"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Hey! :wave: Ive not been here much while I was in Helsinki and havent had internet from the 8th till... 4 hours ago or so, so Im glad to be back :)
Yes, I know, few of you know me, I know few of you and maybe wont really be part of this board for quite a while but I like it here so I wont go :p
hi people out there
dont know if someone remebers me,solefald, some years ago I was more often present in this board or UM generally than the last 2 ones...
by the way, I quit the army some months ago where I was since 2003 and found a new job and a new home in southern germany
As I have now internet all the time I hope to be more active ( and another good reason is Character approaching...)
nice to be back in the DT-Forum
welcome back everyone.
i remember both your avvy and your nick, solefald. what do i win? :p
Welcome back to MagSec and Kovenant.

Me, I'm leaving tomorrow for London. My parents wanted to go there and asked me to come along as a translator (they do speak and understand English well enough, but being the typical Finns they are afraid to speak foreign languages). The good thing is, they paid my airplane tickets. The bad thing is... well, my parents are both in their mid-fifties and I'm afraid I need to accompany them everywhere they go - and I doubt they will go to any places that I'd find interesting (vacation with my parents, a lifetime in hell, indeed).

Well, it will probably be quite an enjoyable trip nonetheless. I'll be back in early April.

Get them drunk, invite them to a nice metal show, take them for mini-golf, dinner, more booze, and they might even agree to join you for a couple of bungee jumps.
It'll be a blast, forget their age
..don't be a party pooper.

When I'm 50, my son is going to hang out with me and he's going to like it, dammit! :mad: :p
I'm back from a somewhat long absence too. I haven't read the forum yet, but i guess i'll slowly start getting back to the habit.