"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

where is this to be held? Also, can I bring party favors? like those things you blow in and they go "WAZZZZZZOOO". I think we should also not allow naked men at the party, nor naked robots. But I guess we must compromise......so no naked women either. How about naked rabbits?
Yeeeep. yeeeeeeeeeeeep! Take that chupi philosophy of the hippy generation: "Make sex, make sex, make sex, war isn't chachi, make sex, make sex..."

Ooooook, Rahve, if you don't want a party with naked robots and nice naked sirens, that's fine, we won't. I'll cook the cake, Siren could buy the balloons...

@FV: Naked Navy Seals members?

|ngenius (who knows that if his mind is thinking 'bout sex all the time, he's showing one of his lacks! "Dime de qué presumes, y te diré de qué careces")
@everybody: tnx for all those welcome-backs folks, this is getting better than the last three or four parties i've been to, and i'm still sober. :D

@|ngenius: i feel no urge to see naked robots, but if i did i'd choose a public, non-ambiguous place for the performance. ;) and i feel no urge to see nice naked siren(s) either, but if i did i'd definitely not choose a public place or a party, at least out of respect. :)

@siren: naked men are a thing of the past. today there's society. preferrably, naked society. ;)

@|ngenius: Only if I get to burst (?) the balloons!!! Can I? Can I??? 8)

@rahvin: naked ..men ....are ........a ...........thing .............of .....................
the .....................................the .......................................................................................past? :cry:
Why didn't nobody inform me? WHY? :cry: :cry:

@rahvin,|ng: *phew* Thanks guys, I feel much more comfortable with my clothes on. Besides I wouldn't want to catch a cold :)

Edit: aesthetical improvement
@siren: yeah, sure they are a thing of the past. i thought you knew, what with not seeing any naked men hanging around in bars or crossing the street. the process might be reversed only through the awkward and dangerous act called undressing. sources report that this happens mostly at night, in dark places, where next to no one is around. other sources say it's a myth. yet other sources say that it's happening even now, but where you can't see. ;)

@|ngenius: do you really think she would have catched a cold? :rolleyes:

@alfred: harmony in indifference. :)

@Alfred: Uhm, I just fixed my hair.... :p

@rahvin: /me puts Sherlock Holmes' hat on and grabs that magnifying lens.
I will solve the mystery rahve, don't worry :)

Siren (globally known for her curiosity)
Originally posted by Siren
@rahvin: /me puts Sherlock Holmes' hat on and grabs that magnifying lens.
I will solve the mystery rahve, don't worry :)

some of those surreptitiously naked men may find your remark about a magnifying lens a tad offensive. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin

some of those surreptitiously naked men may find your remark about a magnifying lens a tad offensive. ;)


:eek: Oops! :eek: No offence meant (apologies to all surreptitiously naked men) ;)
I had seen that coming but then I said "naaaaaaaaaah" :)

Siren (wondering what Sherlock Holmes might actually be looking for with that lens......... :rolleyes: :p)
Originally posted by Melancholia
hehe i am surrounded by weirdos :D

~Mel~(glad to see mousewings..it's always soothing to know there are still some sane people around ;) )

Thanks... although I am not sane; I am actually quite insane. It is only that I have not have adequate time to post a lot yet. Everyone may soon see how imbalanced I am.

I may also not post that much since I am over at the bridge (another board) too much. I have to stop doing that...
@siren: if you see something coming and think that it's too dumb to be brought up, then you can rest assured that i'm gonna say it. ;)

@mousewings: you mean you're insane at the bridge and a sane person here? is it schizophrenia or a variation on the troll theme (you know... troll... bridges...)? :)
