"I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"


OOOHHH Hand bag !!
Why the anger? just cos a pub is called the hobgoblin it doesnt mean it sells it, if it does you could just say that thats the pub we mean then i shall agree that avoid it we must!
Hmm, I'll most likely be in a Sonata/Bodom/Blind Guardian/Avantasia long sleeve although subject to change....I might be more adventurous and wear my Immortal one.

Look for a slightly obese chap (yes, that's only slightly) with short hair (unfortunately) and a beard.

There's actually a few of us who have arranged to meet in Derby anyway in the afternoon and we'll just do what we did last year....that being sit in a pub. Not sure which one yet.

I'll also see some of you at the W.A.S.P and Power Quest gigs at Rio's....and if the rumours are true....also possibly the Mayhem gig at Rio's depending on how many people like BM here.
I'm up for meeting up with folks, but may have a few of my band in tow.

My avatar pic is a coupple of years old, but you should be able to recognise me.

I will, of corse, be all in black, and wearing either a non-band t-shirt, or my own band's t-shirt (blatant self promotion)
Eagle said:
What's your own band called Slev?
Children Of The Sorrow Killer

Jonoleth said:
Indeed, im always intruiged by new bands. whereabouts do you play?

No where yet. This is my new project, so we're still perfecting out music. I'm hoping that in a few months we can get a slot on 'Black Tuesday' at the Grand Central, Manchester.
NeedledWarheart said:
Scottish guy with shoulder length dreadlocks wearing a Sonata/bodom/Sinergy shirt.

i'll be taking my sonata shirt, maybe 2 if i have the winterhearts tour shirt before then. I might have a bodom shirt by then as well :)

anyone here stayin in or near chambers house?

current pic can be found here
The Old Institute

This is now a Wychwood Hobgoblin outlet serving up to three real ales. My favourite on this occasion was Kelham Island Pride of Sheffield. This is more like a Wetherspoon in design and style on the inside. There are wide access doors which allow for easy access and a ramp for the disabled. Once inside there are a number of different levels. The bar level is on the flat and is on the right and long. While a high bar wheelchair users should be able to be seen. The floor is dark, wooden and bare. There are seats at the far end - mixture of large round tables and comfortable chairs - though some suffer from cigarette burn holes (?) and beer stains (?). The sun enters the pub from this side and is bright and airy, especially through the balcony seating area above where there are stained glass window panes. To the left of the entrance there is a raised area with seating a a large drop down screen for the football all Saturday afternoon (the sound is off, so conversation is possible). Seating is similar here, but as the sun doesn't hit this side of the building it is cold - with the air-conditioning. There is music at certain times - evenings and is loud to suit the student market. Food is served all day and is wholesome and filling - on this occasion we tried the potato skins and beans - too many for one and the vegetarian sausage baguette - filling too. Prices are good, better than the Hogshead, more like Wetherspoon prices. Well worth a daytime stop off if doing the Derby crawl.

Sounds like a good daytime pub... I think we shall have to check it out on the friday afternoon...
Well i've booked the bus!
Do not know what hotel i'm staying at yet....hopefully the same as last year but i'll have to ring up tonight and find out!
Last year was st christophers court or something I think. It's got pool table so we just stayed up all night and messed about in the games room with these other guys. I don't generally go to bed.....theres not much point really! i like to make the most of it! Only have to stay awake from 5am friday morning until 12pm sunday afternoon!