"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Who's jumping from a bridge? Hey, hey, just join on my thread about dreams, it's our freudian doctor's office (you know, the divan and you telling us things 'bout your childhood)

|ngenius (subliminal advertising for all ages)
well actualy when I was a child there was this rabbit...ehmmmm
I'm really getting lost in threads....

btw: sirends can get a cold???? would there be any sense in a runny nose underwater????? so just logics say a: it's not possible b: it's possible c: well that means it IS really runny d: a and b are correct and c is bullshit

fathervic (always taking option f)
so no naked women..........thankfully no naked men.......and much to FV's dissaproval, no naked seals.................what the fuck kinda party is this?
My idea of a decent party goes far beyond of what this board can take, your eyes can see and my hands can type :p :p :p
Originally posted by Siren
My idea of a decent party goes far beyond of what this board can take, your eyes can see and my hands can type :p :p :p

Are you talking about a HUGE orgy Siren???
It depends on your definition of HUGE ;)

Siren (sounding more dirty than she really means to)
no! I guess it's all this filthy party you and siren just began *cough cough* :p ;)

fathervic (higher than the moon, hotter than the sun, and trying to shut his mouth)