"I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"


Ruler of the Forest
Feb 27, 2004
Sheffield, UK

When I get to the Festival, I want to be able to recognise everyone here, so I know who to buy alcohol for, and expect from! (Yes, I am 15. But nobody really cares!)

So, what sort of obvious sign should we all have? How about glowsticks hanging from our crotches!

What do you mean, you don't want to go around looking at people's crotches? :loco:

So, what should we do?

Edit : Here's a tossingly great idea. Let's all meet up in a pub an hour before!
Well, if anyone wants to see me, on the friday I will be wearing my now holy Blind Guardian Nightfall teeshirt with the big epic battle on the front. I've worn it to the past two.
I will also have a smallish wench on my left arm. I want to find that cask hobgoblin alehouse for definate!
Well i will most likely be wearing army combats and an iced earth top or summit. And i've got short hair so i'll probably stand out :p
Ill be with a funny looking m8 and a smallish gothic lass from hull! (very pretty) :p so hehe.
anyone is welcome to buy me a drink...hehe, it's normally me buying everyones drinks! :loco:
ahhh, think me and my mate'll join u for the hobgoblin pub! i'll have me nightfall shirt on too (skull of a dragon or sumthin on the front) or possibly area54 beckoning of the end one...oh, and we've both got short hair too...long hair would look look daft on me, im too blonde!
Jeez! Way to early to think about what I will be wearing...apart from the fact it'll be black! And it takes Eagle months to decide which of his 50 odd band shirts he is gonna wear! But just to paint the picture..I'm have longish blonde hair (usually with some kind of plaits in it) and Eagle is very tall, quite thick set and has longer hair (kind of reddish/blonde). He also usually has it plaited in some way! I guess we are fairly distinctive! :D
i was going to come in a suit of armour, but i wondered it security might have a problem with it? (well, that and the bloody great broadsword!).

either that or just black, black and black as usual ;)
Ill definately be in the hobgoblin pub with sam (joe), ill be the 'biker sized' (yes im a lardass...) guy with longish dark hair... Ill probably be wearing my stratovarius t-shirt with the elk playing a guitar... but hey, who knows, thatll all change im sure...
I have short hair, and it's blonde! (Tho I might dye it black for the fest)

I'll be wearing my shiny new Nightwish Ocean Soul t-shirt, and I'll be with someone who looks identical to Frodo Baggins.
Dont dye your hair black! blonde hair is epic as hell if you grow it... Full on viking style... although ginger is better for that...
I think that DM and myself may well have to find our way to this hobgoblin pub.

I don't know what t shirt I'll wear yet. I think last year I wore a Gamma Ray Skeletons Long Sleever. However I tend to follow the unwritten Metal Law that you never wear the the same Band T shirt to the gig that the same band is playing - does that make sense?! I'll see what the day brings. Also I do like the sound of Oozily's armour idea so who knows?

It would also be jolly cool if a few us could meet up prior to Bloodstock, at the Bradford WASP gig maybe?
divineslayer666 said:
Ill be with a funny looking m8 and a smallish gothic lass from hull! (very pretty) :p so hehe.
anyone is welcome to buy me a drink...hehe, it's normally me buying everyones drinks! :loco:
You can buy mine then and I'll save my money for the pretty gothic lass :p
I'm pretty sure Jono and I will be attending the WASP gig so I'll probably see people there. Should be fun and it's only a bus ride away :D Your unwritten law makes sense Eagle, but I usually wear the first shirt I can lay my hands on and there's about a 1/7 chance of that being a Sonata shirt this year!
mmmm........ If you all mean the hob goblin pub in Derby, I don t really think its your seen !! If you like RnB, P Diddy, Jay Z, Beyonce, you will like hob goblin alot !!!!