"I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

We've all done things we're ashamed of!

I used to like Bon Jovi in the 80s :erk:

I even bought a girl the 'Born To Be My Baby' single in an attempt to woo her!

I think the biggest fuck up I ever made was when I bought Faith No More's Angel Dust CD thinking it was an Angel Dust album called Faith No More! it was purely my own fault as I didn't even look at the back of the cd or track names. Imagine my dismay when I got home and put the cd on!
Eagle that is absolutely fucking classic for a metal anecdote! Haha...
Plus, ain't nothin' wrong with a bit of B.J.!
Im glad to say i bypassed the nu-metal phase, i went straight from prog rock and classic rock stuff to metal in one fell swoop... and in fact never left the prog and rock roots behind... I still like my rock music but it has to be said that metal is the primary thing these days... My biggest musical mistake was being co-ersed (sp?) into going to a Hundred Reasons gig about three years ago by my then girlfriend... Men ey, we'll do anything for a girl... Ashanmedly that was my first gig aswell... oh the shame! ill never live it down!
If im honest ill say i used to like nu metal..........a looooong time ago and still have a KrAP tikt on me door as well as various others........and i er.....used....er......own a Korn Hoodie and er.........a coal chamber hoodie too and another Korn....um.....shirt.................but but but....er.........well......i was young and silly....then....

:erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk:


Oh god i cant believe i just exposed my salty past......:OMG:
I too used to like nu-metal. I've only been into real metal about three years now. Yes.....it's a little shameful but I've learned a great deal in a short space of time and I've accumulated a huge collection of CD's now. Just ask Stormwarrior how many I buy in an average week!!

I'll certainly but some of you guys a pint......except Stormwarrior as I bought you two last night so I believe it's your round next mate.... :loco: :tickled:
Joe5now said:
Luckily during that time I mostly listened to my dad's classic rock and my mum's bon jovi.

Hell Yeah! Bon Jovi is like the only band I've seen apart from Maiden! :headbang:
To be quite honast I had quite a few shit cd's. Mainly just when I was going through the experimenting stage until I found something I truly liked! I now have all my shit cd's well hidden behind a massive dvd collection. The most shameful cd I still have out in view is probably Machine Head. But they are not nu-metal so it ain't that bad! :p
sorry, but i still like machine head...as far as i'm concerned they're flying the flag that used to belong to Pantera for keeping a small real metal presence in the mainstream...i like to call it gateway metal, it's through bands like machine head and pantera that people get into bloodtstock kinda bands, i reckon...*prepares for flaming* :p
To each their own... Id call 'em Nu but then hey, if you wanna listen to 'em, go ahead, just dot force them down my neck, thats what i say... unless were talking about real crap...
I'd classify Machinehead, Panthera, et al, as New Metal.

I remember some of the press re-defined everything when Nu-Metal came along, as folks got confused between New & Nu.
So Traditional (Sabbath) became Classic, Heavy Metal (Maiden) became Traditional, and New (Panthera) became Heavy Metal.

Middle-era Machinehead went all Nu-Metal. However, I'll still happily listen to Burn My Eyes. :headbang:
Well Pantera have got worse as time has passed but they used to be really good. The newer stuff isn't so good but it's still listenable!
As for albums such as Cowboys from Hell (approx 1990?).....well that is a quality Heavy Metal album, you can't deny that!!!

Machine Head...hmm well I have not listened to it for about 2 years or more at least but I remember it being ok. It was that one with the all red cover...can't even remember the name!
It's not something i'd really listen to now like.

I get bored after so long unless I get my cheesy power metal fix!!

Long live 'Man on a Mission' by Gamma Ray. It's songs like that which keep me interested...especially the middle bit where the singing goes crazy! :headbang: Love it!
MentaLee said:
You like having real crap forced down your neck??
Hmmm... it made sense in my head.. i meant you shouldnt be listening to real crap as opposed to ill let you off for the machine head et.al. stuf...