from another galaxy?

rahvin. (for all those not getting the joke or not getting any, check www.xenu.net . you still wont' be getting any, but at least you'll have someone to blame)
Hello my fellow posters! :)
I've returned from a loooooong absence (don't tell me you didn't notice :D )
i was out in my dreamworld stealing people's coke and caramels :rolleyes: being back home is not always cool :cry:

week 20-week31
np, really :)

Siren (don't worry, as a troll you are you'll steal food, sirens don't steal :cry: )