"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Uhhhh...what wa the original topic of the forum ???

It was a good idea Final Vision, the problem is that I don´t think there are many old members coming back this days...:rolleyes:

As for Mr. "Fachinformatiker in der Fachrichtung nwendungsentwicklung" Congratulations !!!!
Originally posted by aegis
and the longest french word is anticonstitutionnellement
only 25 letters ...

I guess the longest spanish world would be that same one "anticonstitucionalismo"
its ok thanatos, I was the one who changed the topic anyway, but it does provide a place for the old people to place bets on the races.........or say hi.

@phyros hot and sweet mustard sounds fucking good, when I come over your gonna have to buy me a jar :lol:
Oh!!!!! I gotta try some of that too!!!!!!!!!!

@vulture: really???? a coktail called "sex on the beach"??? how do you ask for that if the barman is in fact a barwoman? "hey honey, I want sex on the beach"???? and even worse, how do you ask for it if the barman is a dude with a big moustage dressed in leather and with a leather cap and the music in the pub is "It's Raining Man"???? I guess the best way then is to ask for a coke! ;)

fathervic (made out of plastic)
Oh! just remembered this is the Welcome Back Home thread, so I use it to say....

Oh, Phyros, you aren't telling lies if you say "I need an orgasm", are you? :D

|ngenius (who knows Rahvin knew how to stop and replay the paranoic threads. This seems a non-stop paranoiaaaaaaaaa! When I'll travel to italy, I'll visit his library, it could be so interesting. But speaking in catalan!!)
Me thinks Rhapsody should do a cover of "Its Raining Men"........

at any rate welcome to all the old people, bets can be placed 2 doors and past the 3rd hallway!
Hi guys,
I am back after a short absence, to be honest.
I am under northern skies- cloudy, mostly.
I am here again, hope to be back at work, here:)
Jum... Rahvin and atlantis disappeared at the same time... welcome back, @tlantis.

|ngenius Holmes (is his beloved italian wife making a chupi jump over him?)
Rahve is still alive, I just heard from him few minutes ago... he will be back, sooner or later....
Pray for him, he maybe needs all your love to come back again;).......

Welcome back to terrymx, inflamer, and atlantis...

Hmm... where is rahvin anyways? He was cool... he actually supported my idea of marrying a band member. :D