"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

hello salamy... you're quite the restless guy, are you? i would never switch jobs or (god forbid) move back north at the moment. have fun and let us know something.

yes, good luck with new mates, old mates, new jobs, old towns, and any scrabble you may play along your life!

fathervic (may scrabble be with you)
Guess whos back, back again BLAM BLAM *kills the radio*

Yep, I am here, but unfortunately can only log in from work atm, so I might not be writing much, tho I will be logged in all day, so just as usual ;)

I have no idea how long it will take for me to get my own connection, maybe a month, depends on that piece of shit phone company Telia ;)
Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!
*little party for Salamy*
Originally posted by rahvin
oh, salmy, our only guidance and light!

Damn, you have really sunk that low?

do you plan to take care of the picture page and avatar hosting again? :D :p

Yep, as soon as I can order my internet, cos I won't have time to do it at work, I actually have to work here *sigh*

Unfortunately it seems Telia is going ever higher on my list of hated companies, they have a online service for getting a phone line, which is 300SEK cheaper than ordering it in the store, the prolbem is, it doesn't fucking work.
I know you wonder why I need a phone line anyway, since ADSL technology doesn't require it, well this is the reason I hate Telia, they have a monopoly here and own all the phone lines, so even tho I am getting my ADSL from Bostream, I am still required to buy Telias phone line.
Well, at least I don't need their shitty ADSL connection, their online services give me enough reason not to.
All in all I can sum this up in one work FUCKERS!

happy you're back :hotjump:


Man, you really need help if you happy that I am back :D
it's "nihil novi sub sole" in the original version but i guess yours works too.

ah, and welcome back :D

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I know you wonder why I need a phone line anyway, since ADSL technology doesn't require it

i beg your pardon, you possibly mistook me for someone with a vague knowledge of communications besides the eclectic and esthetically appeasing world of literature and rethorics. ;)

Originally posted by hyena
it's "nihil novi sub sole" in the original version but i guess yours works too.

Depends on what you concider original, mine is a quote from the latin bible, so I can't really say which was first, maybe I should add quote marks to mine to make if more clear :)
Originally posted by Sunjammer
@Salamurhaaja: Welcome back, man. Had a nice time away from the board?

Quite boring actually, but I am not totally back yet, as I can't write that much right now, only having a connection at work, but my own connection is on it's way.