"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Welcome back rei :)

I know too many threads are a shock...
When i came back from my absence, i did it a bit unwillingly, so i never actually checked the new threads or posted here.... :rolleyes:

Siren (in a posting frenzy today)
tnx everyone, you're so nice :oops:

@hook: :rolleyes:

@mousewings, siren: tnx for your warm welcome back, dears :)

@|ngenius, fathervic, melancholia: ok, you've made me hungry :lol: i can't cook for you now, tho: i'm leaving again for the w-end but i'll be back tomorrow night, i guess. so get ready and write down your food wish list while i'm gone :lol: :p

take care
@Rei: You know the food was only an excuse, make me yours! I'm an easy man. :loco:

@FatherVic: Tigres, leones, todos quieren ser los campeones!. (Torrebruno quote, it was italian, wasn't it?) :loco: :loco:

|ngenius (Reaching high mountains of stupidity)
Originally posted by Thanatos
welcome back moueswings :p
Trippy! :p

I've been gone for the long period of several hours! :D

Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Me say meep!
...meep :p


Meep is a wonderful word, and so are eek! and trippy!
my damn current isp suck... it will be weeks before i could move to a new stable isp... so there will be no post for me till then...

- red_beef (can't even stay connected for 5 minutes...)