"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

i think it's because the only topic here for the day was naked mens and naughty women, which is a bit pointless for our pure and innocent Astarte :)

and if it is that, she is not totally wrong :)
me?????????? i think it was rahvin and your robotic friend....hmm and you mentioned sth about hookers hmmm :rolleyes:

~Mel~ ( high high high and shutting her mouth.... ;) )
you ? i have never talked about you ?

EDIT ... hmm i hadn't seen the Melon's post :(
since we post at almost the same time and our posts are not on the same page
perhaps this forum is reaching its paranoic overload............at any rate, that is what makes this forum so very very special! The more hooker/naked women and blackjack conversations we get, the more money fathervic makes off of his attempt at a phone scam in ireland..........

Final_Vision: Very tired......
Originally posted by aegis
i think it's because the only topic here for the day was naked mens and naughty women, which is a bit pointless for our pure and innocent Astarte :)
:lol: how should i take that? i hope it isn't sarcasm :confused:

hrm.. Final_Vision is somewhat right, it's getting too paranoid and hard to follow... maybe it's 'cause i'm not really fond of extended chitchat ( hard to believe :rolleyes: )
anyways, that's just me, go on ;)
There is a considerable difference between our serious threads and our paranoic threads. So, if this kind of thread bothers you, try first joining on threads like the "dreaming" one.

|ngenius (Falling higher and without the purpose of shut nothing. That game is funny, can I join too, my "walking in a pink cloud" friends?)
yeah, but astarte's got a point: serious threads are decreasing in number. although it's ok by me to post thousands of stupid messages just because i like you people and i like chatting and besides it's free, that doesn't mean this is the only way it should be.
first of all, due to the lack of news about the band we mostly dropped talking about it at all. unless someone is willing to start again about lyrics, facts concerning the songs and such, and others like to follow with a passion, nothing much is going to happen until we hear some snippet from the new album.
second, any thread with some sense finds itself turned into a small-talk thread in about one night, which maybe shows how intimate we're all getting here but it certainly doesn't help consistency.
i think it's ok to devote some threads to any idle chatter that may come to mind, but possibly we ought to try and make some effort to restrain their number. so that people with different needs and tastes don't get lost in the hurly-burly.

Totally agree with Rahvin - let's try to keep the chatter in a few threads suitable for that and hold a couple of threads for "serious" talk only.

Thank you.

Agree too. My old and beloved thread 'bout dreams is dying by starvation, nobody post there, nobody express their ideas about the current subject or whatever they wish to say in a more serious way. I love the paranoic threads, but I actually miss the serious threads too. (I'm not talking about these fuckin' polls that easily turns on totally out of subject thread 'bout naked seals. I assume my part of responsiblity on that, I won't do it (much) more).

So, stop fooling around!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Villain: Don't request for serious threads, just provide them! ;)
Yeap, I agree too (how original..)

I promise less (in number) and more serious posts from my part.
I dont think we should limit paranoic threads but rather limit chit chat, although some times its hard to help it.........but if you want a serious thread post one, thats bout all you can do :)
not that I like too....but agree since I guess is the more polite thing to do. I love chitchatting when it's late and I've finished reading/posting but still I haven't finished with what is keeping me so late...then I post masively in one or two threads. I understand that's not healthy to the forum...but I'll try too to keep it down :cry:
as for intelligent/serious/longlasting/user_friendly threads...I'm not your man. I'm not the one who one day will find in the People magazine or in Time (at least not while living)...so I encourage everybody to start one, and I'll follow (as I've always done!)

fathervic (with his grain of sand)
:cry: i feel very sorry for the countless stupid posts i have done these last days :( and even ashamed because it was me talking shit about the Opeth forum getting boring...but hmmm at least we don't have dick threads here and actually now that i think of it the situation is not that awful...actually is not awful at all...

i agree with our round melon..i also love chatting a bit when it's late at night...(you know i have this wonderful habit of sitting up ;) )..but i know that it;s not polite for the others,so i will keep my mouth shut as much as i can do....

and yup,i can't come up with any lovely topic :( so feel free to come up with something cool and i will follow...

as for the chitchat,maybe you could create a hmm "chatting thread" like the one metalfather Metalman had created on the nevermore forum?? but hmm the first time i saw that particular thread i thought it is quite stupid....
and maybe it would go super super fast and get tiring or sth...
now you're making me sound like a stuck-up b/witch!! :p
i only meant to say that it's getting a little confusing and that all the threads now seems to be about the same (or maybe i'm just confused :confused: ) though it's tradition that after a couple of post every thread changes its course...

it's not that it bothers me, but i feel like some people have stopped posting :confused:

btw, i think that threads just for chitchat won't work 'cause this forum is known (not really :p ) for the spontaneous paranoia.. forced conversation won't work.. that's why i said "carry on", but i think nobody read that :mad: ;)

Astarte ~confused 'cause it's the first time somebody actually paid attention to her nonesense :lol: ~
honestly and seriously, IMHO I like the forum the way it is, its a very nice break from the flamers at the In Flames board (no pun intended ;) ). I look forward to the idle chit chat and paranoia that I expect after I come home from school hehe. This forum isnt THAT hard to follow........maybe a tad but not insanely hard......

Final_Vision: Hoping the forum doesnt go all serious :(
wonderful new avatar astarte :)

~Mel~ (dreamy.....wondering if she has really posted less tonight as she has promised....she doesn't really know...she loves this place anyway :D )
Originally posted by VultureCulture
yeeeehaaaaaw. i'm back (after uhmm 3 days or so)! and i made it through my final exam! you may now call me VultureCulture the "Fachinformatiker in der Fachrichtung Anwendungsentwicklung"! now i will have to work instead of chat&post, but i hope i can get here often enough to follow the discussions... a good feeling to have lifted this whole exam burden off your shoulders, i can tell you...

Hell yeah!!! :)