"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

You know, newcomers to the board are gonna start thinking I'm a homosexual sluttish type if I keep going on like this...sigh...to think, I am a moralistic, upbeat heterosexual with no luck with women :D
Just go back to calling me Colonel Draghaxadaxaxaxaxagh the grim and tr00 and necro black metal viking warlord guy.
Hmm... the newbies may think I'm an annoying, crude psychopath whose main purpose of visiting is to hit on fellow board members.

It isn't totally true though. I'm really very shy when meeting people, especially cute guys. If I ever met any of the guys here in person, I'd probably be stuttering and very nervous, not even making eye contact... Probably no one believes me, so I'll let everyone decide for themselves. :p

I do sometimes have luck with guys, but it usually runs out...
Originally posted by mousewings
Hmm... the newbies may think I'm an annoying, crude psychopath whose main purpose of visiting is to hit on fellow board members.

Yeah, and also the old members are not sure about that. :p

Originally posted by mousewings
I'm really very shy when meeting people, especially cute guys.

You, over-obssessed robo... girl. :D

Originally posted by mousewings
If I ever met any of the guys here in person, I'd probably be stuttering and very nervous, not even making eye contact...

Oh that is an extended and generalized reaction in my case. I guess that the box I have in my metallic body might be a probable cause to explain the extreme surprise they show...

|ngenius (Kidding...)
Originally posted by mousewings
I'm really very shy when meeting people, especially cute guys. If I ever met any of the guys here in person, I'd probably be stuttering and very nervous, not even making eye contact...

you're not the only one! "shy" is the word to describe myself, and so with new people i tend to become completely silent (not that i talk much usually) i'm nervous for the meeting tomorrow! ;)

Well, it may seem out of nowhere, out of the blue, out of context and/or out of significance, but hey,I'm bored to death at the hostel where I work at, so here goes :

thanks for the WBs you crazy bunch (though I didn't even post anything else after my posts :rolleyes: )...

- Hi there Mel, how's it going ? When are the next snowstorms scheduled in Greece ?

- Yup ~Zeanra, I remember you, the Lacrimosa fan :) As dull as it may sound, I haven't checked any Lacrimosa stuff you suggested back then :cry:

- Hi there rahvin, still haven't changed your avatar, good, good choice... It seems your status on this forum have more than augmented ; cheers to you, and long live the italian maestro of this domain ! (erm, this french-canadian definitely deserves some rest...)

- I should be able to haunt these forums again soon ; the chances of having internet access at home are finally waxing, thank gods. Thus meaning the avatar will be back ; I can't stand being a mere name without a face in this wilderness of pixels.

- Haven't checked DD yet ; as surprising as it is, the HMV up here doesn't have it (maybe all the albums were sold out, one can wish). People are all hyped about it here, seems like a good album to check out, isn't it.

Will be back for more sooner or later.
Until then take good care, Ô Tranquil striders
hello blue moon, nice of you to drop by. :) i won't change my avatar because i'm getting more and more into this band - especially after seeing them live a couple of times in the summer. ;)

take care you too.

Originally posted by Hiljainen
:err: yesterday evening i saw all names and thread names underlined....was it real or did i dream it??

didn't happen to me, and that's pretty strange since almost any conceivable distortion of images on my pc occurs daily (thanks to my computer being a tangled mess and myself being too lazy to fix it). if you can dream it in your worst nightmare, i can show it to you!, that's my comp's motto. ;)

But aren't names and threads underlined already? or is there a secret i don't see? :p
Originally posted by Blue Moon
\- Hi there Mel, how's it going ? When are the next snowstorms scheduled in Greece ?
Blue Moon!!!!!!! hello :) nice to see you again......
no snow yet....and anyway it will be a miracle if we have snow again in my shitty town :cry:
at least tonight it was cold :)
how is it there??

and now that i saw you it came to me that i haven't listened to "the sacrilege of fatal arms" for a long time....i'll do sth about it tomorrow .....

chupi :)