I heard some Down, finally...

Just because it's not to your liking doesn't mean they are talent free. I know if they sang of satan, scarifice, wore clown make-up and sounded like every other Swedish black metal band they'd be good in your mind right?:lol::lol::lol:

:lol: LMAO, I know a handfull of those types... I don't like Down myself though, at least not on anything I've yet to hear by them.
I don't know about their earlier 2 albums, but their third album is a lot like Audioslave. At least Audioslave's first album.

1. groovey, blues-based heavy rock riffs
2. vague, anthemic lyrics about destruction and redemption
3. hooks made for radio

I absolutely would not call Down a Black Sabbath style band based on their third album.

As for Audioslave being Radioslave... Down is just the same way. Probably trying to capture the same crowd.


You're comparing Down with Audioslave? That's stretching it.

I heard one song from Down's recent album. "Never Try" I think it was. I thought it was OK. Thought about getting the album but forgot about it.

The Ozzman, so you dislike III but do you like their earlier albums?
My only problem with Down (and this goes for their first album as well) is that I just can't get into Phil Anselmo's vocals. I can't even listen to much Pantera because his vocals grate on me so much.