"I know you from the forums! I'll get us a pint!"

Christ, Slev, you look like an older version of someone I know called Nev, wierd!

Pictures of me on the internet? Not a chance!
I might be taking a cd player down and just drink and listen to music in thr games room at the hotel all night! The pool table is free aswel because the glass is missing so you can just take the balls out when you want..hehe.

Anyway I think I will have a better pic by then so i'll probably put that up....but I do not like pics!!! :p
Me and Jonoleth de-negativised your avatar at one point and came to the conclusion you must be a viking, frozen in time.
Yup got my 3 yesturday morning! Seeing them on my desk just makes me want to go to Bloodstock NOW dammit!

Oh aye on that faceparty link I put up there is 2 large pic of my bass amp and bass guitar! Take a look at those beautiful machines....they are just amazing!
Yep got my ticket, just need somewhere to stay and something to do for SIX months. Spose'll just figure out a way to get to lots of luverly metal concerts in london and figure out what gonna wear if u lot already decided.
Joe5now said:
Me and Jonoleth de-negativised your avatar at one point and came to the conclusion you must be a viking, frozen in time.

Actually you're not far wrong there! Mind you does that make me a viking's wench....hope not!! :erk:

Anyways if you want to see a pic of the mighty Eagle and myself ...and you're Rock Soc members....there are a number on the members page of BS!
Hopefully ill be down thurs night to meet andy dream theif for some beers.

Basically you cannot miss me as im about 6'4 in height and have long blonde hair and will be wearing my denim patch which has a big reign in blood patch on the back. Godknows what band shirt ill be wearing as I have hundreds!. ill most likely be wearing leather trousers or black jeans with boots that look similar to new rocks but they aint and they are better :D

A bit too much description but there ya go! :p

If anyone can recognize me ill buy then a pint!
Im the tall tattooed shouty bloke with the blond mohawk and piercings ( but im a pure-bred metal head , and ill fight anyone who says otherwise ) ill be mostly wearing a glearing hard stare or a stupid drunken grin , depending whether im on stage or at the bar.....
Since there's so many of us the pub will probably play whatever music we give them - they know damn well they'll sell more beer that way. Just like last year where the record shop was playing Nightwish. It's good business sense.

Anyway, I'll decide on a shirt nearer the time I guess...
PopcornDave said:
Since there's so many of us the pub will probably play whatever music we give them - they know damn well they'll sell more beer that way. Just like last year where the record shop was playing Nightwish. It's good business sense.

Anyway, I'll decide on a shirt nearer the time I guess...
No matter what pub we meet up in - That pub shall be metalized!