"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Haha, I thought that was great ..the first time I heard that song.
A deep death-metal voice growling "Do you folks like Coffeeee?"

Yeah, and way to spell Colombia, you bum!

Yeyo? Me? ..You know me, officer, I ain't got nothin'.
Or what, you' gonna pull me over and give me and my homies a DWH?
So what do you do as a cop, patrol the highways, watch over bums in jail, watch the entrance of a courthouse, eat donuts nonstop? :p
Thanny: I have a couple problems with your post. A: the Illinois State Polic patrol the highways, B: you dont have to watch bums that closely, but sometimes they do shit and piss themselves for no reason, C: the closest courthouse is in the next town, D: There arent any doughnut shops open when I work :p.

Mags: There are alot of hispanics around my area, so I cant pull over everyone ;).
He walks around the streets being all angry and menacing. Rumour has it that crime in the Chicago area has dropped 99%.
So I should post here?

As far as I know, my return could hardly be seen as a source of rejoice or celebration for this forum.

For those who want to know why I disappeared for over a year, I say: There's probably no one who actually wants to know, so I won't say.

However I will say that throughout this year, I've finally manage to get some level of balance within my life. It helps.

Haha, you guys are stuck with me again.
Well, yes, people, I'm... sort of back from a long absence, although I haven't actually left but rather stopped posting regularly. I've wandering the place for 6 years now, not as actively as the first year, but dropping by every once in a while. Now there's something new to share with you, guys, so here I am and here's the bomb: I'm pregnant.

Uhhh... errr... well, I'm not pregnant, not even physically allowed to, but I always wanted to know how it feels to say it out loud. :p Not so exciting when you don't have a crowd looking forward to hear your revelations. Anyway, crap aside, I leave some news about my life, surely something you're eager to know. :rolleyes:

I'm living in Belgium, for the next 6 months, and I speak french now, being this my fourth tongue (I use the other three to lick... uhmmm... I'm revealing way too much, here). The goal is to master the language, but I also achieved to get a grant to work here within an european program (for handicapable robots) which allows people to get abroad and profit from a cultural immersion.

I live with my gf, she's belge, same girl I talked about last time I dropped some lines about me, about a year ago. We've gone through a lot together, it's not been easy for me to manage to keep the relationship alive due to certain circumstances on her behalf (nothing extraordinary, just some fixing in order to let our individuality adjust to our live as a couple).

To be honest, I'm still unsure about the relationship. At first I was scared, she loves me like no one did, and I feared not loving her as much as she does. She lives her life in a simple way, not questioning things, not reckoning about them like I do, so I feared in the end not having the intelligent and mature response I seek from her, this still haunts me.

But having pondered over the matter, I reckon there's no answer to this kind of issue, I've decided to follow what feels right for me, having no intention of hurting or being hurt, still knowing this could happen both ways. I feel that I want to be with her, I know it might end at some point in a near future, but I'll follow that road anyway. I guess that often you're meant to play the game even when there's no certainty over the table.

Now that I think about it, I believe that most of people throw themselves into any kind of stuff without actually reckoning about it, and they do this all the time, so... let's say that what I said before is not deep philosophy after all. :P

So, well, here I am, among francophones, forging ahead the best I can. I always loved this board and their regulars, and love seeing some of the old fellow forumers around.

End of chapter 342.


P.S: Hey, Siren, I laughed a lot with the joke about the three kids in a playground. Good to see you around!! :)
Welcome back to Rampy and our robotic genius.

@ng: From what you have written I would say stay with her. :)
@Rampy: Welcome back!

@|ng: It's so good to see you back. :) I hope you will stay this time. :) I'm also very glad you're still with that girl. You should listen to your instinct and go with it, if it tells you to stay with her, then do it. :) The remarks i have to make on what you wrote are these:
a) there never is any real certainty in these things. even when you think there is.
b) sometimes it's better if there isn't the kind of certainty you think there should be, because you know you could lose it anytime and strive harder to keep it going and you make sure to enjoy every moment you have together. usually things start going to hell when certainty settles in.

So sit back, relax your busy mind and enjoy every happy moment you get. :)
@robot: Hey, nice to see you around! That bit about your relationship reminded me of Hopscotch (Rayuela) from Julio Cortazár, where Oliveira, the main character says similar things about La Maga, his lost lover. He also describes her as simple etc., but also says that no matter how much he tries with all his intellectual power to achieve a certain metaphysical state, La Maga does and achieves it by a simple gesture or a smile, without even realising it. Simple way and not questioning things doesnt mean not understanding them. I used to think the same about my wife, but then I realised how wrong I was. Its always the actions, not the thinking, that matters, at least in my experience. To give you an example: I wanted to buy a Xmas present for my sister last Xmas. I was thinking hard, but I couldnt come up with anything really worth it. So I came home with empty hands, and there was my wife with sparks in her eyes showing me a beautiful mirror in the shape of a sun, saying "I saw this and I thought I had to buy it for Lucy" (my sister). I just stood there, my mouth agape, speechless. It was exactly the thing that would make my sister happy. And she did it just like that, not really pondering it. So, you know what Im trying to say here. Stick to whatever floats your boat, but dont think simplicity means lack of intelligence. :)
@|ng: welcome back.

@marduk: while of course everyone is entitled to liking whoever they want for whatever reason, i am a bit worried by your words insofar as they might indicate generally shared cultural elements. while i am sure it does not apply in the specific case of your wife and you, it's almost always a woman who ends up being value for her intuition, feeling, simplicity etc as opposed to argumentative ability, and in my eyes this carries an ugly discriminatory slant. it's the same concept behind naming traditions, at least in my country: we have women's names that mean "peace", "joy", "happiness", "grace", "serenity", or refer to pretty flowers or stones. on the other hand, men are named for wisdom, courage, closeness to god, and moral strength, as if these were exclusively male qualities: guys have to get things done, be these things practical, spiritual, intellectual, political. women have to provide the respite from fatigue and the entertainment, based on their left brain intuitive skills, that allow to find the perfect present at a glance, choose the correct colors for an outfit, and the right bouquet of flowers to reside on the kitchen table. i find this entirely abhorrent, not because i don't like these things (on the contrary, i long for a man who is able to match a shirt and a tie without needing advice), but because the categorization of them as female skills still implies the idea that women are there to choose the painting for the walls on the basis of feelings, while guys go about serious things that require thinking.
hyena: Well, welcome to the world. It's the way it's been for thousands of years, and unfortunately the way it still is, more so in some parts of the world than others.
This is only one example of a great deal of things and ways of thinking from which humanity has been detaching away, only way too slowly in my opinion.
If what you mention is the case with marduk and his wife, he would be no more guilty of his social tendency than anyone who picks out a toy car gift for a boy and a doll for a girl, because that's the way the culture has taught him or her that things are.

Welcome back aboard RampageSword and |ng. It's good to hear life's treating you in a better, more stable way, and given you an opportunity to gain rewarding experiences abroad respectively.
@marduk: while of course everyone is entitled to liking whoever they want for whatever reason, i am a bit worried by your words insofar as they might indicate generally shared cultural elements. while i am sure it does not apply in the specific case of your wife and you, it's almost always a woman who ends up being value for her intuition, feeling, simplicity etc as opposed to argumentative ability, and in my eyes this carries an ugly discriminatory slant. it's the same concept behind naming traditions, at least in my country: we have women's names that mean "peace", "joy", "happiness", "grace", "serenity", or refer to pretty flowers or stones. on the other hand, men are named for wisdom, courage, closeness to god, and moral strength, as if these were exclusively male qualities: guys have to get things done, be these things practical, spiritual, intellectual, political. women have to provide the respite from fatigue and the entertainment, based on their left brain intuitive skills, that allow to find the perfect present at a glance, choose the correct colors for an outfit, and the right bouquet of flowers to reside on the kitchen table. i find this entirely abhorrent, not because i don't like these things (on the contrary, i long for a man who is able to match a shirt and a tie without needing advice), but because the categorization of them as female skills still implies the idea that women are there to choose the painting for the walls on the basis of feelings, while guys go about serious things that require thinking.

I didnt and dont really want to start anything here, but I have to say I so expected this kind of answer from you. Guess I was totally right.

@Mag.: You have NO idea.
@Siren: It sounds very deep, what you said. Well, I guess I had it figured out the way you depicted, so let's see how it actually turns out. However, it is in my nature to struggle and strive to make things better, you don't really fathom how strong this is for me. Unfortunately, success doesn't go in the same proportion, my experience can tell. Thanks for your words of advice!! ;)

@Marduk: At first it took me some seconds to actually understand your reference was to literature and not to some soap opera from Venezuela, so I thought you were cracking an odd joke.

I took your message as intended, and that's exactly what I struggle to do: find out if there's some capability of understanding things, I wouldn't wish anyone this burden of pondering about things way far from its simple meaning, that would be a healthier way to look at things for me, and there's no sarcasm in my words. In my case, sometimes I doubt she gets me at all, and I don't think it's that hard, but well, she's so warm-hearted and I feel her love so strong, that I will give more than a shot for it. :)

@Hyena: Hoooray!!! Uhmm, I know you're pretty much capable of detailed analysis, but this time I don't get your point. It's clear that male and female intelligence are different from each other, so is our cultural education and inffluence. Both elements make pretty heterogenic individuals when it comes to developing abilities. Now, that shouldn't be something bad, girls are girls, boys are boys, and that's good. I love having a penis and I won't apologize for it.

To make it understandable, if I'm a boy and I know a lot about cars' engines, I wouldn't spit at you if you ask for some help fixing your car. If I come up with "hey, you're sexist, you ask for my help because I'm a boy, uh?", that would be totally dumb. And if you choose the colors of the walls better than me, go ahead, I won't feel underrated by my gender.

Same thing applies for names and any other cultural inheritance, if women are (on average) more sensitive than men, well, let it be. (We are closer to God, so we don't care! :heh:)

Think this isn't deep philosophy either, pretty evident, or I'm missing something in your lines.
